Taking penalties (1 Viewer)

Would you take a decisive penalty?

  • My pleasure

  • No, I'll let Del Piero take it

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Senior Member
Jul 11, 2002
Whats wrong with bottom left? :D

I (used to) put them there sometimes to. Keepers go up faster than they go down. Well then again i never had a shot against a Serie A goalkeeper:cheesy:

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Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
Bes, I know it's probably cliche, but when you're taking penalties, the safest way is to go for power over placement. Any decent keeper can save a penalty if it's within his reach, no matter how fast it is, but if you place a penalty close enough to the post, and the keeper doesn't dive full stretch to one direction, you should be running around with your shirt over your head in no time :D
good point. I've always agreed that placement is more important than power. (in the Case of DP, he can do both at the same time! most people can't)

Anyway, another important thing to do when going for placement over power is to deceive the keeper with eye movement and/or body movement while going towards the ball to take the PK. The GK will be focusedon watching where the ball goes till you throw him off and make him 70% sure that you're going for a specific directiion.

I love it when players take PKs where the GK doesn't even move (his muscles freezes) like Miccoli's FK vs Inter in the Coppa Italia second leg this year. :thumb: :cool:


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Mac ] ++
Whats wrong with bottom left? :D

I (used to) put them there sometimes to. Keepers go up faster than they go down. Well then again i never had a shot against a Serie A goalkeeper:cheesy:
because the way i take PK's i stand with the ball to the right (not directly behind the ball...) so i'd have to hit it with the top of my foot to get it in that corner and it won't be as accurate as the inside of the foot.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
To answer the poll, I take all the PKs that i've earned and I would volinteer to take others.

I take the Corner Kicks in the team too.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
The bottom is a terrible place to put a penalty - if a keeper dives, he'll fall down to the bottom. If you accidently don't put enough power behind it the chances are reasonable that the keeper will stop it.

Hard and high in the corner. Left or right doesn't matter (unless you'd be facing Kahn, then ALWAYS go to his right :D). That way there's NO chance it'll be stopped. The only risk is that you send it sailing over the cross bar; in other words, its all up to you.


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2002
Ive never missed missed while placing them low. And i mean put the keeper the wrong way and put the ball the other.
Keepers have saved a few while i tried to top corner it :D


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
I agree with Erik, always put it high. The worst thing you can do is shood at middle hight, you make it easy for the keeper. Also, if you shoot too low the keeper has a chance of fluking it. In my shcool football tournament (my class finshed 2nd btw) in the last minute of the final my opponents had a penalty. I dived to my right, but I left my left foot planted, didnt even move it, and the guy shot right at it.

Point is, since most keepers dive low, shoot it high. IMO, since keepers always go to one side or the other, blast it under the bar in the middle of goal.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #30
    Bottom right is just fine. But if you're playing tough opposition, definitely slam it high. That can't be saved and it's too risky for any goalkeeper to try.


    Senior Member
    Jul 11, 2002
    Im confident of putting the keeper the wrong way :stuckup:. And i stick with what works :D

    I learnt it of Cantona :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #32
    ++ [ originally posted by Mac ] ++
    Im confident of putting the keeper the wrong way :stuckup:. And i stick with what works :D

    I learnt it of Cantona :D
    Yes well some of us just suck, ever consider that? Eric? :D


    Senior Member
    Sep 30, 2003
    I think that either bottom corner, with enough power, is almost guaranteed to go in. While a perfect shot in the top corner is probably theoretically better, it is much harder to do well, and for some reason, when I play soccer I've found that the low shot often works better anyway-goalies seem to have a harder time saving them that high shots into the corner


    Alex Del Mexico
    May 7, 2004
    ive scored almost everyone at any practices and ive only made one in a damned game (out of about 15)

    and then the one i made hit him and rolled in slowly


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Reza ] ++
    but it has a lem. you should decide what u gonna do ,note to a specific point and shoot exactly that point .

    i think 80% of missed penalties are the result of not knowing what to do.
    Yep, whenever I see a player looking indecisive, stopping and hesitating, I can tell he's gonna miss it (Joaquin against Korea, Figo against Juve). You have to decide on a spot beforehand, hesitation is the cause of most penalty misses.

    ++ [ originally posted by Mac ] ++
    Whats wrong with bottom left?

    I (used to) put them there sometimes to. Keepers go up faster than they go down. Well then again i never had a shot against a Serie A goalkeeper:cheesy:
    Well it depends, and it helps a lot if you know the goalkeeper. If he's 'right-footed', then you wanna shoot to his left, since diving to the left requires him getting more leverage off his left foot.

    As for the height, I think bottom corners are safer, since there's no chance of blasting it over the bar. IMO it's best to make the keeper make a save rather than trying to hit it too high. A lot of penalties I've seen missed go sailing over or hit the crossbar, while relatively few players shoot too wide.

    Unless you're at a professional level, NEVER try to pull a Totti and go for the middle, because amateur keepers don't usually dive before the ball is struck like pros do.


    Back & Quack
    Mar 9, 2004
    Penalty is all about confidence, there is no 'skill' invovled. Anyone can do it if they belive they can, and can hold their nerves. I dunno, free kicking has been my talent, while penaltys i can do, but free kicking is so much easier.. somehow it just seems much easier to curl the ball high then to do a penalty.

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