Russian Thread (29 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
it is officale! bisco is moving to where the sun no shine for 7 entire months :D that's Moscow to you :D something tells me i will regret bitching about how hot Cairo is sooner than i think :lol: ah well its too late to back down so bring it on. rus and alex444 watch your backs :D kidding!

student invitation-----> check
translated and certified passport, i.g.c.s.e certificates, academic record, health certificate, single status paper--------> check
military permission to leave ze motherland of Egypt---------> check
egyptair ticket for the 8th--------> check

it's been a month from hell to say the least and that's me being cheery about what i had to go thru with violence in the same street Russian consulate is on in one hand and the fact the Russian embassy charges waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for translating and certifying :D add in the fact they don't speak English or Arabic so i brushed up on my hand signal techniques :lol: thank god for Egyptians working in the embassy or else life would've been miserable to say the least.

sad truth is, i will have to undergo a medical check up for the third time simply bec the Egyptian version is a no go so hello third blood test :D i have a year of learning Russian followed by a year getting my state specialized degree in pharmacy :klin: and more importantly bisco is getting married next month ( not sure when considering i have to wait for the registry to tell me the set date)

a little bit frightened with what is ahead but extremely excited by the prospect of finally settling down with the Mrs, and starting a new chapter in my life where i hope to gain a lot of experience and finally depend on my self as opposed to being breast fed ala arab style :D about time really and perhaps the main motive along with the mrs being actually there.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
My observation's on Moscow thus far :D

This is easily iPhone capital of the world!!! The amount of people sporting iOS is insane :D

People stick with rules in general however you get the occasional idiot who breaks a traffic light like any other part of the world.

Every one smokes :)))

The metro is difficult to understand but after three rides it gets pretty easier.

I still can't imagine how the WC will be hosted here in 5 years because everything is in Russian! I understand st Petersburg is more English friendly but Moscow is all Russian all ze time.

I have mixed feelings about Bee line, on the one hand the guy at there ship helped us activate my cell line however there customer service is crap and you get the impression they just don't want to help!! Needless to say any text or mail regarding your tarrif plan is in plain Russian.

Been to red square and st Basil's cathedral and thought it's EPIC had a great time.

Liked mackafe too :D and off course arbat which is in the city center and probably the only place I've been to so far where you can hear English being spoken.

All in all its a cool city, and I'm enjoying settling down. Can't wait fit Uni to start on the first of September to learn Russian because life gets much easier from there.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
How can I forget this :D cars!! They love cars here!!!! Some epic cars can be found here revving there engines up and down the street. They love limos though, Humvee limos are popular, followed by fords and just now I saw a Porsche Cayenne limo :D it's not my thing to be honest but they are a big hit here. What I like though are the cool bikes, iw at arbat which apparently is a hot spot of many cruisers.

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