Türkiye (7 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2009
Indeed. What's obvious is that Turkey is handling the situation poorly. I don't believe a "noisy minority" can affect a supposedly democratic state with a huge support among its citizens this way. Calling protesters a bunch of looters, reducing accessibility to social networks and blaming everything and everyone is how I'd expect Iran to handle the situation.
Thank you. Or they could just see how Italian police used to handle football games in Italy :)

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Jul 2, 2006
First of all, not ethnically Irish, ethnically planter so yes, the Irish were my peoples bitches.

Second of all Ireland colonized England first.

Third of all the Ottoman Empire is dead you couldn't keep it together because you are savages that were overtaken by history. How's it feel?
It's not dead, sleeping and about to wake up. Because people want so. That should all matters for you as a follower of democracy.
Jul 1, 2010
for the islamists this is there obession/fantasy!! this is what red heads is for zach in the nfsw thread.
I'm pretty sure most people in the Muslim world, like anywhere else, want to be left alone and get on with their lives, with a stable government and prosperity. Unfortunately, the Islamists seem to constitute a very vocal and well funded minority.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
I'm pretty sure most people in the Muslim world, like anywhere else, want to be left alone and get on with their lives, with a stable government and prosperity. Unfortunately, the Islamists seem to constitute a very vocal and well funded minority.
true, and i'd like to inform you that in 1919 egyptain men, women, young, and old went to the street in a revolution which had liberal motives and they succeeded and make no mistake all egypt's accomplishments, and cultural powers came during this area. this revolution toke place three years before the ottoman empire collapsed. in 1922 after the ottoman empire collapsed it sent waves of shock to the islamic world from the gulf all the way to morrocco. the king of saudi arabia wanted to be the next calliphate, king faruk of egypt wanted and the king of morocco as well wanted this title but they never managed to get all the backing of the islamic world. in 1928 came a long a guy who was sooooooo obessed wit this calliphate issue, not to mention had radical idea's and opinions regarding the liberal movement. this man was called hassan el bana, a scholar who was living in ismalya a city on the suez canal. just like any religous country boy he was shocked with how modern cairo was, how massive the role of women in the community was etc. any normal person would look at this and be amazed, not this person. so he went on to create the biggest cancer in the arab world, the muslim brotherhood. they had very radical idea's that revolved around bringing back the long lost glories of the ottoman empire. as you can imagine people did'nt digest this well, and so he went on to starting egypts first political assassination. they even toke up the nazi example, and there is documented proof he had strong ties with the nazi in the 40's and recieved large sums of money at a time egypt was part of the english empire. when the 1952 revolution came to power under the free solider's they were close thinking this might bring about there dream but where off course once again rejected. so this treq is the long story of there delusional fantasy. if there is any islamic empire they should consider is the islamic empire in Andalusia where muslims, christians, and jews lived together in harmony and brought about various contributions to the world.

finally, they dont understand your average arab does'nt give two shits about the ottoman empire, nor do they want any of these fantasies. all we want is to have a normal life, where we all have a chance to contribute to our nations, and have freedoms of thinking and having our own views with out being labelled.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
that bolded part is the same shit our crappy president and his gang tells us!! by the way being elected does'nt mean you cant be removed if you dont get the people behind you. yes super morsy got elected but he has ever since went insane and quickly lost the people. including beardies who belong to the salafi camp mind you, these guys where willing to lick his shoe for political gains even if they were thrown at them like bones but they got deceived just like the entire population.

p.s we r much worse off now than we were before the revolution. mind you erdogan had some awesome advice for mubarak, but i guess when the shit is at yr door step you act like a tourist and dont listen to his own advice.
That really doesn't say much to be honest. Salafi's have always hated the brotherhood, ideologically the two are so far apart. In fact some hardline salafists go as far as considering the brotherhood enemies.

sorry to point out the obvious, but that above happens everywhere, if you were to show this to any chicagoan they'd laugh at how minor and amateruish the above is. You really think politicians get into it out of civic duty, there's a lot of ego and coin in there. I still have yet to see any reasonable ground for people to go outside and wreak havoc, i also dont see any similarities with egypt, except for the fact both were elected president which gives them the executive authority to do many things without consulting anyone. See, Ahmed, that is the trouble with democracy, you have to also accept it when it doesnt follow with your agenda.
You either believe in the democratic process and the populace's right to elect their leaders or you don't :tup:

I hope you know that you are hardly reliable.
I hope you know you are not the authority on who is or isn't reliable.
Well yeah, everything seems pretty normal again, just like before the floatilla incident. You don't hear Erdogan threatning the Israelis like he used to anymore since they apologized so I assume they're back to being to however they were before.
The necessary evil of international diplomacy.

An Empire built on decentralized barbarism and genocide. Oh sure it'll be peaceful, for everybody who agrees with you.
Judging the ottoman empire based on 21st century standards, you should know better.

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