Someone give me some advices please (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Depends on what plans you have. If you foresee any future business associations with Russian companies or in Russia or whatever, then Russian would be handy. For the same reason, if you plan to deal in some way with the German speaking world, then German. If you don't expect to use either language at all, there's no point in picking any one of them.
Oct 3, 2004
Every foreign language learned makes you worth an additional human being ;)

Whether you're going to use it or not, you have nothing to lose in learning a foreign language.



Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Rhizoid ] ++
Every foreign language learned makes you worth an additional human being ;)
Oh schizophrenia alert :D

About the languages; Russian is spoken basically only in Russia. German is spoken as native language in Germany, Austria and large parts of Switzerland and as a second language in basically any European country south or east of Germany.

Thought that tid bit of information might help you but it depends on SO many factors. You're gonna have to give us more to work with here.


Junior Member
Nov 18, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #10
    ++ [ originally posted by Stephañho! ] ++
    1) which country are you from?

    Taiwan..........well, basically it isn't a country, but it is a sovereign area.

    ++ [ originally posted by Stephañho! ] ++
    2) which studies would you undertake?
    extracurricular activities

    BTW, are you from Espana?


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Also - you seem to be pretty good at English so German would be easier for you to learn. Both are Germanic languages whereas Russian is a Slavic language. Very different, much harder if you are not already in any way associated with something Slav.


    Junior Member
    Nov 18, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #12
    ++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
    Also - you seem to be pretty good at English so German would be easier for you to learn. Both are Germanic languages whereas Russian is a Slavic language. Very different, much harder if you are not already in any way associated with something Slav.

    You mean that I'm pretty good at English?
    Thanks a lot!!!!!!!:touched:
    You come from Netherlands, don't you?
    Do you guys speak Germany in your country?


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by ilovemarek ] ++
    You mean that I'm pretty good at English?
    Thanks a lot!!!!!!!:touched:
    You come from Netherlands, don't you?
    Do you guys speak Germany in your country?
    You're welcome! And no, German is a very rare language here. Our native
    language is Dutch, our second language English, our third language French and
    our fourth German. Though I believe German has to share its place with

    Here's a map of Europe in second languages that I found. This is pretty much
    how I learned it at school too so it can't be too far off of it.

    It said that this is a map of Europe in second languages as they are most
    often used to conduct international business in. It also said that every nation in
    Europe is slowly shifting towards English.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Well I didn't make it. How the hell would I know?

    You save it and better it in MS Paint if it's such a problem to you :D

    EDIT: It said that this is a map of Europe in second languages as they are most often used to conduct business with. It also said that every nation in Europe is slowly shifting towards English.

    Feel better now?


    Junior Member
    Nov 18, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #19
    ++ [ originally posted by barkuss ] ++
    Erik,that language card is a pure bullshit,especially for ex-yugoslavian part.......we aren't in post ww2 era anymore.....

    Where are you from?


    Junior Member
    Aug 1, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by ilovemarek ] ++
    extracurricular activities

    BTW, are you from Espana?
    Being misled by the hispanic ~ perhaps?... No, I'm not Spanish. :)

    I understand you're not following the regular courses program. But what is it that you study? It could be important as regards to which foreign language to opt for.

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