Russian Thread (6 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003
what is it called Greg? i watched a movie called legend no17 which is about the same team but highlights Valeri Kharalamov who single handily pulled Russia against the Canadians in the final.
Of Miracles and Men. Primarily I'd say it was about the contrast between Tarasov and Tikhonov.

soviet national hockey team

russian post soviet teams are crap
Corrected... yep, USSR... not Russia.

Buy on


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Of Miracles and Men. Primarily I'd say it was about the contrast between Tarasov and Tikhonov.

Corrected... yep, USSR... not Russia.
Greg i can't thank you enough for bringing this documentary to my attention. i enjoyed it thoroughly!! i agree with you with regards to the massive difference in style between Tarasov and Tikhonov. i actually think tarasov's school of thought is just out of this world, and i wonder how far his team would've went. i can't say tikhonov's methods were less spectacular but he was surely old school and played by the book leaving out any emotions in the teams he built, they were literally a well oiled machine that went from one victory to the next until that game with the USA where over confidence really bit them in the rear. there is a lot of lessons to be observed in this documentary and i can fairly say the taste of victory when all odds are stacked against you is on a whole new level of sweetness. whether the Soviet team of that era or the USA team that finally broke their streak. :tup:


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Rus I want to know why do you think khorodovsky is better? No one seems to give me a straight answer. I'm told he might be better but non the less he is part of the gang that jumped to the next level when the Soviet era came crashing. If you have articles or any source to back up your opinion I'd appreciate it,because I do want to know why you hold him in high regard. Finally should he come to power what do you think will change about Russia? I do agree with you with regards to вова running the country to the ground and nothing proves this more than the delusional law makers in Duma.


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
Watch 90% of the Russians believe CIA&Mossad killed him.

Opposition planned a 100,000 men demonstration in the city center on Sunday. Obviously government pushed it into some suburb because city center is only for anti-ukraine demonstrations.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Watch 90% of the Russians believe CIA&Mossad killed him.

Opposition planned a 100,000 men demonstration in the city center on Sunday. Obviously government pushed it into some suburb because city center is only for anti-ukraine demonstrations.
i read that they actually canceled the demo's and instead will have a tribute for Nemtsov in the city center. i guess the article i read on moscow times was not accurate. the kremlin mouth pieces did not waste time, as soon as news came out they started coming up with the conspiracy theories on twitter.


Sep 13, 2011

so cool :D

- - - Updated - - -

-Пан Поляк, по дороге подобрали
-Ты больше не пьешь.



Senior Member
Sep 5, 2005
Первый онал пиздит только про Листьева мрази

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