The scene were Sam tells Shelob to "Get your hands of her, B*tch!"...sorry, caught in Alien 2 mode there...."Get your hands of him, Filth!" made me cringe.....
And the rallying cry from Aragon before the Black Gates...straight from the Braveheart school of script writting, but not as well delivered... did it inspire? Well, if I was a soldier of Gondor, I'd still be running away now....
The cgi effect's and cinematoghraphy are the saving point of this film, and you should see it just for those. But (and I don't want to seem like a stuck up snob here) if you've read the book, you have to ask the question...why add things which don't explain or improve the story as interperated by Jackson, when the original is by far superior.
For me, the book TLOTR's isn't about the battles, but about the brotherhood between the main protagonists, captured in the superb dialogue written by a master...that's what makes the book so enduring. These sentiments will never age and will be appreciated centuries from now. Take away the dialogue between these people, and you remove the heart and sole of TLOTR. Jacksons dialogue is so poor and obvious it's sad.
An opportunity missed to make the greatest book to many into the greatest films yet.
I'm so dissapointed:down:
I rate it about 7.75 out of 10