Türkiye (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009

Erdogan vows graft scandal in Turkey won’t topple him

By Seda Sezer and Dan Williams, Published: December 29
ISTANBUL — Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed Sunday that he would survive a corruption crisis surrounding his cabinet, saying those seeking his overthrow would fail just as mass anti-government protests did last summer.

Erdogan accused his opponents of trying to sap the country’s power and of being in the service of an international plot cloaked as criminal proceedings.

The premier, who is touring Turkey to drum up support before local elections in March, defied his accusers over the detention for suspected graft of three cabinet ministers’ sons and the head of state-run Halkbank on Dec. 17.

On Friday, thousands of Turks demanding that Erdogan step down clashed with riot police in central Istanbul. The trouble recalled protests this year that began over development plans for the city’s Gezi Park but that broadened into complaints of authoritarianism under Erdogan’s Islamist-rooted Justice and Development Party, also known as the AK Party.

“They said 'Gezi’ and smashed windows. Now they say 'corruption’ and smash windows. These conspiracies will not succeed,” Erdogan told a cheering crowd in western Manisa province. “Their concern is not corruption, law or justice. Their only concern is damaging this nation’s power.”

Erdogan’s allegations of a foreign hand in the affair have put the focus on Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric who preaches from self-imposed exile in the United States and whose Gulen movement claims at least 1 million followers in Turkey, including senior police officials and judges.

Erdogan has hinted strongly that Gulen deserves blame in the scandal.

The crisis is unprecedented in Erdogan’s three terms in office.

Erdogan was forced to reshuffle his government last week and dismiss the three cabinet ministers whose sons were detained as part of the corruption investigation.

The scandal also has destabilized the Turkish economy, which has grown rapidly during Erdogan’s 11 years in office.

Meanwhile, Erdogan appears to be trying to shore up relations with the military.

Mustafa Elitas, a senior legislator in Erdogan’s p arty, said Turkey could change laws to allow the retrial of hundreds of military officers convicted of plotting to overthrow Erdogan.

Last week, Erdogan’s top political adviser, Yalcin Akdogan, suggested that those officers had been framed by groups within the judiciary that are now allegedly orchestrating the corruption probe against Erdogan’s allies.

— Reuters
Sounds like just any another dictator to me
Jul 2, 2006
Sounds like just any another dictator to me
Fix that malfunctioned understanding of yours then.

In which dictatorship, it's free to directly insult the so-called dictator and his family via newspapers, tv and internet? In which dictatorship, a protestor can get away with holding a banner like this

''Name the third bosphorus bridge after Emine(his wife) so whole country could run over her''

Wiretaps are another case. If you want to know, you're free to ask but don't hope these will actually change the opinion of people. We know our stuff, people know both Erdogan and those who oppose so well, there is no place for doubt.

''Ciğerlerini biliriz''
Let one of your Turkish speaking friends translate it for you.


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009
So the fact that pepole can insult a PM and dont get shot is your critiria for not being a dictator? Sound logic there. I say stealing hundreds of millions from your own country, passing authoritarian and censorship laws and arresting political rivels is a bit more indicative, but thats just me

Becoming a dictator after being elected democratly has happened before and will happen many times again, its just a slow proccess sometimes.
Jul 2, 2006
So the fact that pepole can insult a PM and dont get shot is your critiria for not being a dictator? Sound logic there. I say stealing hundreds of milions from your own country, passing authoritian and cencorship laws and arresting political rivels is abit more indictive, but thats just me

Becoming a dictator after being elected democratly has happened before and will happen many times again, its just a slow proccess sometimes.
Time to change your source as it is misguiding you with false information.
Here is another saying for you to figure out

''Kılavuzu karga olanın burnu boktan çıkmaz''

It's not about don't getting shot, they know the fact they can get away with that, they do that while being aware of it.

Stealing from country? How exactly? Source of the money is not people's pocket and even if there was 1 Billion € coming out of his house, people do know that money will be used in a just cause. Calling him a thief is same with calling pope a womanizer. The hate anti-muslims spread here became enormous, they are like a truck without brake and will run into a wall after the upcoming local elections. Losing their grasp on people, they will try every kind of trick like they did before but people are well prepared this time.

Arresting political rivals is another lie, it didn't happened. If you mean jailed deputies, they were jailed before they got elected. The reason they became candidates and deputies was to release them from prison. Modern way of digging a tunnel.


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009
Source of the money is not peple's pocket and even if there was 1 Billion € coming out of his house , people do know th at money will be used in a just cause . Calling him a thief is same with calling pope a womanizer.

And here i was thinking Islam is monotheistic religion
Jul 2, 2006

And here i was thinking Islam is monotheistic religion
Too bad for you that you never had someone you can trust in your life. You don't even know the meaning of trust, you're mistaking it with worshipping. It's not like Erdogan popped up yesterday, people know him, how he lives, what is his cause for decades. People who know him also knows he has no business with personal interest. That is why these wiretaps will not have much effect.

Btw, it's been revealed Gulen spies in Tubitak which manufactured crypto phones, gave the codes to usa and israel. They sold secrets of the country and conversations between government personals in key positions to another country. He who walks with foreign powers is destined to fail in elections. Public opinion will never forgive them like they never forgave kemalist chp for the crimes they committed against people in the past. Any kind of coup attempt can only backfire after this moment.



Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009
Too bad for you that you never had someone you can trust in your life. You don't even know the meaning of trust, you're mistaking it with worshipping. It's not like Erdogan popped up yesterday, people know him, how he lives, what is his cause for decades. People who know him also knows he has no business with personal interest. That is why these wiretaps will not have much effect.
You are either a very naive person or plain brainwashed. Save you trust for you fameily and friends, trusting a political figure just shows that you dont understand the concept of democracy. You really think Erdogan hoards money at his home and son's home as some kind of a "rainy day" fund for the citizens of turkey? now thats funny.

If Erdogan had any vague notion as to what democracy is he should have resigned or set a new election date on the spot. but I see by your reactions that a prime minster in turkey is not a public servent but the public you represent are the servents.

You are not mentaly equiped for a democracy, so I guess you deserve a dictator
Jul 2, 2006
You are either a very naive person or plain brainwashed. Save you trust for you fameily and friends, trusting a political figure just shows that you dont understand the concept of democracy. You really think Erdogan hoards money at his home and son's home as some kind of a "rainy day" fund for the citizens of turkey? now thats funny.

If Erdogan had any vague notion as to what democracy is he should have resigned or set a new election date on the spot. but I see by your reactions that a prime minster in turkey is not a public servent but the public you represent are the servents.

You are not mentaly equiped for a democracy, so I guess you deserve a dictator
Whatever you say, it's not like we'll ever agree with each other.

One last thing, it's always ''rainy day'' in here.

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