The Lebanese political crisis!!! (28 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2006
hambon said:
Brought to you by google.... get a life ...and while your at it get an education or shoot yourself in the stomach to rid us of your nonsense...
I prefer it to be in the right knee.

hambon said:
Its well deserved bro... This Huge mess in the Middle east will never be settled. But the truth to how it all started should at least be known...
Exactly, I think what is happening in the Middle East is endless. Even though, I'm sure that the truth will be prevailed one day and the right will have the upper hand, sooner or later, it doesn't matter.

Buy on


Lion of the Desert
Apr 22, 2005
One quick piece of info about the suicide bombers.... There really wouldn’t be any of them if the Palestinians had other means of defending themselves. Israel is a nuclear nation with the most advanced weaponry in the world. All the Palestinians have are Ak-47’s, Rocks, home made rockets and bombs...and guts...come on now how else would u defend against such tyranny?


Lion of the Desert
Apr 22, 2005
I prefer it to be in the right knee.

Exactly, I think what is happening in the Middle East is endless. Even though, I'm sure that the truth will be prevailed one day and the right will have the upper hand, sooner or later, it doesn't matter.
Changing peoples ideologies and religious views is like trying to open a soda can with a feather (don’t know where that came from: D).. There are many facts and issues that are kept on the low low by groups & nations. We are only left with the crumbs to fill in the gaps of history using Google ha-ha. One day like you said the truth will be prevailed. In the mean time let’s hope for peace.


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2006
hambon said:
One quick piece of info about the suicide bombers.... There really wouldn’t be any of them if the Palestinians had other means of defending themselves. Israel is a nuclear nation with the most advanced weaponry in the world. All the Palestinians have are Ak-47’s, Rocks, home made rockets and bombs...and guts...come on now how else would u defend against such tyranny?
Quoted in agreement. I just want to add something, why do adolescents, who are in their flower age (we call the adolesecnts age the flower age), try to bomb themselves unless their life is a very miserable one and they just want to get rid of it?

hambon said:
Changing peoples ideologies and religious views is like trying to open a soda can with a feather (don’t know where that came from: D).. There are many facts and issues that are kept on the low low by groups & nations. We are only left with the crumbs to fill in the gaps of history using Google ha-ha. One day like you said the truth will be prevailed. In the mean time let’s hope for peace.
How can we be sure that what is written is 100% accurate? First of all, we have to live inside it. If we can't (and of course 99.99% of us can't), so we have to read from different sources, the biased and the unbiased ones. Even the most protected secret will be resurfaced especially if it is a missing part of a historical story like the one we're living nowadays.


May 11, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #767
    Nasralla wants power and a herd is following him, Sanyoora wants power and another herd is following him. When will the Lebanese people understand that this build up of hate is getting us back to 1975.

    Really, shame on us, instead of trying to rebuilt what has been damaged, we run to obey our politicians and their personal needs, we will never learn from our mistakes, it has always been the case.

    Rhizoid is a person I have never met or probably never meet but he's m countryman and people are making me hate him as well as making him hate me. I don't want that actually. It is totally unnecessary.

    I hope that everyone in the country to stop following these idiots and look after themselves because that's the only benefit. And the only way to solve all this mess.

    As for the others who are fighting over the same issue over and over again, take your mess and insults somewhere else. I ask you kindly.


    Junior Member
    Mar 8, 2004
    What is insult are you talking about? I don't use insults. We were talking about Zionism and I have an opinion about it. I'm completely against applying the forest law on humans and the hidden aim of the international zionism is a mere example of the forest law.

    What homeland? Do you believe such lies? Don't believe everything you read in the history books made by Israel.
    Referring to Jews as Zionists and then say "zionists are far inferior to the level of the other humans" is an insult. People are equal. How would you feel if I was referring to palestinians as inferior? Don't think you would be pleased...

    And the second sentence... Well, this is just a masterpiece! What should I believe? History books "made in Gaza"? Right, they are very accurate historically... Especially those teaching to hate all the jews, telling the children that jews drink blood of the palestinian children (or use their blood to make matza for Passover)... Are those the books I should believe?
    After this statement (yours, I mean) I don't think I should even consider answering the rest of the post. Try to read some neutral and not biased literature.


    Junior Member
    Mar 8, 2004
    As for the others who are fighting over the same issue over and over again, take your mess and insults somewhere else. I ask you kindly.
    Don't let people here to talk trash about Jews and Israel. Since the last time Azzuri7 asked to focus on the main topic I didn't post in this thread. But I can't sit aside silently and just watch how some ppl keep talking trash about my nation and my country!
    Sorry for the off-topic, but I hope you can understand me.


    Senior Member
    Nov 11, 2006
    Referring to Jews as Zionists and then say "zionists are far inferior to the level of the other humans" is an insult. People are equal. How would you feel if I was referring to palestinians as inferior? Don't think you would be pleased...
    Do you even perceive the difference between Judaism and Zionism, also the difference between Nationalism and Religion? Judaism is a religion which is respected by me and by any other Arab, exactly like christianity or any other religion over the face of the earth. But c'mon, we aren't talking about a religion, we are talking about a massive international political movement whose aims are well known worldwide and you know that. So, please don't mix issues.

    Igal said:
    And the second sentence... Well, this is just a masterpiece! What should I believe? History books "made in Gaza"? Right, they are very accurate historically... Especially those teaching to hate all the jews, telling the children that jews drink blood of the palestinian children (or use their blood to make matza for Passover)... Are those the books I should believe?
    After this statement (yours, I mean) I don't think I should even consider answering the rest of the post. Try to read some neutral and not biased literature.
    I said that you should read biased and unbiased books not those made in your country. Do you think that the historical books made in your country are fair? If you think yes, I'm sure that you've been cheated exactly like your entire community. Do you know why? Simply, because the international zionism has based its causes for occupying Palestine on some historical mythes. Consequently, the history of jewish people (Without a doubt, the fabricated one) is vital to keep the new generation in the situation where you are right now.

    Igal said:
    Don't let people here to talk trash about Jews and Israel. Since the last time Azzuri7 asked to focus on the main topic I didn't post in this thread. But I can't sit aside silently and just watch how some ppl keep talking trash about my nation and my country!
    Who is talking like trash, we are just talking about abstract facts. None has insulted your country and I've just mentioned that at the beginning of this post.

    By the way, did you check the Deir Yassin site. I advise you not to do if you want to keep your mythes and ideologies to the generation after you. A thing that was inherited from your ancestors to you as well. This is the real treasure of Israel.


    May 11, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #773
    Ahmedios, did you even read what I said?

    From now on any off topic post will not be tolerated.
    Oct 3, 2004
    Nasralla wants power and a herd is following him, Sanyoora wants power and another herd is following him. When will the Lebanese people understand that this build up of hate is getting us back to 1975.

    Really, shame on us, instead of trying to rebuilt what has been damaged, we run to obey our politicians and their personal needs, we will never learn from our mistakes, it has always been the case.

    Rhizoid is a person I have never met or probably never meet but he's m countryman and people are making me hate him as well as making him hate me. I don't want that actually. It is totally unnecessary.

    I hope that everyone in the country to stop following these idiots and look after themselves because that's the only benefit. And the only way to solve all this mess.

    As for the others who are fighting over the same issue over and over again, take your mess and insults somewhere else. I ask you kindly.
    Indeed this thread has spiralled deeply off-topic. The issues are closely related when it comes to Israeli-Palestinian conflict vis-a-vis Lebanon's seems to be quite difficult to separate the two topics!

    Jack, No need to hate anyone. I get this "ghanam" "kharouf" "sheep" "blind" accusations by my closest friends, yet we're still friends and not beating the sh*t out of each other. We're mature enough to accept each other for what we believe...of course when debating politics though, it can get ugly with personal insults flying all over the place.

    Today might be a critical day in Lebanon - it is Ashura. Today the Shi'ites simply walk in masses reciting the story of Hassan & Hussein, the heroics of Imam Ali (A.S.)...and of course the tragedies that occurred. One of the themes is retaining one's honor whilst under tyranny and cruelty, one's faith in God, and struggle for justice. It's actually a very interesting story, but I won't get into details on that.

    My main concern is that due to the sensitivity of this ceremony for Shi'ites, there might be a few incidents that could spark tensions and cause a huge (and believe me when I say HUGE) riot in Lebanon. If Sunnis (or anyone else) interfere with the Ashura ceremony or interrupt it in any way (like throwing rocks, or cursing the oppositions) it might provoke one of the most ugliest scenes we're yet to see in Lebanon. And this time the people won't listen to Nasrallah when he tells them to go back to their homes.

    I sincerely hope none of this happens, and that today goes without any incidents. It's 7.10am Beirut time as I type this...if anyone has news updates here (of course, add to that Jack, Rab's, and my flavor of "propaganda" and bias :p) please do. Abboudi also (Stripper).



    The Head Physio
    Feb 25, 2004
    That's what they are though... there's no denying it... exactly in the same boat with the IDF.

    Blowing yourself and others up will not solve any problems. Nor do bombs, M4A1's and escalating wars..
    Oh.. and calling ppl who oppose ur political grounds idiots WILL solve problems! get a life bro, americans (and im not generalizing here) need to accept other opinions.

    If we're going to talk about percentages and generalizations here, I wonder how many people in the Arab world would say they want an American as a neighbor. Or how about the percentage of Muslims who would rather see Americans die than anything else... numbers such as zero and 22 percent respectively come to mind.....
    Arabs (and i mean simple, humble arabs who get their everyday political dose from a transistor or a barely working TV) hate the US based on wht they see everyday, they hate the US for how biased it is toiwards Israel, and how It has always opposed UN reslotions which stand on the palastentians side.. They hate the Us for wht they did in Afghanistan, and wht they're doing now in Iraq.. they hate the US for how its goverment has been using the local arab regimes as a first line of defence against those who want reform including islamic parties... Thats why they hate the US... and im not bullshitting anyone here, cuz all of this is a reality, and arabs have all the right to hate a country who, as far as they are concerned, is bringing nothing bbut misery to the region..

    I lived alongside an american neighbour and his family for 7 years.. and i used to play with his kids when we were little.. I as well as others didnt have a problem with that.... Arabs dont hate americans for who they are, they hate 'em for their acts..

    Unlike you, i replyed to ur accusations, and justified the arabs doing, but you didnt even attempt justifying why the americans hate muslims so much..... this is exactly why americans have a long way ahead of them, until they fully understand why muslims are not so keen on being friends with them... Why cant u be objective for once and say that ur media is way too misleading when it comes to dealing with muslims.. why dont u talk about how interferring with muslims' internal problems is non of the americans buisness, why dont u talk about how biased america is when it comes to Israel, why dont u talk about how some of the american ppl still belive that invading Iraq is right, and Oil is something that americans can rightly fight for!.. why dont u talk about all of that, instead of blaming arabs for spontaneous reflex actios that occur parallel to wht america does to the world everyday!... stop blaminng others, and look at the problem from its roots bro

    But alrighty then, we'll just say Muslims have "Americanphobia" if we're playing the role of an extremist here, such as yourself. Any half-arse imbecile can make such generalizations and try to encompass an entire group into one stereotype. So fine, by your logic Americans have Islamophobia and Muslims have Americanphobia... the world keeps on turning..
    Islamophobia is a term that was first used by a bunch of ignornat americans, i didnt come up with this term.. so to be exact, im not the extremist, ur own ppl are...
    Your old enough to realise that im not generalizing here, and i've already said that in previous arguments... when i say americans, i DO NOT mean the whole american nation, cuz otherwise i'd be stupid, cuz lots of these americans have almost the same mentality i have... so lets get over the generalisation issue, cuz its getting boring.

    By throwing around your typical and useless generalizations, you basically place yourself along with such dunderheads you despise. Again, I'm sure many Muslims would prefer not to live next to an American as well. I mean how imbecilic can this argument get? :howler:.
    More of you??? No no no, we already have enough of you and the like who shoot themselves in the foot with useless stereotypes and generalizations. People such as these only add to the problems and cause more ill-feelings than necessary.
    and by calling ppl who do not support the US idiots is going to bring peace to the world!.. lets be logical for once, shall we.. ill feelings will always be there if americans stick to their mentality regarding muslims


    The Head Physio
    Feb 25, 2004
    Nasralla wants power and a herd is following him, Sanyoora wants power and another herd is following him. When will the Lebanese people understand that this build up of hate is getting us back to 1975.

    Really, shame on us, instead of trying to rebuilt what has been damaged, we run to obey our politicians and their personal needs, we will never learn from our mistakes, it has always been the case.

    Rhizoid is a person I have never met or probably never meet but he's m countryman and people are making me hate him as well as making him hate me. I don't want that actually. It is totally unnecessary.

    I hope that everyone in the country to stop following these idiots and look after themselves because that's the only benefit. And the only way to solve all this mess.

    As for the others who are fighting over the same issue over and over again, take your mess and insults somewhere else. I ask you kindly.
    If Sanyoora wants his best for this country, then he should sit down with Nasrallah, and form a unity goverment.. He needs to stop thinking about how the US is the strong branch that he'll keep holding to, and how It will help him against Nasralla..


    May 11, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #778
    Indeed this thread has spiralled deeply off-topic. The issues are closely related when it comes to Israeli-Palestinian conflict vis-a-vis Lebanon's seems to be quite difficult to separate the two topics!

    Jack, No need to hate anyone. I get this "ghanam" "kharouf" "sheep" "blind" accusations by my closest friends, yet we're still friends and not beating the sh*t out of each other. We're mature enough to accept each other for what we believe...of course when debating politics though, it can get ugly with personal insults flying all over the place.

    Today might be a critical day in Lebanon - it is Ashura. Today the Shi'ites simply walk in masses reciting the story of Hassan & Hussein, the heroics of Imam Ali (A.S.)...and of course the tragedies that occurred. One of the themes is retaining one's honor whilst under tyranny and cruelty, one's faith in God, and struggle for justice. It's actually a very interesting story, but I won't get into details on that.

    My main concern is that due to the sensitivity of this ceremony for Shi'ites, there might be a few incidents that could spark tensions and cause a huge (and believe me when I say HUGE) riot in Lebanon. If Sunnis (or anyone else) interfere with the Ashura ceremony or interrupt it in any way (like throwing rocks, or cursing the oppositions) it might provoke one of the most ugliest scenes we're yet to see in Lebanon. And this time the people won't listen to Nasrallah when he tells them to go back to their homes.

    I sincerely hope none of this happens, and that today goes without any incidents. It's 7.10am Beirut time as I type this...if anyone has news updates here (of course, add to that Jack, Rab's, and my flavor of "propaganda" and bias :p) please do. Abboudi also (Stripper).

    I will be off to work and I will not be able to get any news before 15:00 CET. I hope the day goes by without any major incidents.

    If Sanyoora wants his best for this country, then he should sit down with Nasrallah, and form a unity goverment.. He needs to stop thinking about how the US is the strong branch that he'll keep holding to, and how It will help him against Nasralla..
    And if Nasralla wants the best for his country then he should stop doing things in his favour that only benefit him, Syria and Iran. Both parties are wrong and we (the Lebanese) are idiots to cheer for them.


    The Head Physio
    Feb 25, 2004
    Lebanon has all the right to be friends with Syria and Iran, and the lebanese have all the right to govern their country the way they want.. A single party cant just keepp the power to itself based on yet to be proven incidents and accusations...


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    Out of respect to the thread, I won't respond to your post despite you obviously misunderstanding my own post and actual opinions on said topic.

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