Paris attacks (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2015
...Entschärfer der Polizei hatten am Abend aus einem IC in Hannover ein verdächtiges Paket geborgen. Dabei handelte es sich nach Aussagen von Bundespolizeisprecherin Sandra Perlebach um eine gut gemachte Sprengstoff-Attrappe und nicht um eine scharfe Bombe, wie zunächst befürchtet worden war. Daraufhin sei die Polizei alarmiert worden.
*surprise* idiots :sergio:

@lgorTudor @mondo1


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2015
lol as if they could differ between a real bomb and a "gute gemachte" dummy.... Btw Is the BND still trying to figure out what kind of info the nsa got or are they observing these guys? Took the french to tell us about the dangerous situation in the stadium
i imagine it to be like this:



Senior Member
May 14, 2006
i imagine it to be like this:

"Informationen über ein mögliches Attentat von einem ausländischen Geheimdienst eingegangen. Sicherheitsexperten seien jedoch davon ausgegangen, dass die Situation rechtzeitig aufgeklärt werden könne. Diese Hoffnung habe sich dann jedoch bald schon zerschlagen."

Guess that didn't work out

lol hilfreiche rezensionen Der wecker ist n knaller .... Leider nicht reisetauglich, gibt sehr viel Ärger an Flughafen


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
The ignorance is incredible. Guys like Hustini or Andy who seem so normal on the surface go bat$#@! crazy over these things. That's what relentless indoctrination does..
I feel they are so much isolated from the rest of the world which makes them give less importance to what's happening. Technically, there isn't much individuals like Hustini and Andy could do considering how States functions and how things are viewed from there, but I would expect some sympathy and acknowledge the fact that these refugees had two options (fight and most probably die or run) no other choice, and the chances are you're going to run when you have a wife and kids. This is simple to look at really.

Europeans (Russia included) and Americans consider that they have no obligation to have their doors open for refugees (I would somehow understand this if not most of them are involved in the chaos, example: The Lebanese made a mistake to open their doors to the Palestinians refugees 50-60 years ago when our political condition wasn't the best and add to that is the fact that Palestinians refugees came with their arms and were fighting the Israeli's from Lebanese territory) This example is something I would understand if it was the case with the West, but when you are involved in the chaos and the refugees who are running towards you are mostly women and children but still refuse the idea of opening your door to them is nothing but proving how hypocrite one can be. They would probably care more if the dog is slaughtered in China than thousands of civilians.

Andy, Hustini my friends, and others as-well who are isolating themselves from this, your countries have obligations to open their doors for being part of this politically (at least for women and children), Europe (Russia included), States, China, Gulf countries all have obligations.

Anyway, the whole refugee issue could have been solved if the war in Syria was/is put an end to it, again it's simple math, if you are worried about the possibility that couples or tens of the refugees will turn out terrorists ask your governments to stop fueling wars because I am sure no one loves to leave his home or land in a 50$ plastic made boat and risk the lives of his and his family and starve for few days until they have reached a safe soil just to kill people.
I don't have an obligation to ship them in and provide them free everything since I've been against all the wars and foreign intervention since day one. I've known about the Obama administration/intelligence networks funding rebel Jihadis across Northern Africa and the Middle East for a while now, so this is a predictable result. Why didn't the "caring Liberals" think about this before they began these campaigns in Libya? These were not my decisions, nor the decision of the "average Joe" across the land. I'm actually for shipping Syrian refugees in as long as they can stay at the mansions of Hillary Clinton, Obama, the Bush family, and the rest of the crew that caused this to happen, using 100% of their own money to give these folks a home.

If this is not an option, then I'm sorry. We have far too many problems from an economic perspective to usher in thousands of refugees funded by an already strapped taxpayer and government. What should occur is that 1) the US government immediately abandons funding various rebel factions in the middle east 2) about half of the military bases around the world are shut down 3) the US leads, with Russia, a massive bombing campaign against ISIS in Syria and Iraq 4) let Assad know that if he continues to wage war against his own people (other than ISIS) then he will be sanctioned economically 5) increase real intelligence operations in the region that doesn't involve funding people who hate us.

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Pretty much what I've been trying to say.

Since then I've been called racist, a liar, laughed, mocked, etc.

- - - Updated - - -

I can see why you thought it but I'm telling now over and over again why I haven't been.
Don't feel like you need to explain yourself. It's not like anybody on the other end is actually taking the refugees in themselves. It's just another "free" program nobody has to pay for.


The end of Jihadism
Jan 16, 2013
[h=1]'Operation Isis' Anonymous activists begin leaking details of suspected extremist Twitter accounts[/h] Organising under #opISIS and #opParis, the group is attempting to take down the websites and social media accounts of people associated with the group — as well as apparently release personal details of those involved in recruitment.

Anonymous has begun leaking the personal information of suspected extremists, after it "declared war" on Isis in the wake of the deadly attacks in Paris.
The activist collective is assembling lists of the Twitter accounts and websites of extremists, in an attempt to have them taken down. At least one post seen by The Independent contains details including the physical address of a person it claims is an Isis recruiter in Europe.

Activists claim to have successfully had accounts and sites taken down already. Accounts associated with the group claimed that it was responsible for the removal of more than 5,500 accounts.


Sep 23, 2003
I recall watching a documentary about the effects of 9/11 called "The End of Faith" about a crisis of faith occurring for many religious Americans after the the terrorist attacks... It always perfectly illustrated that viewpoint held by many Americans that America is this righteous nation, with God protecting it from evil. People didn't lose their faith hearing about a million Rwandans being butchered with machetes in 100 days, nor due to the terrible atrocities and civilian casualties of the Somali Civil War, nor due to the grotesque acts being committed in former Yugoslavia, nor due to the civilian dead piling up in the Middle East... but instead because of 3000 Americans dying in a terrorist attack. How could God exist if he didn't protect America, the righteous, defender of liberty and democracy in this world?
Whah? I've seen none of that here, btw. After 9/11 we had some of the most bat-shit-crazy measures against gay equality coming from heavily funded religious types where we had to make fun of their magic underwear.

I gotta call bullshit on the premise of that movie.

We should make Bush and his cabinet take in the refugees. They can use all that Haliburten money to build some sweet digs.
I said just Dick:

Actually all the Syrian refugees should be adopted by Dick Cheney.
or the 'clock' from that Muhammad kid in Texas
:lol: Now that would be awesome.

I don't have an obligation to ship them in and provide them free everything since I've been against all the wars and foreign intervention since day one. I've known about the Obama administration/intelligence networks funding rebel Jihadis across Northern Africa and the Middle East for a while now, so this is a predictable result. Why didn't the "caring Liberals" think about this before they began these campaigns in Libya? These were not my decisions, nor the decision of the "average Joe" across the land. I'm actually for shipping Syrian refugees in as long as they can stay at the mansions of Hillary Clinton, Obama, the Bush family, and the rest of the crew that caused this to happen, using 100% of their own money to give these folks a home.
But Andy, a democracy doesn't work where its citizens simply pick-and-choose, Chinese menu style, what policies they agree with, what politicians they like, what taxes they feel like paying, etc. I was screaming at the top of my lungs when George W Bush started the second Gulf invasion under what seemed like completely false pretenses when Scott Ritter completely convinced me that if anybody would have suspected any WMDs in Iraq, it would have been him, and he said there weren't any. But fuck me and my opinions -- we went to war anyway. People died. My taxes got funneled into the effort. And we're still living with the after-effects to this day.

Ultimately the only way to wash your hands of that is to leave the country and renounce your citizenship. The "it wasn't me" excuse is a cowardly cop-out. You are either in this country because you understand there are concessions made for the overall good that you may not agree with. There's no honor in a democracy without that. Otherwise what you're talking about is just every man for himself, and right now that attitude is perhaps the biggest poison that is dragging the country down.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Ultimately the only way to wash your hands of that is to leave the country and renounce your citizenship. The "it wasn't me" excuse is a cowardly cop-out. You are either in this country because you understand there are concessions made for the overall good that you may not agree with. There's no honor in a democracy without that. Otherwise what you're talking about is just every man for himself, and right now that attitude is perhaps the biggest poison that is dragging the country down.
Obviously I will disagree. The cop-out is accepting whatever crap is thrown your way just because Obama is "The President", or "that's just the way it is." This passiveness in accepting our fate is the real reason why we are a failure, not individualism or free-thinking. If it was up to the Democrats/Leftists, we would all be running around yelling "Fuck Paris" like some elements of the Black Lives Matter crew. At the end of the day, the political class needs to pay for their crimes, not the general population. If that can't be the case, then we have a banana republic.


Oracle of Copenhagen
Jul 10, 2009
Oh c'mon. The entire underlying situation has been bred of discontent with what Western nations have been doing in the middle east for the last 100 years. You can ignore it all you want, and we can talk about Islam's shared responsibility for the current situation, but suggesting the hatred towards the west, and acts of terrorism against the West, are anything but a byproduct of decades of western occupation, oppression, and atrocities in various parts of the Middle East is very silly.

It takes decades for the kind of wounds inflicted to heal and for people to get over the disarray created by Western meddling in colonial territories. We may live in a "post-colonial" world, but the negative effects and legacy of colonialism are going to create problems for decades, if not centuries.

Talk about eating up the ISIS-excuse liek a girl feeling it for the first tiem.

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