Ouasim Bouy (2 Viewers)


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Screw the La Masia propaganda, those Catelans buy players like there's no tomorrow. I've seen the great Marc Bantra step in defence against Bayern, boy got raped a new one.
Well they hardly bring through many great defenders, but obviously their system is midfield and attack based, so the list of Busquets, Pedro, Bojan, Messi, Fabregas, Pique, Icardi, Iniesta, Reina, Valdes, Thiago Motta, Alba, Arteta, Puyol and Xavi being schooled there in the last 15 years is rather impressive.

I'm not sure where are strong area is going to be in particular, we don't have an established style and method like Barcelona do, but the youth teams are supposed to be moulded to be ready for the first team.


New Member
Jun 12, 2013
So it would be a bit like the Barcelona model, where once you get past the first 16-17 experienced first team players you fill the rest with kids? I think that may be our idea, but it would be pretty scary to attempt it right now.

Serie A is a little more unforgiving. Experience is important in understanding the tactical aspect, but perhaps not to the extent that coaches had been taking it. You can see already more teams in this league are playing young players, even if financial restraints are forcing them to rather than choice. Or else they would do what PL teams do; most young players at top teams are bought for big money rather than through their academies.
What a stupid argument is just poining out other extremes. Giving some chances to youngsters isn't the same as Arsenal or Barca. Just check every other major team in Europe. And how the fuck do you explain Marrone example? "We are not Barca?" "We are not Arsenal?"


Footballing Hipster celebrating 4th place with Tuz
Sep 21, 2008
They get chances in practice. If they're worthy, they get game time like Pogba. If they're mediocre they sit on the bench like Marrone. If they're not ready yet they get loaned like Boakye.

We are fighting for the scudetto every season. We don't have time for kids to work out the kinks in real game action. If we were in La Liga, maybe some games would be 8-0 at half time and we could afford to let the kids run around the pitch for a bit.

The Italian game is like chess. There are so many occasions in a Serie A season where we are facing a team full of goddamn pirates on some shit field somewhere and they are hanging on for dear life with a full 11 men behind the ball, diving in front of everything and closing people down like you would not believe. Any young player would be a deer in the fucking headlights in some of these games. I remember once Immobile came on and didn't even know where the fuck to run, he was shitting himself.

This is not England or Spain where you just put the guy on the field and the play goes up and down all game and if he's quick or talented, he will come good. You have to understand the game at a higher level to be put into our team at this stage.

Even Tevez said it. This is not like England, you can beat one guy and maybe even two but the third guy will come out of nowhere and rape you.


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2004
Well now he is with the big boys, let see how he turns out. Im expecting him to get a decent run for Coppa at least.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
What a stupid argument is just poining out other extremes. Giving some chances to youngsters isn't the same as Arsenal or Barca. Just check every other major team in Europe. And how the fuck do you explain Marrone example? "We are not Barca?" "We are not Arsenal?"
I'm not sure what you're even ranting about, to be honest.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
If you go to the team section of the website - he is listed as one of the 1st team players.
he suffered a nasty injury in February and was still/ maybe still is, on the road to recovery through the Summer. His form for Brescia was decent last season and had he continued uninjured and added to his 17 games or so, who can say where he would be now...Possibly still at Brescia and he may well return there in January. It does not seem at all like a promotion to find him in the seniors, its more a case of keeping him at the club tro make sure he receives quality medical care, gets sharp and fit and then ready to go out on loan in January. Would be nice to see him get a minute or three in the coppa, but there are plenty ahead of him in the pecking order.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
he suffered a nasty injury in February and was still/ maybe still is, on the road to recovery through the Summer. His form for Brescia was decent last season and had he continued uninjured and added to his 17 games or so, who can say where he would be now...Possibly still at Brescia and he may well return there in January. It does not seem at all like a promotion to find him in the seniors, its more a case of keeping him at the club tro make sure he receives quality medical care, gets sharp and fit and then ready to go out on loan in January. Would be nice to see him get a minute or three in the coppa, but there are plenty ahead of him in the pecking order.
Yes I get it. Just seems bizarre that he is the only primavera type player listed in that senior squad. Kind of sticks out.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
My take on it is that Raiola has succeeded, as the player himself has succeeded, in giving hopes of solid potential to Conte and the Beppe/Paratici tandem. And we would rather keep him soft and cozy in cotton wool until he is full repaired, than give him to another club whose doctors and training facilities could well cause more damage. Remember how long it took Quagliarella to recover from a similar ACL rupture?????


Senior Member
May 11, 2005
Seems strange that we didn't bring him to the Inter match.

Is he just not fully recovered from his injury or do we not want him? surely with the unlimited number of players on the bench it is worth bringing him.

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