Ramadan Kareem!! (40 Viewers)


Rab's Husband - The Regista
Aug 27, 2008
what school did you go to, mate? school starting in the afternoon, that's a dream come true!
ain't that big a dream bro... i studied in New Indian Model School, Dubai till 12th... they had the crappy system of morning shift for gals and afternoon shift for boys... so technically we were deprived of any interaction with the opposite sex... which sucked big time...


Rab's Husband - The Regista
Aug 27, 2008
aah right right yea IHS Dubai also does that
actually most schools in dubai during those days implemented that system... apart from the arab schools and a few other schools like Cambridge High everyone else used the two shift system... i think it has changed over the past few years...
Jan 7, 2004
That's because I am. Yes Hitler went after homosexuals and gypsies too, but guess what, his main objective was to wipe all Jews from the face of the earth. That people like swag and Enron are telling us WW II had nothing to do with religion only shows how poor the history education in America really is.

You see few agnostics doing this. In fact, I'm not doing this either. All I'm saying is that muslims can't say they know certain things.
or criticise other ppl's beliefs as well...if you and Seven could refrain from doing that, these forums would be a much better place
no one is doing that, all we are doing is argueing what is best for juventus


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
but seriously when was the last time any of you have fasted true to the word... i'm struggling to remember when i last did...
Hehe, the mainly concious effort I make is I try to be extra charitable to strangers (help in minor things etc), not that I am nice in general hehe.

For example very minor thing, yesterday in the library computer loungue, some women asked me if she can borrow my cell, I said A ok despite having little money left in it and being in quite a hurry to go somewhere. She was a bit weird to say the least, must have suffered from mental condition, not only did she talk to herself (and everyone else looking strange at her), but she didnt seem to have much inhibition controll, because when you borrow someone's cell, you dont talk on it for more then 7 minutes :D

Worst case of being friendly to strangers was (in attempt to be helpful "to the needy") when we were visiting relatives in Denmark for Ramadan when I was a young kid. Riding on cramped buss, A VERY old lady is getting off, but she fells badly off the exit, I hurry up to her side and helps her up (something anyone naturally does, and not an extra effort), repeatedly asking if she is ok, do you know what her reaction is? Hitting me constantly with her umbrella and screaming profanitities in danish related to thieving scum (got translation from other passengers). Am like WTF? :D I never faced in your face racism like that before, no shock it was in denmark ;)


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
10 yrs back Ramadan used to awesome for me. School used to end at 3 or 4pm. I'd come back home, pray Asr and play football on the streets till Mom screamed out that it was time for Iftar. Those were the days.
Now no football, and no home cooked iftar. Damn why did i have to grow up...
Actually I must agree, even if you live probably in a very different time zone. I dont know if it was 10 years ago, must be, but it was Ramadan in the middle of winter (instead of summer now), the sun went down like 14.30-15.30 so iftar was around then, it didnt feel like one was fasting at all, you hit a heavy meal early, go to school, dont eat there, go home early, and eat lavish iftar. Was a breeze for sure. There wasnt time to be effected by fasting, and could play football all afternoon etc.

Now in comparison, iftar is frigging 20.00, quite a difference. Next years of 21.00 will be CRAZY. I think muslims in Europe will have to follow the time of the nearest muslim country, because iftar in 21.00+ is quite challenging, haha.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
There is an article on La Stampa about Ramadan and the footballers.
Sissoko said that he is sorry about his performance 3 days ago , he was really tired .

and the article says that fasting effects on the players abilities , thats proven by a British study published by «British Journal of Sports Medicine» , with tests on 55 professional players in 2004.

Players who participated in the research have shown a reduction in , speed, resistance to fatigue, the ability to Dribble the opponent. A general fatigue and physical weakness .

here is the full article if you want to read it..

Musulmano osservante, ai compagni confida: «Sono stanco»

Fino a domenica scorsa Mohamed Sissoko s’era salvato con le partite all’ora di cena, semplicemente, perché l’aveva potuta consumare anche lui: in regime di Ramadan, che il maliano segue da buon musulmano, gli sono vietati cibo e bevande dall’alba al tramonto. Così, giocando a sera inoltrata, qualcosa può addentare. Sarà un caso, ma tre indizi li ha messi in fila: benone contro l’Udinese alla seconda di campionato, bene con lo Zenit alla prima di Champions, entrambe sotto i fanali. Pomeridiana, e caldina, a Cagliari: un disastro, sette passaggi spediti sui piedi del nemico o direttamente in fallo laterale in 45 minuti, e la sensazione di una deambulazione troppo soffice per uno abituato a correre su partite e avversari con passo da quattrocentista. Difatti Claudio Ranieri l’aveva tolto dopo 60 minuti, roba mai vista, e forse pure stasera, nonostante la notturna, potrebbe farlo riposare in vista delle trasferte di Genova, con la Samp, alle 18, e di martedì in Champions, a Minsk, all’ultimo giorno di Ramadan, ma a notte fonda (le 21,45 locali).

Alla fede però, Momo non ha mai rinunciato, da quando gioca, anzi è sempre stata un buon navigatore per la sua vita: «Sono musulmano - spiegò al Liverpool - e la religione è una cosa importante per me. Mi dà equilibrio e gioca un ruolo fondamentale in tutti gli aspetti della mia vita. E ogni volta ringrazio Allah per tutto quello che mi ha dato». Lo ricorda, con una preghiera, prima e dopo ogni partita. In tutto, sono cinque ogni giorno. Quando devi scendere in campo tre volte a settimana, però, ti costa. In effetti, parlando a Vinovo con un compagno della partita di domenica, ha ammesso: «Mi dispiace ma ero stanchissimo».

Che il rispetto del Ramadan incida sui muscoli dei calciatori musulmani pare ovvio, in ogni caso l’ha confermato uno studio inglese pubblicato dalla rivista «British Journal of Sports Medicine» con un test effettuato su 55 calciatori professionisti nel 2004. Il Ramadan influirebbe sul periodo in cui viene osservato, quest’anno dal primo al 29 o 30 settembre (secondo la luna) e anche nelle due settimane successive alla sua fine. In particolare tra i giocatori che hanno partecipato alla ricerca è stata evidenziata una riduzione dell’agilità, della velocità, della resistenza alla fatica, della capacità di dribblare l’avversario. Una spossatezza generale, insomma, che non è da attribuire soltanto al digiuno diurno, perché poi le energie necessarie possono essere assunte dopo il tramonto senza tagliare le calorie necessarie al fisico, quanto allo scambio dell’assimilazione di cibo tra il giorno e la notte. Una specie di sconvolgimento dell’orologio biologico che può portare a disturbi del sonno, difficoltà di concentrazione, problemi di digestione, mal di testa. Tutte cause di fiacchezza fisica.

Il fenomeno, come la fede, è trasversale. Stessi problemi, per esempio, ha il Real Madrid con Mahamadou Diarra, maliano come Sissoko. Anche il centrocampista delle “ merengues” osserva il digiuno che, come nel caso di Momo, ha una notevole incidenza nel suo stile di gioco. L’allenatore del club spagnolo, Bernd Schuster, non era molto tranquillo: «Siamo un po’ inquieti, ma rispettiamo la fede del giocatore. Sono costretto a diminuire l’intensità dei suoi allenamenti perché, non mangiando, non può avere energie a sufficienza». C’è anche chi mette il lavoro davanti a tutto, compreso Allah. Come il talentino dell’Arsenal, Samir Nasrì: «Tra Arsenal e Nazionale ho troppe partite - disse due settimana fa - e il Ramadan non fa bene all’organismo, specie in estate. E io quindi non lo farò». Pure altri musulmani passati in Italia non l’hanno mai osservato, come Mohammed Kallon. O come l’ex grabata Gargo che, quando nell’estate 2005 trovò ingaggio in Qatar, fece mettere subito le cose in chiaro dal suo agente: «Beve e mangia carne, senza scrupoli». A Sissoko mancano sette giorni.
Thank you! Case closed.



"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Momo admits September struggle
Wednesday 24 September, 2008

Juventus midfielder Momo Sissoko has revealed that he is finding it tough to give his best on the pitch during Ramadan.

The Mali international is a practising Muslim and is forbidden from eating during daylight hours during the month of September.

Sissoko admitted that it is hard to balance his religious beliefs with his profession while he was at Liverpool and feels his form at Juve has also been affected.

“It's a shame because I know that I didn't give my usual contribution against Cagliari as I was so very tired,” Sissoko told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

“Everyone is different. Last year I had just recovered from meningitis and an ankle injury so I couldn't observe Ramadan.

“But Ramadan is a duty and certainly not a form of torture, Italy is a multi-cultural society and it's nice that everyone is welcome.”

Sissoko is still expected to start against Catania this evening alongside Marco Marchionni, Claudio Marchisio and Pavel Nedved.



Props to Sissoko for coming out to admit this. But if he still is tired today, he shouldn't start IMO.


Rab's Husband - The Regista
Aug 27, 2008
Actually I must agree, even if you live probably in a very different time zone. I dont know if it was 10 years ago, must be, but it was Ramadan in the middle of winter (instead of summer now), the sun went down like 14.30-15.30 so iftar was around then, it didnt feel like one was fasting at all, you hit a heavy meal early, go to school, dont eat there, go home early, and eat lavish iftar. Was a breeze for sure. There wasnt time to be effected by fasting, and could play football all afternoon etc.

Now in comparison, iftar is frigging 20.00, quite a difference. Next years of 21.00 will be CRAZY. I think muslims in Europe will have to follow the time of the nearest muslim country, because iftar in 21.00+ is quite challenging, haha.
i was in Bristol during christmas n i really had a tough time figuring out how people survive with such drastic change in time between sunrise and sunset... you go to work and after a coupla hours after lunch its dark outside... in the summer its 10pm and still you got light outside...
in the middle east sunset is mostly between 5:30pm and 7pm all year long... so basically you almost fast the same time year after year... same case in india as well...

Props to Sissoko for coming out to admit this. But if he still is tired today, he shouldn't start IMO.
True. I suppose Poulsen should be ready by now...


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
That's because I am. Yes Hitler went after homosexuals and gypsies too, but guess what, his main objective was to wipe all Jews from the face of the earth. That people like swag and Enron are telling us WW II had nothing to do with religion only shows how poor the history education in America really is.
No Andries. You are wrong.


Apr 14, 2005
That's because I am. Yes Hitler went after homosexuals and gypsies too, but guess what, his main objective was to wipe all Jews from the face of the earth. That people like swag and Enron are telling us WW II had nothing to do with religion only shows how poor the history education in America really is.

yeah seven you're wrong


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
No Andries. You are wrong.
yeah seven you're wrong
Seriously you guys have had some bad education. I know the history education in America (and Belgium as well for that matter) is quite poor, but saying WWII had nothing to do with religion is pretty stupid even if you've never had a single history lesson before. What planet are you guys from?


Sep 23, 2003
Seriously you guys have had some bad education. I know the history education in America (and Belgium as well for that matter) is quite poor, but saying WWII had nothing to do with religion is pretty stupid even if you've never had a single history lesson before. What planet are you guys from?
I think you're mixing up motivation with justification -- or call it cause with effect there, son. They need to teach the scientific method better there in Belgium. All those waffles are apparently causing hallucinations.

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