Salgado confirms Juventus contacted him! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
L'offerta giunse alla Juve il 23 agosto scorso: dopo aver preso Cicinho il Real Madrid contattatò i bianconeri per offrire il prestito annuale di Michel Fernandez Salgado, 29 anni, legato al club di Perez per altre tre stagioni.

Le Merengues, dopo aver rinforzato la propria compagine, stanno sfoltendo la rosa grazie alla storica amicizia con l'Inter (a cui ha ceduto in due anni Cambiasso, Solari, Samuel e Figo). Florentino Perez, inoltre, sapeva che Capello era alla ricerca un rinforzo per la fascia destra e offrì quindi Salgado in chiusura di mercato.

Salgado in fotomontaggio
La trattativa non si completò entro il 31 agosto soltanto perché Cicinho non riuscì ad avere la cittadinanza italiana, e quindi comunitaria, entro quella data e non si riuscì completare il suo passaggio a Madrid che avverrà quindi a dicembre.

Il giocatore merengue, disse: "Attendevo una telefonata da parte della Juventus - ha detto Salgado a Marca - dopo che il Real aveva proposto loro il mio prestito". Alla fine niente di fatto, sia perché i bianconeri speravano di assicurarsi Mancini, sia per la ragione citata sebbene il difensore sperasse che la Juve insistesse di più. Il giocatore quindi ha chiarito, sempre alla stampa spagnola, la sua situazione: "Il Real ha proposto alla Juve un prestito da gennaio a giugno - ha detto - me l'hanno detto proprio i dirigenti merengue. L'idea non mi dispiace".

Salgado guadagna 2 milioni di euro all'anno e l'ingaggio, che a gennaio costerebbe 1 solo milione, sarebbe a totale carico bianconero: il Real concederebbe il prestito gratuito ma non è chiaro se con diritto di riscatto o meno, cifra che dovrebbe corrispondere ai 2 milioni.

La Juve, inoltre, avrebbe chiesto la "cortesia" al Real di non schierare il giocatore in Champions, "cortesia" però difficile da concedere.

it basicaly says that real contacted juventus in the summer to give us salgado but moggi declined for the time being because he was sure he was going to get mancini. new negotiations reveal that most probably juve will sign him on loan in jannuary till june and have asked real madrid not to play him in the champions league


May 11, 2004
Salgado set for Juve loan

Monday 5 September, 2005 wrote:

Real Madrid full-back Michel Fernandez Salgado will become a Juventus player in January, according to reports.

The Spanish international was associated with a Turin switch in the summer but that now looks likely to occur in the New Year.

"Real have offered me to Juventus on a six-month loan deal starting in January," Salgado is quoted as saying.

"The Real directors have told me this directly and it is a solution that I am happy with."

Rumours suggest that Salgado, who is contracted to the Spaniards until 2009, was initially offered to Juventus back in August.

However, the move didn’t take place as the European giants failed to bring in Brazilian full-back Cicinho before transfer deadline day.

The South American should complete his switch in the New Year though which will relegated the 29-year-old to the Real bench.

That is unless Salgado joins Juventus, a move which would apparently be welcomed by boss Fabio Capello.

The Italian champions do seem to have a few problems at right-back given the injuries affecting Jonathan Zebina.

To make matters worse, his natural replacement is Alessandro Birindelli who won’t recover from knee ligament damage for at least another six months.

Meanwhile, Juventus striker Marcelo Zalayeta has reminded Capello of his ability after scoring a hat-trick for his country.

Zalayeta’s treble allowed Uruguay to defeat Colombia 3-2 in their latest World Cup qualifier.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


yupi!!!! another bastard who pays more attention to his hair than his football :D


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
It certainly wouldnt hurt to have Salgado on the roster. He's a solid player. Having said that though, I'd say its quite unlikely Madrid wont use him in the Champions League, because they havent bought Cicinho and dont have enough quality on his position.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


although i never liked him he is a good player. wouldn't have been at real for so long if he wasn't.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Salgado wouldn't be a bad player to have but if he does join January he'll most likely be cup-tied. Like baggio I don't see Real leaving him out of CL action for the first half of the season.

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
But the smoke screen involves salgado admitting that real offered him to us?
I'd welcome him because he is a solid player...consistant, not great but good enough.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Salgado set for Juve loan
Monday 5 September, 2005
Real Madrid full-back Michel Fernandez Salgado will become a Juventus player in January, according to reports.

The Spanish international was associated with a Turin switch in the summer but that now looks likely to occur in the New Year.

"Real have offered me to Juventus on a six-month loan deal starting in January," Salgado is quoted as saying.

"The Real directors have told me this directly and it is a solution that I am happy with."

Rumours suggest that Salgado, who is contracted to the Spaniards until 2009, was initially offered to Juventus back in August.

However, the move didn’t take place as the European giants failed to bring in Brazilian full-back Cicinho before transfer deadline day.

The South American should complete his switch in the New Year though which will relegated the 29-year-old to the Real bench.

That is unless Salgado joins Juventus, a move which would apparently be welcomed by boss Fabio Capello.

The Italian champions do seem to have a few problems at right-back given the injuries affecting Jonathan Zebina.

To make matters worse, his natural replacement is Alessandro Birindelli who won’t recover from knee ligament damage for at least another six months.

Meanwhile, Juventus striker Marcelo Zalayeta has reminded Capello of his ability after scoring a hat-trick for his country.

Zalayeta’s treble allowed Uruguay to defeat Colombia 3-2 in their latest World Cup qualifier.


this is very odd...

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