Roberto Baggio (18 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Here is a pic of the goal, number 189 in serie A :)
The assist was from Bachini, not from Pep, Roby assist to Toni is beautiful like this wondeful goal!!!
Did you manage to see it in the rai link?
++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++
i cant believe brescia is sponsored by UMBRO!!!!!!
why not valsport or kappa or diadora???? why umbro???
What wrong with Umbro? It's cause it was Milan sponsor?

Buy on


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Roby is both in the datasport ''dream team'' and in the ''chicche of the week''.

Here what they said about him:

In the top of the mieldfield,:star:Roberto Baggio:star:. ''Il Codino'' is author of a magistral match in Piacenza, scores a fantastic goal and is involved in all the other 3 goals: cristal class and good condition with grate intuits. Aunique player who wuold always deserve to wear the azzurri jersey. :strong::extatic:

:star:Baggio R:star:: class, times, goal and wonders ''a volonta'', every body stand up!:strong:

Soccerage international best eleven, isn't out yet... but he will be there again... I can bet! Who else was rated 8 - 8 1/2 and even 9 from everybody?


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Darin ] ++
denco should hear u sayin this :D
Behave yourself, contrary to what ppl will have you believe, I do like the guy

He played very well I am told and I was disappointed in Rai uno that instead of showing his assists and how well he played , they waste so much time talking about referees decisions. Anyways I do hope Baggio gets to 200 goals this season as I cannot think of anyother Italian footballer who deserves to get there first in this era


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Roby is also in the soccerage best eleven, of course! :extatic:
This is what they said:

:star:Roberto Baggio:star: (Brescia) – Please Roby, keep on playing until you're 50. :touched:


Also gazzetta dello sport make him as ''the man of the week'' and they said: ''He's almost 36 but he still the referement point not only of his coach, his team and his fans but of everybody who think that soccer can be an art''. :) That's so true, Roby is the last ''artist'' of soccer.

I'm so happy :extatic:, cause also if this season was overall positive 4 him cause he played nearly all the matches, beeing often decisive and according to ''domenica sportiva'' statistics he is also the player who does more assists, took more faults and does more right passeges; I was worry that after last injury we wuould not see anymore the ''magic guy'' able to win matches alone and to make also the fans of the team he's playing against going crazy and scream 4 him.
I was worry that it was too mutch 4 a 35 years old guy to recover completily... but now my fear is gone! :extatic:
Well, I not expect him to score more than a goal a match like he was doing last year before those damn 2 injuryes, but I'm sure he can still have fun and us with him! :)


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
Anyways I do hope Baggio gets to 200 goals this season as I cannot think of anyother Italian footballer who deserves to get there first in this era
200 goals??
hmmmm maybe not this season. I really hope he does but that means he must score at least 20 goals this season.. lets face it, he is not the right age or team to acheive that..

BUT DONT WORRY, i have faith in my Baggio!:D


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
++ [ originally posted by RobyBaggio10 ] ++

200 goals??
hmmmm maybe not this season. I really hope he does but that means he must score at least 20 goals this season.. lets face it, he is not the right age or team to acheive that..

BUT DONT WORRY, i have faith in my Baggio!:D


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Vinman ] ++
Man, he deserves to be called up for the friendly against Portugal !!!
You don't know how many petions are doing here in Italy to have him back to the NT, every newspaper is publisching all the emails they recive from the fans and in every single one they ask Trapattoni not to do the mistake again... And look also that the FIGC, is starting to get bored of him and his attitude of refiusing even to answor when asked about Baggio.

Anycase IMO he will never call Roby... cause doing it is like to admit the mistake of not taking him 4 the WC and looks like that Trap war is more vs fans and media than vs Roby... at the end he just said "I was disappointed" while are the media and the fans who are destroing him.


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
if he doesnt call up Baggio i was thinkin how bout Andrea Pirlo!
i like that idea very much....

even cassano could be in the team for backup.

These 2 young stars would be perfect when/if Delpiero or Totti 'dissapoint' in the next tournament


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
++ [ originally posted by RobyBaggio10 ] ++
if he doesnt call up Baggio i was thinkin how bout Andrea Pirlo!
i like that idea very much....

even cassano could be in the team for backup.

These 2 young stars would be perfect when/if Delpiero or Totti 'dissapoint' in the next tournament
Pirlo sure as he would be much better than Gattuso, but Cassano?! Please no, he's such a diva, like his protector Totti :yuck: I hope Baggio will take DP's place, if not, then I hope Miccoli does. He certainly would deserve it as he's been playing very good lately :)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
I would go for Miccoli, as cassano I hate and Baggio is past it (don't shoot me)
From Cassano and Miccoli I will take Miccoli 100 times.
About Baggio is the past... you schould see a match of him, he still amazing! Skill has no age... when he was younger he was "from an other planet" in confront of the other players now he has some physical limits, but still the best in his role! Don't you see also M.Jordan in basket and Sampras and Agassi in tennis? Ther's no point of looking at the I.D. of Baggio till he will keep on beeing so good!

Anycase Trapattoni won't call him, he will never do it cause it will mean to make press and fans win. That it's better 4 Baggio cause the NT sucks, and is suking 4 long time, but I'm sure that if they wuold suck with him vs Portugal, all the fault will go to him and everybody will start saying that he destabilisch the atmosphiere that he upsetted the "changing room" and all this stupid things they always take as an excuse to find something wrong in the best talent who was ever born in Italy. Like I'm sure that if he was in the WC everybody was saying that Totti sucked just cause he was depressed about the fans cheering 4 Baggio instead of him and bla bla bla.... like they did in 98 with Del Piero.
Btw according to many founts is also Totti (who 4 Trap is like a son) who is vs Roby cause with him he will loose the "cover man" role... who knows... Totti is a very good player but he never schowed to be a clever man... it's possible....


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Trap isnt picking Baggio for the Portugal game- I hope Trap is shot in the streets after his tactics get us beaten and embarassed AGAIN !!!


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Well... now Trapattoni really reached his hightest point of crazyness!

From the WC, to today he refused to speak about Baggio... than the Italian fans started complaining badly so FIGC president Carraro started to get bored and now he came out saying that he won't call him cause he want to build a team 4 the future.
But? What future? The NT is about to be out of the EURO and anycase everybody know that Trap has no future in the azzurri... all that he has to do is to save his ass match by match.

Than look what he said to convince peaple that he do not hate Baggio:

-"I was the one who took him in Juve" :eek: What??? Baggio arrived in Juve in 1990 and Trap from 1988 to 1991 was Inter coach :eek: Maybe he's to old and sick to remember it :D

-We will organize a "tribute match" 4 him:eek: That's just a stupid attempt to "buy" Italy fans!!! We want Baggio now cause he can make the difference and cause we are bored of seeing ower NT sucking and beeing boring also the few times when we make it not to loose. About the "tribute"... of course he will deserve it, cause he's Italian soccer simble, but it not has to be Trap the one to say it! Cause it's so obvious that he say it just to have some "sympaty"!

The good think is that Carraro who always defended Trapattoni even after the awful WC, went vs him 4 the first time. He said "Baggio gave so mutch to Italian soccer and he is still giving it, as a soccer lover and as an Italian I wuould always want to see him in the NT, but I'm not the one who make the tecnical decision, the coach is Trapattoni and I will not interferee with his decisions". Hope he will fire him after the match vs Portugal (Italy will probably sucks like always...) and that's will be the best think not just 4 Baggio but also 4 the future cause young players have of course more to learn from Baggio than from Trapattoni!

I took the news from

Btw I don't care about Baggio to play this stupid friend match and I think that Baggio can't care less too, but it's Trapattoni ways of denying the truth and always trying (with no results) to "buy" the fans who piss me off...


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
It depends on how long Trap will stay and who will come after him. But all the possible coaches Zoff, Zaccheroni, Del Neri, ecc... publicaly said that they wuould pick Baggio cause now he's doing grate.
Anycase maybe it's also true that Del Vecchio do not steal the "cover page" to anybody, and Baggio may have some jealousy into the Azzurris. But a good coach has to manage problems like this.

An other funny thing Trap said: "Roby schould say thank to the peaple 4 all the amazing support he has, but in him I will say them to stop with this thing of the NT". What??? :eek:
What fault he has if the Italian peaple want their simbol, to play 4 their color?
And most of all... he do not speak with the press and all that he did is playing well, he didn't say a world about the question from before the WC. He's really not involved in the fact that peaple is causing problems to Trap... or Trap won't him to play bad in pourpose, if not peaple "boder" him?

Anycase I really hope that now also Carraro is sick of Trap and fire him soon... it will be the best thing 4 everybody. He totaly lost his mind after the WC! And maybe also before it, probably his too old to stand all this pressure...

P.S.: I am sure that Roby prefer to be so beloved from the peaple than to have few caps in the NT more. In this days websites, newspepar, TVs and even radios are collecting all the messages that fans are leaving to convince Trap to make them seeing Baggio in the azzurri jersey again... It's amazing how mutch support he has from all the fans of all the teams and also from abroad... it will never happen anymore something like that... And Roby will keep it in his heart 4 ever! :touched:


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
did anyone see the new italian jersey??
we are back to a normal blue
and now we have Gold numbers hehe..

ill rate it a 6/10 :thumb:

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