News that makes you say WTF! (26 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
Trace amounts of marijuana and cocaine have been measured in the air of eight Italian cities

The answer to the question "Did you inhale?" may be yes, even if you're only guilty of breathing the air in Rome. That's because a new study says there are trace amounts of cocaine and marijuana in the air of eight Italian cities.

Researchers at Italy's Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research published their findings, which authorities say will be used to help measure the habits of Italian citizens.

The eight Italian cities where psychoactive drugs were detected in the air were Bologna, Florence, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Rome, Turin and Verona.

But before you break out a gas mask or book a plane ticket, it should be noted that the amounts of drugs in the air are small enough that they won't have a mind-altering effect on people breathing the Roman air, even if the amounts are large enough to be measured.

The study results back up a similar test in 2006, which found trace amounts of cocaine in Rome's air.

There were also other legal substances measured in the air, including caffeine and nicotine.

Some of the study's results are already creating a buzz: Turin was rated as having the highest drug concentration in the air, while Palermo had the least. And Florence had the highest concentration of marijuana. The study also found that drug concentrations change throughout the year, with marijuana and caffeine levels spiking during the winter months.

In August, a "huge" marijuana farm was found beneath a Mussolini-era tunnel in Rome.

Fuck, that can't be good. :D
watch Gazzetta replace the words marijuana and cocaine with 'doping'.

Buy on
Jul 2, 2006
Vampire on the Loose in Serbia?

By DUSAN STOJANOVIC Associated Press
ZAROZJE, Serbia December 1, 2012 (AP)

Get your garlic, crosses and stakes ready: a bloodsucking vampire is on the loose.

Or so say villagers in the tiny western Serbian hamlet of Zarozje, nestled between lush green mountain slopes and spooky thick forests. They say that rumors that a legendary vampire ghost has awakened are spreading fear — and a potential tourist opportunity — through the remote village.

A local council warned villagers to put garlic in their pockets and place wooden crosses in their rooms to ward off vampires, although it appeared designed more to attract visitors to the impoverished region bordering Bosnia.

Many of the villagers are aware that Sava Savanovic, Serbia's most famous vampire, is a fairy tale. Still, they say, better to take it seriously than risk succumbing to the vampire's fangs.

"The story of Sava Savanovic is a legend, but strange things did occur in these parts back in the old days," said 55-year-old housewife Milka Prokic, holding a string of garlic in one hand and a large wooden stake in another, as an appropriately moody mist rose above the surrounding hills. "We have inherited this legend from our ancestors, and we keep it alive for the younger generations."

Vampire legends have played a prominent part in the Balkans for centuries — most prominently Dracula from Romania's Transylvania region. In the 18th century, the legends sometimes triggered mass hysteria and even public executions of those accused of being vampires.

Sava Savanovic, described by the Zarozje villagers as Serbia's first vampire, reputedly drank the blood of those who came to the small shack in the dense oak tree forest to mill their grain on the clear mountain Rogatica river.

The wooden mill collapsed a few months ago — allegedly angering the vampire, who is now looking for a new place to hang his cape.

Some locals claim they can hear steps cracking dry forest leaves and strange sounds coming from the rocky mountain peaks where the vampire was purportedly killed with a sharp stake that pierced his heart — but managed to survive in spirit as a butterfly.

"One should always remain calm, it's important not to frighten him, you shouldn't make fun of him," said villager Mico Matic, 56, whose house is not far from the collapsed mill.

"He is just one of the neighbors, you do your best to be on friendly terms with him," he said with a wry smile, displaying garlic from both of his trouser pockets.

Some locals say it's easy for strangers to laugh at them, but they truly believe.

"Five people have recently died one after another in our small community, one hanging himself," said Miodrag Vujetic, a local municipal council member. "This is not by accident."

Vujetic, however, said that "whatever is true about Sava," locals should use the legend to promote tourism.

"If Romanians could profit on the Dracula legend with the tourists visiting Transylvania, why can't we do the same with Sava?"

Richard Sugg, a lecturer in Renaissance Studies at the U.K.'s University of Durham and an expert on the vampire legends, said the fear could be very real. Stress can bring on nightmares, which makes people's feelings of dread even worse.

"The tourists think it is fun — and the Serbian locals think it's terrifying," he said.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Considering the amount of mind-numbingly laughable bureaucracy that comes out of Brussels and dictates half of Europe I'd say they deserve it.

Next their bacon.


Oracle of Copenhagen
Jul 10, 2009
cant believe people are biting Djaniks bait.

he clearly has no intention but to create a reaction and trolololololol like his countryman


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