New Juve scandal: Moggi talking to referees (5 Viewers)

May 4, 2004
One thing i would like to know is, did Moggi do this for the whole time he was at the club or only 2004/05 season..????? Please god let it be only 04/05... If we really won the serie a 01/02, 02/03 and 04/05 + this year(if we do), becuase of moggi cheating then we deserve to go down to serie D !!

and also, cant the club be defended by saying that they knew nothing about what moggi was dowing, and this way we might get a lower punishment, like not going down to serie b but only losing our scudetto 04/05...??!!!

Buy on
May 11, 2006
Does anyone imagine if Juve and Milan both get relegated and Inter stays alone yet they still never get the title lol Roma or Fiorentina takes it.

that would be so funny i would be laughing like hell.
May 13, 2006
we to b,, thats a joke.
are u thinking now guys milan, lazyo viola and us go to b????????

i mean that will make la liga/epl night.

ffs it wont happen...and if therre is a team to be investigated its the clean" lazyo 0 roma 0 " teams


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
niko_kovac2 said:
we to b,, thats a joke.
are u thinking now guys milan, lazyo viola and us go to b????????

i mean that will make la liga/epl night.

ffs it wont happen...and if therre is a team to be investigated its the clean" lazyo 0 roma 0 " teams
I know, the Serie A would be a joke but if they find proof that any of these teams paid off some refs, fixed some games and bet on Serie A games then they must be punished. Still, you need solid proof for that and when you read bits and pieces of the transcripts you have the idea that things could be going on but not the actual proof the relegate a team.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Byron Moreno: E' un gran peccato - commenta Moreno in esclusiva per l'Ansa - per l'immagine del calcio italiano. E' chiaro che non si puo' condannare un Paese per l'atteggiamento disonesto di alcuni dirigenti. Molta gente tende a generalizzare quando succedono cose del genere, e pensa che sono tutti colpevoli, ma non è cosi'. L'importante è che la giustizia vada fino alle ultime conseguenze, in modo che chi non c'entra ne esca pulito. Io sono un arbitro e credo fondamentalmente nell'onestà degli arbitri. Fino a prova contraria, pero'

Byron Moreno: It's a real shame - comments Moreno to ANSA - for the image of Italian football. It's clear that you can't condemn a whole country for the dishonest work of a few people. Many tend to generalize when things like this happen. They think everybody is like that but they're not. The important thing is that justice is served and that the people who are innocent get out of it clean. I am a ref and I firmly believe in the honesty of the refs. Until proven otherwise.


This guys still talking? He's the last one who should give an opinion on this matter.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
So sad history of Serie A full of match fixing:


Juventus may face relegation if found guilty of match-fixing

ROME (AFP) - Juventus, who along with AC Milan, Fiorentina and Lazio are being investigated for suspected match-fixing, could be relegated from Serie A if found guilty.

According to Italy's Sports Justice Code, clubs proven to have direct responsibility for fixing matches will be demoted.

If indirectly responsible for rigging games, Juventus could be stripped of last season's title.

Another consequence could see the Turin giants revoked of this season's title if on Sunday they claim the one point they need from the final match of the season to win it

Any potential sporting sanctions will be carried out by the Sports Judiciary, which comes under the umbrella of the Italian football federation (FIGC) but is an independent body.

Juventus are currently refusing to talk to the media, but AC Milan and Fiorentina have protested their innocence after they were formally placed under investigation by Naples magistrates on Friday for alleged match-fixing.

"We have done nothing wrong and we will prove it," said AC Milan vice-president Adriano Galliani.

Fiorentina owner Diego Della Valle was equally defiant.

"We are not involved in this and we have nothing to hide," he said. "We hope the magistrates can sort this out quickly."

Italian sports authorities are normally quick to hand out sanctions, but criminal investigations, such as the Naples one, can be lengthy.

For example, the Juventus doping trial, in which the club were accused and then acquitted of sporting fraud, lasted three years. The investigation which led to the trial lasted four years.

Italian football has a history of match-fixing which spans 26 years.

Only last season, Serie B champions Genoa were denied promotion after fixing their final game of the season.

In 1986, points were deducted from Udinese, Lazio, Foggia, Palermo, Triestina and Cagliari for their involvement in match-fixing.

In 2000, a fixed match between Atalanta and Pistoiese resulted in the arrests of several players, while two years ago Modena were deducted points for the same offence.

And in 1980, AC Milan president Felice Colombo and players from Lazio, Avellino, Perugia, Genoa and Lecce were arrested for rigging matches.

The scandal saw AC Milan and Lazio both relegated from Serie A.

Former Italian international Paolo Rossi, who at the time played for Perugia, was banned from playing for two years for his part in the furore.



The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
The Vatican, in its newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, described the scandals as "an offense to sports and to its values. The earthquake which is turning the world of soccer upside down is an offense to the joy of childhood."

Associated Press


What a strange reaction!!!
May 13, 2006
Guyz...let us be realistic.
the will relegate us, milan,lazyo and viola???

hell roma will represent italia in europe?
is that a joke?
they are total embarrasement to italy..they gone out of first round wiht only one point.
how about we look at the rolex watches refs got from sensi?


Moggi's Admirer and Fan
May 1, 2006
BFC82 said:
How in the hell do you expect Inter or any other club for that matter to win when you OWN the league? You choose the refs! You tell them what to call and what not! Its decided backdoors, in some dark alley, not on the football pitch.
I never said Inter were a great club, Lord knows we have our share of problems. All I was trying to say was that when (if) we win something, it will be done on our merit, by our actions on the field (sadly you cant say the same).

So go ahead and celebrate, turn a blind eye and revel in the fact that ignorance is bliss but know that scudetto will always be tainted, now and forever to come.

Mafiosos cobardes! You and all associated with Juve should be hanging your heads in shame(or at the end of a rope)......whatever....
Yo,Yo,man hold up the horses.
Everything from Juve is mafiozo thing ,right?.
And what about Pel Piero s goal in G.Meazza against Inter recently from free kick.
That is also help from the judges.
Cut the crap and go and waste 100 million for some third rated players.You would not get the scudetto.Never.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Totti calls for punishment for cheats

ROMA captain Francesco Totti has demanded stiff sanctions for those found guilty in the ever-widening Italian football scandal that has tarnished the country's favourite game.

Overnight four Serie A clubs - Juventus, AC Milan, Fiorentina and Lazio - were formally placed under investigation for alleged match-fixing by magistrates in Naples.

Forty-one people, including Serie A directors, Italian football federation (FIGC) officials and referees are to be questioned.

"Those found guilty must pay," said Italy international Totti, who was sent home from the 2004 European championships in Portugal after spitting at a Danish defender.

"When I've made mistakes I personally have had to suffer the consequences."

Asked if he was surprised by the scandal, Totti replied: "The only thing that surprises me is that all of this has only just come out."

Inter Milan owner Massimo Moratti was equally appalled.

"It's shocking for all those who have given generously to this sport, above all the fans," he said.

"I hope this isn't as bad as it all seems and that there is some hope."

Flavio Briatore, the boss of Formula One racing team Renault and a passionate Juventus fan, said seeing the name of his beloved team being dragged through the mud was heartbreaking.

"I'm very sad because they have taken away a little bit of the dream," he said.

"It's our most popular sport and some people have little else in their lives. It's very sad."

Incoming Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi was equally horrified.

"This is a serious situation, a storm that has stirred up the emotions of the whole country," he said.

"Don't forget in a short time, the national team will be heading off to Germany for the World Cup and we are in crisis."
May 13, 2006
fuck totti..

he must look at his cheatin moves in games...earning foul here and there by throwing himself all the time.
he deserve to break his leg...i hope he breaks again and never returns


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2005
Philipp00 said:
I red in an austrian newspaper today that we will lose the scudetto tomorrow. we let milan win the title and we won`t be punished anymore.
I think it is just bullshit but who knows what happens in these days.
Ok imagine this.
Reggina scores a goal. So it becomes Reggina 1 -0 Juve. Milan scores a goal.
So now Milan are winning the scudetto. Last 5 min. Free kick Del Piero curl it into the goal.. 1-1 Juve win scudetto 29 :D . Galliani and Berlusconi would litrally get a stroke.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Can anybody translate this?? it discusses ten questions about the probable destiny of Juve after those claimed scandals...


Addio scudetti e retrocessione
ecco che cosa rischia la Juventus

Dieci domande per capire cosa può succedere, in caso di illecito sportivo provato.

Cosa rischia la Juventus? E le altre squadre coinvolte?
Se viene riconosciuto l'illecito sportivo e se la società viene ritenuta direttamente responsabile, la pena minima è la retrocessione all'ultimo posto in classifica, e quindi in serie B. Ma se nell'illecito c'è gravità e reiterazione, ci possono essere sanzioni accessorie: il capo i) prevede la revoca dello scudetto (che potrebbe andare alla seconda classificata, ma anche non essere assegnato affatto), cui può essere aggiunta una penalizzazione in punti da scontare nel campionato successivo. Anche i posti per le Coppe europee andrebbero riassegnati in base alla nuova classifica.

La Juve, quindi, potrebbe perdere due scudetti?
Sì: quello del 2006, se lo vincerà, perché verrebbe retrocessa all'ultimo posto della classifica, e quello del 2005 perché la pena è "afflittiva", se il reato prevedesse una pena più grave.

È vero che la Juventus potrebbe anche finire in serie C?
È vero, perché il comma h) prevede l'assegnazione "da parte del Consiglio Federale a uno dei campionati di categoria inferiore", non automaticamente a quello immediatamente inferiore.

E se invece venisse accertata la responsabilità oggettiva ma non diretta?
In quel caso, in base al capo f), la pena potrebbe limitarsi a una penalizzazione, da scontarsi nel campionato appena concluso (e in questo caso potrebbe costare lo scudetto) o in quello successivo. Se fosse responsabilità presunta la pena sarebbe più lieve.

Cosa rischiano i tesserati coinvolti?
Per l'illecito la pena minima è di tre anni di inibizione, la massima di cinque: ma se il reato è grave, può essere proposta la radiazione.

E gli arbitri?
Secondo l'articolo 53 del Regolamento Aia, si va dal rimprovero, alla sospensione (massimo due anni) fino al ritiro della tessera.

Quali sono i gradi di giudizio e i tempi previsti?
Per i primi due gradi, Disciplinare e Caf, potrebbero bastare due-tre settimane. Per il terzo, il ricorso alla Camera di Conciliazione del Coni, ne è necessaria un'altra. Ci sono disparità interpretative se, in caso di illecito sportivo, si possa ricorrere anche al Tar del Lazio e al Consiglio di Stato: la legge 280 prevede che questi organismi intervengano solo per processi che non siano di natura tecnica e disciplinare. Potrebbero però essere molto lunghi i tempi dell'istruttoria. L'Ufficio Indagini riceverà la documentazione da Napoli solo la prossima settimana.

Potrebbe slittare l'inizio del campionato?
Per compilare i calendari non si può andare oltre Ferragosto, dal momento che la serie A comincerà il 27 agosto. Se l'iter della giustizia sportiva non fosse concluso, si potrebbe decidere per un rinvio.

Cosa rischiano i giocatori che scommettono?
Una squalifica non inferiore ai 18 mesi. Ma la Procura può richiedere una sospensione cautelare di due mesi.

Può un giocatore già convocato per i Mondiali essere sostituito nella lista dei 23?
No, a meno che non di dimostri che si è gravemente infortunato.


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2005
ReBeL said:
Totti calls for punishment for cheats

ROMA captain Francesco Totti has demanded stiff sanctions for those found guilty in the ever-widening Italian football scandal that has tarnished the country's favourite game.

Overnight four Serie A clubs - Juventus, AC Milan, Fiorentina and Lazio - were formally placed under investigation for alleged match-fixing by magistrates in Naples.

Forty-one people, including Serie A directors, Italian football federation (FIGC) officials and referees are to be questioned.

"Those found guilty must pay," said Italy international Totti, who was sent home from the 2004 European championships in Portugal after spitting at a Danish defender.

"When I've made mistakes I personally have had to suffer the consequences."

Asked if he was surprised by the scandal, Totti replied: "The only thing that surprises me is that all of this has only just come out."

Inter Milan owner Massimo Moratti was equally appalled.

"It's shocking for all those who have given generously to this sport, above all the fans," he said.

"I hope this isn't as bad as it all seems and that there is some hope."

Flavio Briatore, the boss of Formula One racing team Renault and a passionate Juventus fan, said seeing the name of his beloved team being dragged through the mud was heartbreaking.

"I'm very sad because they have taken away a little bit of the dream," he said.

"It's our most popular sport and some people have little else in their lives. It's very sad."

Incoming Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi was equally horrified.

"This is a serious situation, a storm that has stirred up the emotions of the whole country," he said.

"Don't forget in a short time, the national team will be heading off to Germany for the World Cup and we are in crisis."
the reason why totti says it, is that they will finish 5th if nothing will happen and they wont be in CL next season.

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