Syrian civil war (18 Viewers)



The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #1,081
    The idiot goes on: "Let's not forget that those corrupt people are our sons. If you are against corruption, why don't you start by raising your sons in a good way in order to make them not become corrupt when they become older".


    Buy on


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #1,082
    Reuters: Two more killed in Qabun neighbourhood in Damascus.
    AFP: The death toll so far today is 5.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #1,083
    Reuters: human rights organizations say that more than 28 people were killed today.

    Official Turkish spokesman: More than 3000 Syrian refugees crossed to Turkey.


    Guru of Greatness
    Aug 25, 2007
    Dictatorship is not a bad thing so long I am not fucked but others are.

    This is what some of you want to say but can't write it so clearly so I did it for you guys.

    I wonder if Rami would say the same thing had he been a Sunni.

    You guys don't care if the country develops or not, if people are civilized or not, your pockets is what matters, your interests and taking advantage of the fact that Assad are protecting the minorities like Christians(Snoop) and Alawi's/Druz(Rami) and are fucking up the Sunni's. [Living under the umbrella of fear, hey if those majorities take over we're in danger].

    It's like one of you living in a country where blacks are majorities but have no rights and you having more than the black because you're white but it doesn't disturb you the fact that the black has no rights because you're benefiting out of this situation and deep inside you you lie to yourself believing that if the Black takes over(power) one day, they'll turn the nation into bunch of Tupacs and Dr. Dre's.

    So it's either living in a fucked up dictatorship or nothing. Because apparently the extremists are coming to eat us. But then again you also have them asking why should we support the other side the ones against Bashar when all I see them doing is some chaos act but then you're not aware there's not an opposition party to lead these people which you guys deny and again deep inside you you lie and force yourself to think there's an IMAGINARY opposition but only god knows where they're places because the last time I checked, thinkers, writers, reporters, journalists, judges, the greatest Syrian minders............. ARE JAILED !!!
    very good post Azzuri, this is exactly whats happened, i dont know in the case of rami or snoop, it could be different, but i for one know the dictators (mubarak, ghaddafi, now Bachar... are all using the same methods, cutting the internet off towns, cities sometimes electricity completely off the people so no one knows anything about whats happening to them, now snoop can you deny that as well? we know how hafez and his brother were, then ghazi kanaan then rustom ghazaleh, then his brother maher assad.

    What lebanese tv stations are siding with the revolution? as far as i can recall, they are all neglecting it and trying there best to stay as far away from it as possible, future tv had captions of a revolution going on in some syrian city and saying deathtolls from reuters, france24 and bbc sources, the only person supporting bachar and giving him a moral boost is Hassan Nasrallah, and we all know his mafia like semi dictatorship here in lebanon, and i dont blame the syrian poeple if they became ruthless against the mukhabarat or whoever supports them, when they are killing and torturing mercilessly whether it be kids, women or men, no one will stand idle watching his brother, son, mother, father, tortured beaten or killed brutally Period.

    Bachars regime is going to fail, maybe in a couple of months or so, but it will eventually come to an end, so you better ride the wave of change soon, Syria is a dump because of bachar, hes a butcher, so i dont know how you can support a butcher over anything else, whether you like to believe the demonstrators are peaceful or not, still doesnt make bachar legitimate anymore, and the whole world sees bachar for who he is now yet you go on supporting him and im yet to see a concrete reason for it

    thank you


    Guru of Greatness
    Aug 25, 2007
    RAMI¹⁰;3073814 said:
    The so called protesters took this guy ( a policeman) a hostage and then hung him up.
    after that they started to throw him with shoes or so...

    I also heard some insulting Bashar Al-Assad but I'm not sure...
    isnt this the Ketermaya massacre which happened last year in lebanon, when this egyptian guy killed 2 of the womans kids and her parents?, they hung him in a pole, try a new one, im sure other lebanese here remember it


    Guru of Greatness
    Aug 25, 2007
    Are you saying Syria is Israel's puppy? are you kidding me? :D or you concluded this from anti-Bashar pictures on facebook with Israel flags in the back posted by 13-14 year old teenagers :D All these suffering of Syria is because of Syria's refusal of making peace with Israel, and being ally with Iran! and they tried to negotiate with Israel to take back Golan against peace but never worked, for that Syria refused to have any relation with Israel. "Either give back Golan, or stay enemies forever", they never gave up of their principles, unlike some clowns of your country, who we all know were agents of Israelis back decades ago, if not some of them are till now..

    I would have loved if Syria had forsaken Golan for these troubles, it would put the country in less pressure, just like other puppies Saudi Arabia and the likes did. But Saying Syria is one of those is extremely funny, and Syria couldn't done anything else, to fight a giant like Israel and specially when they have USA in their back, going for war against Israel for that? would have been the funniest ever suicide.

    you are giving him a thumb up for that? WOW! Never seen an ungrateful person like you, EVER! Syria is probably one of the rare regimes that gave you support all these years for your case, Palestinians are being treated equally here like everyone else, and you are giving him thumb up of for dissing Syria's political relation against Israel? lol

    Wow, I hope other Palestinians are not ungrateful like you, I guess some of them worship Erdogan like you do, for that 5 minute comedy show in Davos forum :lol: and yet they had and still have political relations, deals with Israel and for years. Really wow! I am shocked of how a person can be a double faced like you!
    forget about going to war against israel for the golan heights, but saying syria didnt have peace with israel because it considers israel an enemy is just a conspiracy theory, and if the peace talks are as you are subjecting them to be, then how come they werent in the open, since no one will have a problem syria negotiating peace with israel for the sake of Golan heights, be real, Syria doesnt want the Golan heights, actually Assad doesnt want the golan heights, he just wants to make peace with israel period, hes the protector of israeli borders, uses hezbolla his tool to fight off his war as long as its not on Syrian soil, which is smart i give him that, but calling others in lebanon israeli agents, Gaegae? Aoun? hehe working with Assad or with Israel is the same thing, both are considered agents working against the interest of our nation.


    Guru of Greatness
    Aug 25, 2007
    Maybe he should have put you in "kheyme" like they do in Lebanon, and never let you have a regular life so that you would know the meaning of the word appreciation.. They did the same way to Iraqis and Lebanese when they run at last war. You are an ungrateful person for denying these.

    As for the last line, 100% (not 99) original pure bullshit that was, and I am sure you are aware of it.
    its not nice to talk about refugees like that, since sometimes they have nothing to do with what goes on, when all they care for is living peacefully and getting out of harms way, but now that your regime has started a mass murder campaign against syrians, we have syrians sneaking from the northern border, and 3000 yesterday to Turkey according to reuters, arent these syrian nationals smuggling there way out of the troubles in syria? every country in the times of need opens its borders for the ones who are victimized and oppressed


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #1,089
    Robert Fisk: The people vs the president

    Syria's revolt against the rule of President Bashar al-Assad is turning into an armed insurrection, with previously peaceful demonstrators taking up arms to fight their own army and the "shabiha" – meaning "the ghosts", in English – of Alawi militiamen who have been killing and torturing those resisting the regime's rule.

    Even more serious for Assad's still-powerful supporters, there is growing evidence that individual Syrian soldiers are revolting against his forces. The whole edifice of Assad's Alawi dictatorship is now in the gravest of danger.

    In 1980, Assad's father, Hafez, faced an armed uprising in the central city of Hama, which was put down by the Special Forces of Hafez's brother Rifaat – who is currently living, for the benefit of war crimes investigators, in central London – at a cost of up to 20,000 lives. But the armed revolt today is now spreading across all of Syria, a far-mightier crisis and one infinitely more difficult to suppress. No wonder Syrian state television has been showing the funerals of up to 120 members of the security services from just one location, the northern town of Jisr al-Shughour.

    The first evidence of civilians turning to weapons to defend their families came from Deraa, the city where the bloody story of the Syrian uprising first began after intelligence officers arrested and tortured to death a 13-year-old boy. Syrians arriving in Beirut told me the male citizens of Deraa had grown tired of following the example of peaceful Tunisian and Egyptian protesters – an understandable emotion since people in those countries suffered nothing like the brutal suppression meted out by Assad's soldiers and militiamen – and were now sometimes "shooting back" for the sake of "dignity" and to protect their wives and children.

    Bashar and his cynical brother Maher – the present-day equivalent of the outrageous Rifaat – may now be gambling on the old dictator's saw that their regime must be defended against armed Islamists supported by al-Qa'ida, a lie which was perpetrated by Muammar Gaddafi and the now-exiled leaders Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen and Ben Ali of Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and the still-on-the-throne al-Khalifas of Bahrain.

    The few al-Qa'ida cells in the Arab world may wish this to be true, but the Arab revolt is about the one phenomenon in the Middle East uncontaminated by "Islamism". Only the Israelis and the Americans may be tempted to believe otherwise.

    Al Jazeera television yesterday aired extraordinary footage of a junior Syrian officer calling upon his comrades to refuse to continue massacring civilians in Syria. Identified as Lt Abdul-Razak Tlas, from the town of Rastan, he said he had joined the army "to fight the Israeli enemy", but found himself witnessing a massacre of his own people in the town of Sanamein. "After what we've seen from crimes in Deraa and all over Syria, I am unable to continue with the Syrian Arab army," he announced. "I urge the army, and I say: 'Is the army here to steal and protect the Assad family?' I call upon all honourable officers to tell their soldiers about the real picture, use your conscience... if you are not honourable, stay with Assad."

    Differentiating rumour from fact in Syria is getting easier by the week. More Syrians are reaching the safety of Lebanon and Turkey to tell their individual stories of torture and cruelty in security police barracks and in plain-clothes police cells. Some are still using the telephone from Syria itself – one to describe explosions in Jisr al-Shughour and of bodies being tossed into the river from which the town takes its name.

    For well over a month, I have been watching Syrian television's nightly news and at least half the broadcasts have included funerals of dead soldiers. Now Syria itself declares that 120 have been killed in one incident, an incredible loss for an army that was supposed to instill horror into the minds of the country's protesters. But then the supposedly invincible Syrian army often showed itself woefully unable to suppress Lebanese militias during the country's 1975-90 civil war. An entire battalion of Syrian Special Forces troops was driven out of east Beirut, for example, by a ragtag group of Christian militias who would have been crushed by any serious professional army.

    If you wish to destroy unarmed civilians, you shoot them down in the street and then shoot down the funeral mourners and then shoot down the mourners of the dead mourners – which is exactly what Assad's gunmen have been doing – but when the resistors shoot back, the Syrian army has shown a quite different response: torture for their prisoners and fear in the face of the enemy.

    But if the armed insurrection takes hold, then it is also the 11 per cent Alawi community – once the frontier force of the French mandate against the Sunnis and now the prop of Assad against the poorer Sunnis – which is at threat. So appalled is the Assad regime at its enemies that it has been encouraging Palestinians to try to cross the frontier wire on Israeli-occupied Golan. The Israelis say this is to divert world attention from the massacres in Syria – and they are absolutely right.

    The Damascus government's Tishrin newspaper has been suggesting that 600,000 Palestinians may soon try to "go home" to the lands of Palestine from which the Israelis drove them in 1948, a nightmare the Israelis would prefer not to think about – but not as great a nightmare as that now facing the people and their oppressors in Syria itself.


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    very good post Azzuri, this is exactly whats happened, i dont know in the case of rami or snoop, it could be different, but i for one know the dictators (mubarak, ghaddafi, now Bachar... are all using the same methods, cutting the internet off towns, cities sometimes electricity completely off the people so no one knows anything about whats happening to them, now snoop can you deny that as well? we know how hafez and his brother were, then ghazi kanaan then rustom ghazaleh, then his brother maher assad.

    What lebanese tv stations are siding with the revolution? as far as i can recall, they are all neglecting it and trying there best to stay as far away from it as possible, future tv had captions of a revolution going on in some syrian city and saying deathtolls from reuters, france24 and bbc sources, the only person supporting bachar and giving him a moral boost is Hassan Nasrallah, and we all know his mafia like semi dictatorship here in lebanon, and i dont blame the syrian poeple if they became ruthless against the mukhabarat or whoever supports them, when they are killing and torturing mercilessly whether it be kids, women or men, no one will stand idle watching his brother, son, mother, father, tortured beaten or killed brutally Period.

    Bachars regime is going to fail, maybe in a couple of months or so, but it will eventually come to an end, so you better ride the wave of change soon, Syria is a dump because of bachar, hes a butcher, so i dont know how you can support a butcher over anything else, whether you like to believe the demonstrators are peaceful or not, still doesnt make bachar legitimate anymore, and the whole world sees bachar for who he is now yet you go on supporting him and im yet to see a concrete reason for it

    thank you


    Sabet is a nasty virgin
    Oct 2, 2001
    very good post Azzuri, this is exactly whats happened, i dont know in the case of rami or snoop, it could be different, but i for one know the dictators (mubarak, ghaddafi, now Bachar... are all using the same methods, cutting the internet off towns, cities sometimes electricity completely off the people so no one knows anything about whats happening to them, now snoop can you deny that as well? we know how hafez and his brother were, then ghazi kanaan then rustom ghazaleh, then his brother maher assad.

    What lebanese tv stations are siding with the revolution? as far as i can recall, they are all neglecting it and trying there best to stay as far away from it as possible, future tv had captions of a revolution going on in some syrian city and saying deathtolls from reuters, france24 and bbc sources, the only person supporting bachar and giving him a moral boost is Hassan Nasrallah, and we all know his mafia like semi dictatorship here in lebanon, and i dont blame the syrian poeple if they became ruthless against the mukhabarat or whoever supports them, when they are killing and torturing mercilessly whether it be kids, women or men, no one will stand idle watching his brother, son, mother, father, tortured beaten or killed brutally Period.

    Bachars regime is going to fail, maybe in a couple of months or so, but it will eventually come to an end, so you better ride the wave of change soon, Syria is a dump because of bachar, hes a butcher, so i dont know how you can support a butcher over anything else, whether you like to believe the demonstrators are peaceful or not, still doesnt make bachar legitimate anymore, and the whole world sees bachar for who he is now yet you go on supporting him and im yet to see a concrete reason for it

    thank you
    another expert telling me what is good or not for Syria.


    Sabet is a nasty virgin
    Oct 2, 2001
    RAMI¹⁰;3085784 said:
    From your beloved sources... Al-Arabiya...

    But that is Israeli channel, the ally of the system, how could you believe them?? This is a Israeli project, how could you not see that?

    and If Jazeera starts showing facts again, they will say the Qatari owner is scared of Bashar and Israel. and that Jazeera is a worthless channel..

    btw, did you also see about the teachers killed by these mofos? they caught some of them, and he admitted what he did, I bet that's a hollywood scene too, we should listen and believe blindly to these callers on Jazeera channels :agree:
    not sure if this was posted before but the commentators excuses are hilarious :D:D:D



    ★ ★ ★
    Aug 22, 2006
    But that is Israeli channel, the ally of the system, how could you believe them?? This is a Israeli project, how could you not see that?

    and If Jazeera starts showing facts again, they will say the Qatari owner is scared of Bashar and Israel. and that Jazeera is a worthless channel..

    btw, did you also see about the teachers killed by these mofos? they caught some of them, and he admitted what he did, I bet that's a hollywood scene too, we should listen and believe blindly to these callers on Jazeera channels :agree:


    :tup: Snoop :D

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