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Who do you want to see as our new coach?

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2002
guardiola is probably the less juve style coach we've been linked with. but after the new logo and that abomination of a jersey, maybe agnelli is chasing a complete shift of identity.
Its not a maybe its a definitely...
Agnelli got us CR7 then he said he want to make us the best in the world and then Marotta was released in order to change to a more global marketing type of method - Guardiola is just another step in this direction - The idea is definitely to make Juve strong and entertaining but it might take time for all of this to happen and we should also consider the possibility it might not go well..
Another thing is the Europe super league which is intended to happen at 2022 (I read reports).
If we play strong teams all the time - Do you really think we could fetch 90 pts?! I can see us not losing too many games but you know that in order to win these games you have to be more attacking.
Take the last 3 seasons for example:
Juve 11+14+12=37
Barcelona 14+15+14=43
Real 13+12+12=37
PSG 15+12+11=38
City 15+9+13=37
(Group stage alone)
In a league full of strong teams we will probably get even less pts as the Young Boys and etc will not be there to just lay over (yeah I know we lose one to Y.Boys but you get my messsage)

Then if you look at goal difference - I didnt check but Im pretty sure we will be last so up from 5 teams we will be 5th (although with goal difference) and it is pretty clear who is the ultimate favorite for this one.
If we do play with a more attacking identity and with great management I expect us to fight it with Barcelona (of course up until 2022 much could change such as strength of teams, style of football , important attributes to the modern game and etc..)

- - - Updated - - -

Am totally agree with you ...

but list reasonable alternative to replace him .....

Guardiola salary is £15.3 million tell 2021 .... so if our management to bring him ..they need £18 million salary at least + £45.9 million city Compensation + 7.5m Euro Allegri Compensation

Pochettino Salary is £8.5 million tell 2022 ..and he wants £20 million +£25.5 million Suprs compensation + 7.5m Euro Allegri Compensation

We have to know first, the management are ready to fork these figures or not ... ???

in all cases players are coming

so financially do we need to stick with Allegri which he can settle for 10m Euro ( because he wants a renew) + Spend money on market ...that we know minimum we are getting the scudetto and maybe another QF in CL ....

or go more crazy opting for new manager that sure will play attractive football but no scudetto guarantee + maybe we will reach the CL QF ....

It's very tough decision for AA .... I think this one one will be make or brake the club progress to be one of the elite ones .....because all these financial burdens and troubles we are talking and the results are same .....we will suffer in the long run ...Ronaldo salary + New fancy football Salary + his fancy players he will insiste to bring ....

or We could stay safe with Allegri and improve the team ....

or take a risk with new coach and any fail at that point ...definitely will have no U turn ....!!! it's very risky ...

remember , we already took Ronaldo risk and the results are not what we hoped for CL i mean ....

based on all of this ....I think AA will stick with Allegri and clean the house ....
Maybe but reports are divided and every day it seems the odds are shifting to the other direction.. If yesterday I was thinking Allegri to leave today I think he would stay and tomorrow who knows - It seems like a 50-50 chance on staying or leaving

Buy on


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015
And look at how the shittiest Bayern team in almost a decade are about win the Bundesliga again with an absolute clueless coach. It is just too easy in Italy, France and Germany.
you might have difficulties with fitting luis enrique into that agenda.

not hard to realize that players are much more important than coaches. i'd even say that the organization is at least as important than the coach. just look at manutd: a change of coach did give them a short-term boost in terms of motivation and performance, but after the honeymoon phase, they simply went back to their normal performance level with mourinho. same with inda: otherwise good coaches like benitez or gasperini failed miserably with them, just because they had a shitty squad and a neverending chaos at the headquarters.

juve might need an other coach. i have no idea how allegri works on a daily basis compared to himself 2-3 seasons ago. his hunger for success might not be the same, and in that case, we could use some fresh energy. but i'm 100% positive that our squad has gaping holes, and getting rid of allegri wouldn't fix any of that. reading tuz/vs/twitter experts, our only problem is allegri. but if our squad is not updated properly, these guys are up for a rude awakening when allegri is eventually replaced.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2002
he said he heard about Sarri but does't believe it. Also, Poch.
I really hope its not Sarri.. He`ll make us play a more attacking style but will also make us very predictable..
That being said - He has done a nice job with both Napoli and Chelsea


Senior Member
Feb 20, 2016
Le dichiarazioni restano e hanno un peso. Quello che ufficialmente non è ancora stato detto, forse, pesa anche di più. C'è fermento, a tratti tensione, nella stanza dei bottoni bianconera. La decisione ultima su chi siederà sulla panchina della Juve, è magari solo una conseguenza o perché no la causa principale di questo clima rovente. Che non si può limitare a un “Allegri sì, Allegri no” o a un “Conte sì, Conte no”.

Ma in questo momento quella che è sempre passata come una reale unione di intenti vede la dirigenza bianconera dividersi, scontrarsi, su come gestire l'area tecnica. Alla fine decide e deciderà la proprietà, decide e deciderà Andrea Agnelli dopo aver ascoltato quanto avevano e hanno da dire soprattutto Pavel Nedved e Fabio Paratici, non soltanto Max Allegri. Che non sono d'accordo tra di loro e non sembrano d'accordo col presidente. E quel “chi vivrà vedrà” di Nedved, fotografa appunto una situazione in cui molto ancora ci sia da decidere.

QUI AGNELLI – Andrea Agnelli è il capo del partito pro Allegri. O almeno lo è da quando ha preso atto della fuga di Zinedine Zidane, sua prima scelta a un certo punto già bloccata per la prossima stagione, e della difficoltà ad arrivare subito a Pep Guardiola. Solo per quello che Agnelli definiva un sicuro passo in avanti avrebbe accettato di mandare via Allegri, altrimenti una sostituzione per lui sarebbe stata un'opzione solo in caso di addio volontario del tecnico. Ha chiesto a Paratici e Nedved di arrivare con un'alternativa credibile, questa ha assunto i connotati di Antonio Conte una volta esaurito il casting. L'uomo che Agnelli in prima battuta e John Elkann in seconda, non vogliono riabbracciare.

E se al termine del forcing di Nedved alla fine Agnelli sembrava quasi possibilista, proprio dalla proprietà sembra sia arrivato il raddoppio sul fronte del no a Conte. Con conseguente contrattacco degli Agnelli: “Possibile che non ci sia un'alternativa credibile a Conte?”. Tensione quindi anche in dirigenza, visto che tutti i piani b non convincono o quantomeno non convincono a tal punto da mandare via Allegri.

QUI NEDVED-PARATICI – Questo l'asse forte per il Conte-bis. Prima bocciato, poi possibile, infine nuovamente bocciato. Anche se Nedved in particolare non sembra voler cedere, ha chiesto a Conte di temporeggiare il più possibile con l'Inter (fino al 15 maggio?), presente com'è la convinzione che non solo l'ex ct della Nazionale sia nuovamente la miglior scelta possibile per la Juve ma anche l'unico vero uomo in grado di risollevare le sorti dell'Inter fino a renderla una reale antagonista almeno in Italia. Una battaglia persa? Forse sì, ma forse non ancora del tutto. Ma Conte o no, c'è un'altra partita che non vogliono perdere, quella legata alla conferma di Allegri, considerato al capolinea: non è la rosa da dover stravolgere, è la guida da dover cambiare.

Anche prima del match con la Roma, questo messaggio è passato abbastanza chiaramente dalle parole del vicepresidente bianconero. Meglio cambiare in ogni caso, anche senza Zidane, Guardiola o Conte. Meglio addirittura scommettere su Sinisa Mihajlovic o Simone Inzaghi, giusto per citare due outsider particolarmente graditi proprio a Nedved e Paratici. E fare un mercato che consolidi e rinfreschi, senza rivoluzioni e pericolosi vincoli con un allenatore come Allegri che da anni sembra giunto all'ultimo anno. Si lavora, si parla, si litiga: alla Juve ora come ora può davvero ancora succedere di tutto. E per dirla alla Nedved: “Chi vivrà, vedrà”.
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Senior Member
Aug 10, 2017
Exclusive: There is a massive divide in Juventus board about who should be the next manager
There is a big divide in the thinking processes of people in the Juventus board about who will be the club's manager next summer, Calciomercato exclusively understand.

Massimiliano Allegri has a respect and admiration of the project at Paris Saint-Germain and he is unsure of his future at the bianconeri next season, despite having had met Andrea Agnelli to discuss his future.

We understand that the uncertainty doesn't just exist there. It stretches to the board level. There are different opinions about who can take the club forward from the next season onwards.

Leading the pro-Allegri movement in Andrea Agnelli, who feels that the current boss should stay if they do not get a manager like Pep Guardiola or Zinedine Zidane. Both of them seem like only dreams now and because of that, Agnelli feels that Allegri should carry on
But Pavel Nedved and Fabio Paratici feel that Allegri should not carry on with the job and Antonio Conte should be brought back. They had told Conte to keep his talks with Inter on hold till mid-May so that they can make a decision about bringing the former Chelsea manager in.
But as much as Nedved and Paratici want Conte, Agnelli is just as against it. He doesn't want Conte at the club again. There is a lack of Plan B as Sinisa Mihajlovic and Simone Inzaghi are not considered to be good enough candidates to take the club to the next level.
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