The Gaby Milito to Juve saga (4 Viewers)

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Till death do us part!
Jul 25, 2006
the media is taking us for one very big ride, until the day we see the words OFFICIAL: Milito joins ....... with him shakin hands with the president, then thats wen we know for sure! lets just hope that its juve who fills in that gap


Jun 13, 2007
its really getting annoying with this milito thing .
he still could come since juve is the only team that has actually made a concrete offer and the player himself said he wanted to leave to juve .

he could also not come because zaragoza are asking for a price 4 million extra than what juve have to offer .

this has been going on for quite some time now , it should be made final once and for all


Till death do us part!
Jul 25, 2006
its really getting annoying with this milito thing .
he still could come since juve is the only team that has actually made a concrete offer and the player himself said he wanted to leave to juve .

he could also not come because zaragoza are asking for a price 4 million extra than what juve have to offer .

this has been going on for quite some time now , it should be made final once and for all
i guess we will just have to wait till after the copa america


Pinturicchio el grande
May 29, 2004

La reunión de ayer concluyó sin acuerdo y el club italiano hará una nueva propuesta en dos días. Agapito no se mueve de los 20 millones

Gabi Milito.



La cumbre entre el Real Zaragoza y la Juventus de Turín para resolver el traspaso de Gabi Milito concluyó ayer sin acuerdo, y con diferencias significativas. Pero las negociaciones siguen abiertas y el club italiano presentará antes del jueves una última y definitiva oferta por escrito para conseguir el fichaje del Mariscal. Hay, pues, que esperar, aunque Agapito Iglesias dejó ayer muy claro que no autorizará la venta de Milito por menos de 20 millones de euros, aunque en esa cifra se incluyan premios adicionales. Quizá luego dé otra vez marcha atrás.

La reunión fue muy cordial, según reconocieron después todas las partes, aunque las posturas, hay que decirlo claro, siguen todavía alejadas. El director general de la Juve, Alessio Secco, empezó ofreciendo 14,5 millones de euros más incentivos (sorprendentemente, una cantidad inferior a los 16 millones que la Juve puso sobre la mesa hace algunas semanas), mientras Agapito Iglesias se plantó de salida en 25 millones. Después de tres horas de negociación y de muchos tiras y aflojas, la distancia se acortó notablemente, pero no lo suficiente como para que la operación diera un paso definitivo.

La Juventus asume que va a tener que hacer un tercer y último esfuerzo si quiere fichar a Gabi Milito, mientras el Zaragoza, como ha quedado escrito, no quiere bajar de los 20 millones en total. Alessio Seco quedó ayer en plantear una nueva propuesta en 48 horas, porque es una sociedad anónima que cotiza en bolsa y el consejo de administración que preside Giovanni Cobolli Gigli debe aprobar primero esta oferta definitiva.

"La reunión ha sido al más alto nivel y ha acabado sin acuerdo, pero no hay nada roto. Se sigue negociando y ellos van a hacer una nueva oferta en los próximos días. Lo que el Real Zaragoza le ha querido dejar claro a la Juve es que no queremos vender a Gabi y si nos sentamos a negociar es por el expreso deseo del jugador", explicó ayer el director de Comunicación del club aragonés, Manuel de Miguel, voz autorizada para dar la versión del Real Zaragoza.

Por su parte, el representante de Gabi Milito, Eduardo Gamarnik, fue ayer más prudente que nunca: "Ojalá se llegue a un acuerdo rápido con la Juve, porque Gabi tiene ganas. Del Barça, la verdad, no tenemos ni idea, no sabemos nada".

So thursday is supposed to be the "d-day". At least, we can still be sure that milito wants to come to us, not to frikin' barça/real


Pinturicchio el grande
May 29, 2004
20 millions or nothing...what do u think guys? i dont see it so bad afterall, i mean, juve has the money and most importantly they need milito ASAP. He will be the insurance for everybody in the team to feel secure and "commanded". I think the 20 mill are worth the price..


Malato di Juve , , 29
Oct 13, 2005
Accoding to Sky Sport :

Milito is not coming to Juve , Saragozza reject Juve offer and Secco will return to Turin .

and now all the media is talking about Cannavaro's return to Juve .


Till death do us part!
Jul 25, 2006
20 millions or nothing...what do u think guys? i dont see it so bad afterall, i mean, juve has the money and most importantly they need milito ASAP. He will be the insurance for everybody in the team to feel secure and "commanded". I think the 20 mill are worth the price..
for 20mil we can sign canna and another CB, zaragoza are just silly... i hope milito gets furious that they rejected and forces them to sell him to us, then they will come running back


Till death do us part!
Jul 25, 2006
Juve downbeat on Milito

Juventus are not confident they are going to capture the services of Gabriel Milito.

The Bianconeri have opened talks with Real Zaragoza over the defender but the negotiations have hit a problem with the Spanish side requesting a large fee for the player that Juve are not willing to spend.

Juventus president Giovanni Cobolli Gigli told the Italian press: "We have our financial limits and we will continue in this way.

"Optimistic? Surely not. There is a big economical difference. Anyway we are following other ways."

Rumours in Italy suggest that Juve are also interested in Cris and Pepe and in the event that Milito does not move to the Stadio Delle Alpi they will turn their attentions to one of those players.



Malato di Juve , , 29
Oct 13, 2005
they did not according to, which is zaragoza's newsletter. juve asked for 48 hrs to come back with the last proposal
If zaragoza still want the damn 20 mill , i don't think something will change .

20 mill , what ? are we stuped to pay that much for Milito ?

I think Secco's offer was great for them , 14 mill is enough for him .

with 20 mill , we can bring Cannavaro and Barzagli .
Jan 5, 2007
7/3/2007 4:22 PM

Barca And Inter Pull Out, Madrid Set To Chivu Race

The Romanian international defender will become a Real Madrid player after Los Merengues upped their bid to 18 million euros - the amount that Roma had been demanding all along.

Massimo Moratti has confirmed that Inter will not participate in Roma's auction, and Barcelona have also refused to increase their bid, leaving Madrid in pole position.

In what is public knowledge now, Pedja Mijatovic is in Rome with the clear objective of doing what it takes to sign Chivu.

He is said to have upped his 16 million euro offer to 17, but as Roma's doubts persisted, put forward an 18 million offer to get the Giallorossi bosses' nod.

Roma have now asked Barcelona and Inter if they are willing to make improved bids, but neither of the two seem willing to play ball.

Moratti has declared that Inter "will not compromise themselves" to land Chivu, meaning that an offer of 15 million plus half of Obinna's registration will be their last on the matter.

Barcelona have also indicated that they will not better their offer: 14 million along with Ludovic Giuly.

Under the circumstances, barring a miracle, Roma will give Real Madrid the nod to sign the defender within the next few hours. AS add that a 4.5 million a year salary has already been agreed with the player

now i can say that milito is so far

chivu to real milito to barca
Jan 5, 2007

Juve cool Milito interest Tuesday 3 July, 2007


Juventus President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli has ruled out a bid for Argentine defender Gabriel Milito unless Real Zaragoza significantly reduce their asking price.

Since securing promotion to Serie A, the Bianconeri have been looking to strengthen their defence with Milito amongst a number of high-profile targets.

However, it appears that the Old Lady’s generous transfer fund won’t stretch to meet the value Zaragoza have placed on the 26-year-old stopper.

“There’s a serious difference between the amount they are asking for and the amount that we are willing to offer,” he revealed to assembled journalists at the presentation of this season’s match ball.

“Juventus’ budget has its limits and I’m really not optimistic that an agreement can be reached so we’re looking at other options instead.”

There is speculation that those other options may include Inter’s Ivan Cordoba and Walter Samuel who struggled to find a place in the Nerazzurri first team last term.
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