Press V Juventus (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2005
Dalton said:
These are all lies. The press is trying to destroy Juve with these news .... IT'S UNBELIEVABLE, This should stop if we all want that italian league to survive. Why always Juve????
I know it's hard sometimes but try to get over the denial. We've done something bad. I know the press aren't Juve's friend most of the time but completely denying everything isn't the way to go.


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2005
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    Its not about denying.. When you look back into the years, just remember how things went with the press.
    Cannavaro was heiled as a GOD all over press when he was at Parma, let alone at Inter. NOW they want the NT captain arm band to be reomoved from him.
    They still call Juventus the doped lady and they fail to mention that we were 100% acquited from the trial. Why is all the focus on Juve's players? Why are Juve players always mentioned in a bad way. Don't you feel that its abit strange that all players involved in the illegal bettings are Juventus' or ex-juventus' that did not go to milan or roman teams?
    We are not angels, but what gets on the nerve is the way the press disrespects everything about juventus.
    I wouldn't be surprised if the press clamed down recently about Buffon cause he might be on his way to Milan...


    Junior Member
    Apr 6, 2006
    I'm not saying that Juve didn't do something wrong .... but let be realistic only juve had done these certain things and btw i'dont like the attitude of Berlusconi " He's The great lier in Italy "


    Senior Member
    Jan 8, 2006
    press vs milan

    Rossoneri see media conspiracy Sunday 4 June, 2006


    Milan have released a statement accusing the Press of organising a conspiracy to drag them into the Calciopoli scandal with Juventus.

    “AC Milan rebel against the organised media’s campaign against us,” read the release on their official website.

    “There are entirely arbitrary theories of a 'Milan system’ by misinterpreting snippets of phone conversations, bending the wise words of FIGC Commissioner Guido Rossi and trying to turn a cordial meeting between Adriano Galliani and Rossi into an interrogation.”

    Juventus have until now been at the centre of the Calciopoli scandal and risk anything from docked points to demotion into Serie B.

    However, the new tactic used by Luciano Moggi’s legal team is to claim that the former Juve director general was only trying to “defend himself against the real power centres of football” – namely Milan.

    The Turin-based newspapers have printed several stories supporting this theory over the past few days, including allegations that a linesman was a Rossoneri supporter and today 'Tuttosport’ claimed that the club gifted watches to referees.

    “The final aim of this campaign of misinformation is manifest: they intend to transfer the investigation and its verdicts elsewhere, struggling to generate a concert of malicious suggestions to those who must analyse and decide,” continued Milan’s statement.

    “Nobody from these newspapers has tried to transcribe, nor even probably to read, the original information provided by the Lazio police in their investigations so far.”

    This is the statement printed by magazine 'L’Espresso’ and the Milan website, provided by the Lazio-based Carabinieri police on January 21, 2006, as part of their investigations:

    “The evidence acquired thus far reinforce the investigative theory that Luciano Moggi has absolute power over the entire football system. It’s an even more alarming situation due to the exclusivity of this power, next to which there is no counter-balance able to contrast it.”

    The temperature in Calciopoli is rising sharply with less than three weeks to go before the investigation is set to conclude and the first verdicts delivered.

    Galliani, who is Vice-President of Milan and President of the Lega Calcio, is set to meet with Federation Commissioner Rossi on Monday morning to discuss how they’ll move forward in revamping the football system.

    There are also reports this will sanction Galliani’s resignation from the Lega, something which has been repeatedly requested by Vice-President Maurizio Zamparini, who has already handed in his own notice.

    Despite the increasingly bitter row between the two clubs, Galliani confirmed yesterday that the Trofeo Berlusconi would again be a Milan-Juventus match in August. The tournament began in 1991 and is set for its 16th edition, almost all of them with these two sides


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    I'm sorry, but even thinking of something like that is plain ridiculous.
    It just makes no sense at all.


    Livin with Mediocre
    Mar 29, 2006
    this is nothing more than conspiracy of what im going to say but have any of you ever thought this whole scandal could be from a foreign source? hence what I mean is that it could be set up by the rival leagues in europe. On another note the way the press is dealing with this scandal is completly laughable in italy, if ever a situation like this occued in EPL I know one thing would be certain they would try to keep as much stuff as quiet before releasing it to the public, they would also try to make sure some of the news before they filter it out to the public is authentic in some form. Either way they would basically help their clubs and some some sort of honour between people before name and shame.


    Livin with Mediocre
    Mar 29, 2006
    AbuGadanzieri said:
    i hate media everyone should not buy more media and they should read the news on websites only and not buy media
    As much as it may be hated, we cant escape it, its all around us, the websites we read our news from may be actually from the media websites which in turn may make some revenue or another, Others which may be set up by supporters in turn also get there news from media and although we may not be directly buying from it we have no choice but to still take up note or acknowledge there garbage.. there really is no way running from it. Lets just put it in simple terms, Juve tried running from it (Press silence) and they had their way of still grabbing their attention one way or another. As for buying from it, well media is supponserd by many organisations, therefore supporting (buying something from) their supponsers means indirectly supporting them


    Senior Member
    Jan 8, 2006
    PhRoZeN said:
    this is nothing more than conspiracy of what im going to say but have any of you ever thought this whole scandal could be from a foreign source? hence what I mean is that it could be set up by the rival leagues in europe. On another note the way the press is dealing with this scandal is completly laughable in italy, if ever a situation like this occued in EPL I know one thing would be certain they would try to keep as much stuff as quiet before releasing it to the public, they would also try to make sure some of the news before they filter it out to the public is authentic in some form. Either way they would basically help their clubs and some some sort of honour between people before name and shame.
    i dont think the problem is from other leagues

    it is for berlusconi

    he is not the itlian minister after he lost

    his team lost in cl

    his team lost the scudetto

    so he was angry and wanted to hurt juventus


    Z.Z T h e M a s t e r
    May 25, 2004
    Media power is obvious. it's been used many times not only in football but also in important political issues. Remember the War against Irak and how the documentary "9'11" have explained all the tricks the bush' governement had used to mislead the world opinion.
    Football is a game of pleasure, of beautiful goals and stars but definitely a sport of deals, pub and unlimited zeros behind the number "1".
    And all this "brouhahah" around the italian football is making it the worst one it could be.

    we need a clan and fair football. Still, we love juventus as a club and not as a company.


    Z.Z T h e M a s t e r
    May 25, 2004
    here is what I was talking about :
    the media power ( sorry it's in french)

    Silvio Berlusconi sera auditionné dans une affaire de corruption (6/4/2006)

    La justice italienne auditionnera Silvio Berlusconi la semaine prochaine pour déterminer s¹il doit être jugé dans une affaire de corruption.
    Le parquet de Milan accuse Berlusconi d¹avoir acheté 600.000 dollars le silence de l¹avocat britannique David Mills pour ne pas révéler certains détails sur son empire médiatique, alors que celui-ci était entendu dans deux affaires comme témoin.
    Berlusconi et Mills clament leur innocence.
    Ces auditions sont le dernier épisode d¹une saga judiciaire concernant Berlusconi, et l¹étape la plus importante après sa défaite aux élections législatives.
    Il faudra plusieurs semaines, voire plusieurs mois aux juges pour décider ou non d¹inculper les deux hommes.
    Trois jours avant les élections législatives d¹avril, l¹ancien président du Conseil italien avait accusé les juges d¹avoir monté cette affaire pour le déstabiliser et ruiner ses ambitions politiques.
    L¹implication de l¹avocat d¹affaires David Mills a créé le scandale en Grande-Bretagne et mis fin à son mariage avec la ministre de la Culture britannique Tessa Jowell.
    Dans le passé, Mills s¹est exprimé comme témoin lors de trois procès pour escroquerie mettant en cause Berlusconi.
    Aujourd¹hui, l¹ex-président du Conseil, Mills et 12 autres personnes font l¹objet d¹une enquête pour une affaire d¹évasion fiscale, de fraude et de blanchiment d¹argent au sein de Mediaset, le plus grand groupe privé de télévision, contrôlé par la famille de Silvio Berlusconi.

    Approximative translation by google

    Silvio Berlusconi will be auditioned in a business of corruption (6/4/2006) Italian justice will audition Silvio Berlusconi the next week to determine S ¹ it must be judged in a business of corruption. The parquet floor of Milan shows Berlusconi D ¹ to have bought 600.000 dollars the silence of L ¹ lawyer British David Mills not to reveal certain details on its media empire, whereas this one was heard in two cases like witness. Berlusconi and Mills protest their innocence. These hearings are the last episode D ¹ a legal saga relating to Berlusconi, and L ¹ the most important stage after its defeat with the legislative elections. It will take several weeks, even several months with the judges to decide or not D ¹ to accuse the two men. Three days before the legislative elections D ¹ April, L ¹ former president of the Italian Council had shown the judges D ¹ to have assembled this business to destabilize it and ruin its political ambitions. L ¹ implication of L ¹ lawyer D ¹ businesses David Mills created the scandal in Great Britain and put fine at its marriage with the Minister for the British Culture Tessa Jowell. In the past, Mills S ¹ is expressed as pilot at the time of three lawsuits for swindle blaming Berlusconi. Aujourd ¹ today, L ¹ former president of the Council, Mills and 12 other people make L ¹ object D ¹ an investigation for a business D ¹ tax avoidance, of fraud and bleaching D ¹ money within Mediaset, the greatest private group of television, controlled by the family of Silvio Berlusconi.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    look at Adnkronos's votes for yesteday's game and especially the Juve players vote and comments.

    Buffon 6

    Una partita senza troppi patemi. E' bastata una parata per vincere la sua 'scommessa'
    Zaccardo 6
    Miracolato, arriva in Germania col biglietto di Panucci, antipatico a Lippi. Riesce a non sfigurare più di tanto
    Cannavaro 6
    Il capitano mostra sicurezza, senza sbagliare nulla. Come avrà fatto senza flebo al braccio?
    Nesta 6
    Non è al massimo e si vede, però di classe (e non solo) con il tacco blocca un contropiede degli africani
    Grosso 5
    Prima ringrazia Zambrotta. Ma poi forse pensa che era meglio la panchina. Troppo emozionato, si blocca senza trovare la posizione. Dalla sua parte il Ghana fa paura
    Perrotta 9
    Vederlo in campo fa pensare che Lippi sia un allenatore. E già è tanto, ma lui stupisce ed è il migliore degli azzurri. Non si ferma un momento, avendo un'altra marcia e quasi sfiora il gol nel finale
    Pirlo 8
    In linea con Totti trova il gol con un tiro dai 26 metri e sblocca un match difficile. Poi rallenta e cincischia, per fortuna sciabatta verso Iaquinta che raddoppia. Gol e assist
    De Rossi 6
    Debutto difficile ma alla fine porta a casa la pagnotta: un'ammonizione e due falli da rigore, ringraziando l'oculista e la moglie dell'arbitro
    Totti 7+
    Inizia lento ma gioca sempre di prima. E riesce lo stesso a fare la differenza, velocizzando una squadra che sembra spesso avere il freno a mano tirato. Due i pezzi migliori: la faccia stranita perché ha segnato pure Iaquinta e il gavettone a Peruzzi
    Camoranesi 4 (10' s.t.)
    Resta nel tabellino per due aspetti: non si è tagliato i vcapelli e riesce lo stess o a farsi ammonire. Lippi aveva azzeccato a lasciarlo in panchina, ma poi non resiste al tentativo di farsi del male con l'argentino e lo schiera
    Gilardino 5
    Lotta, combatte rientra, copre, aiuta. Potrebbe essere il miglior sostituto di Zambrotta, solo che a quest orittmo si dimentica del ruolo di attaccante, sparando in bocca al portiere del Ghana
    (19 s.t.) Iaquinta 3 poi 8
    Poi si dice che i miracoli nel calcio non esistono! Gioca quattro palloni. Il primo fuorigioco, ma aveva ragione lui, il secondo fuorigioco ma aveva ragiobne Koffour. il terzo strategico in area lo 'padella'. Per il quarto accenderà un cero a S.Pirlo
    Toni 7
    Il centravanti tuttigol rompe una traversa ma non centra la porta. Tanto impegno, ma a vuoto
    (37' s.t.) Del Piero sv
    Chi l'ha visto?

    Lippi 7 poi 2 poi 8
    Il Marcello nazionale azzecca la formazione (schierandone una totalmente sperimentale) poi passati in vantaggio si fa prendere dal libellulum che è in lui, ovvero la paura che l'attanaglia e gli viene il braccino. Risultato tutti dietro a soffrire. Dura leggere la partita senza qualcuno che ti suggerisce al cellulare, e allora tra Inzaghi e Iaquinta sceglie l'azzardo e probabilmente si brucia la sua dose di fortuna per ii mese di giugno


    Buffon 6, needed only one save to win his bet.// unfuckinbelievable

    Cannavaro 6, sure of himself, didn't make any mistakes. How did he do without a syringe in his arm?// scandalous

    Camoranesi 4 //He was great and they give him 4 :rolleyes

    Del Piero, no vote. Who saw him? This is the only one that makes sense


    Senior Member
    May 14, 2004
    what a bunch of f$ckin clowns.

    Which paper is that? They sound like 10 years old anti-juve stereotipe mothafuckas

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