Sydney racist violence spreads (1 Viewer)



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Nov 25, 2005
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    One Lebanese looking woman was getting the crap kicked out of her by two white women, while a mob of hundreds stood by chanting stuff. :shocked:


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    hambon78 said:
    Is it fiercer than the Palestinians and The Jews?....
    :smile: Obviously not. It's about as fierce as it can get while still being fairly friendly though. I met a New Zealander once. He was delighted I'd picked up the subtle (to the unfamiliar ear) difference between his accent and that of an Auzzie. He then explained that ever since he'd arrived in Ireland, people had been mistaking him for an Australian. Finally, he said, "You're English, right?" :wallbang:


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Vinman said:
    what ????:confused2 :confused2
    What do you mean "What"? What are you talking about? What other rivalry did you just compare it to? What? You're so wrong!


    Don't just ask dumbfuck questions like that; it seriously pisses me off.


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    Erik said:
    Then that means that people who wish to end immigration or preserve national identity as it is at this point in time are assuming that cultural evolution of their nation has ceased and that the current situation is the final stop.

    Which is fairly arrogant and unjustified imo. In one hundred years' time, the same discussion will still exist and people will refer to our age when they speak of "the different makeup of nationalities embedded in the past of our nation"
    Yeah, I suppose you're right there. I mean the same problem, the same debate will keep on raging. In 100 years when white british people are an ethnic minority it will be the others worrying about there being too many white immigrants and how they are losing their "britishness" - and the same goes for australians I'd imagine

    Sticking to Britain cause its what I know best, we've gone from pagans to romans to anglo saxons, viking invasion, normans from france etc etc over the years so we've never been settled - but since 1066 we've been one and the same so the spread over the past 50 years or so; the increase in etnic minority %ages is bound to cause upset amongst hardliners, traditionalists and we all know how easily others can be influenced by propaganda.

    But thats all a side issue really I don't have nearly enough knowledge of australian society to go on about this, just speak from a personal viewpoint which is that I'm imcreasingly concerned about the impact of eastern cultures in my country.
    Dec 11, 2005
    I went to Melbourne and stayed about there monthes 2-3 years ago. I realy liked there and met so many nice people. So many people from so many different countries living there, mostly Greek, Italian and Chinese..but you can even meet people from some where which you havent heard before.

    I wouldnt think such a bad thing would happen in Australia, since I saw those people were living in peace there.But relating to this issue,the only thing that I remember people there don't ask where you from first,,,they ask you what nationality are you from? So actualy they just prefer to say "I am Turk/Greek or Italian",, whatever. So I think Australia is just like a country which they can only work and get food for them. They don't accept Australia is their home. Even some people cannot speak English ( just like me :p)

    All in all, I don't know how Howard goverment will sort this out, but such ghetto stuff might hurt so many people there, mostly youth people..hope this will end up soon.


    Senior Member
    Feb 6, 2005
    in the present climate/situation religious tension contribute a lot of tension between people.
    wouldn't surprise me if religion as well as look plays a major part in the heads of many rioters there.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    loyada said:
    in the present climate/situation religious tension contribute a lot of tension between people.
    wouldn't surprise me if religion as well as look plays a major part in the heads of many rioters there.
    From another forum:
    Most Australians with a Lebanese background are Maronite or Orthodox Christian. Still that won't stop some people making presumptions about Mid-East types.

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