The official (make fun of) Inter thread (13 Viewers)

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Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
atm the most serious penalty they could get is a fine.So its some loose change under the couch for Moratti.

But mybe they dig in deeper and found something else.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
i sure hope so, imagine if they find out more crap and inter gets demoted that will be the greatest thing to ever happen. can wait to see what those interesta guys have to say about inter being clean and legal. i bet they will blame it on us again just like very thing that happens to them


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003

that would be the scandal of the scandals. anyway, they'll find out more since there's more than 400 names in the list.(de santis, vieri...)


Mercato Tourist
Aug 1, 2002
Sadomin said:
Has played all their games this season, and became a father this weekend. Rested for Bayern game.
Capello is a mother??? wow thats great news, ok i searched online and found the first pictures of their baby. they're gonna be soooo happy, they have chosen Emerson and Panucci to be the Godparents. A happy day for the Cappehimovich's.


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
Stripper said:
Capello is a mother??? wow thats great news, ok i searched online and found the first pictures of their baby. they're gonna be soooo happy, they have chosen Emerson and Panucci to be the Godparents. A happy day for the Cappehimovich's.



Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
what a great thread and what a great scandal came up!!!!
now i want fifa to take OUR scudetto from inter,and give it back to us :D

inter,wake will NEVER win anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha!!! great thread guys! :tup:


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Ezio Greggio, the Italian actor who is a Juve fan since ages was asked in an interview with Corriere dello sport who to expect to win the scudetto...

He answered:

"Milan has a strong squad, Roma has the nice playing, the heart and a big coach like Spalletti, Palermo has the enthusiasm*."

Then he was asked "What about Inter??"

He answered: "Inter, even if they are alone in the scudetto race, they will surely come second"...:D


New Member
Jul 21, 2006
ReBeL said:
Ezio Greggio, the Italian actor who is a Juve fan since ages was asked in an interview with Corriere dello sport who to expect to win the scudetto...

He answered:

"Milan has a strong squad, Roma has the nice playing, the heart and a big coach like Spalletti, Palermo has the enthusiasm*."

Then he was asked "What about Inter??"

He answered: "Inter, even if they are alone in the scudetto race, they will surely come second"...:D
lol :D :D


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
The complaint relates to the 2002/03 season when former Inter vice-president, the late Giacinto Facchetti, held a conversation with referee Danilo Nucini.

Bergamo-based referee Nucini told Facchetti he feared De Santis had an extraordinary relationship with the then Juventus general manager Luciano Moggi and other Juventus directors.

Facchetti passed on Nucini's remarks to Inter owner Moratti, who hired a team of investigators - 'Polis d'Istinto' - to record De Santis' telephone conversations, to follow and film him and his wife and take secret photographs.

After a state investigation was last week opened up into the illegal monitoring of telephone calls by the Italian Telecom, details of Moratti's private investigation were revealed.

The Inter owner faces the prospect of a suspension for breaking the game's code of conduct relating to fairness and honesty.



His wife too??

I think that's a proof that this club wants to have transaprency and honesty even in the bedrooms...


Moggi santo..subito
Sep 12, 2006
Is it me or is this typical Inter? Are they the only club in the world who could be GIVEN a scudetto, only to be found corrupt themselves, thus losing it again? Even when they haven't earned it, & they are given it a season late, they STILL find a way to blow it.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

He who laughs last & all that....................


Junior Member
Mar 8, 2004
I think this is one of the funniest images of an interista ever, it was taken on May 5, 2002...

Man, I'll never forget this day... :D


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
mark77 said:

that would be the scandal of the scandals. anyway, they'll find out more since there's more than 400 names in the list.(de santis, vieri...)
They actually risk a deduction in points, but I can't see anything happening to them. They did something that is persecuted penally (and it's not the first time), but they're not Juve.

Anyway, look what I found on the j1897:
"In un'intervista che verrà pubblicata a giorni (anteprima di un amico giornalista svizzero) Martins conferma che 1 mese prima della fine dello scorso campionato Mancini disse ai giocatori che l'Inter avrebbe vinto lo scudetto.
Alla domanda di alcuni: ma come siamo troppo indietro, Mancini rispose: le vie del signore sono infinite.
Martins molto contrariato per la cessione in Inghilterra ha fatto capire che dirà altre cose scottanti sull'Inter.
Inoltre ha detto che sarà disposto a confermare davanti a un eventuale giudice le sue dichiarazioni e non ha paura di niente."

Now, I don't know if it's true, but read this:

In an interview, that is to be published soon, Martins says how a month before the end of the 2005-06 championship, Mancini told him and the rest of the team that they would have won the scudetto. When the players objected that they were too far behind, he answered "God works in mysterious ways".
Martins, quite angry for having been sold, said he would have no problems in repeating this in front of a judge.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
I saw that post, I hope it's true that Martins will spill the beans but we already know that when Mancini told Moggi that he will have to talk about his actions to somebody.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
mark77 said:
I saw that post, I hope it's true that Martins will spill the beans but we already know that when Mancini told Moggi that he will have to talk about his actions to somebody.
I know and no one ever asked him to explain those words...

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