New Juve coach, who do you want? (1 Viewer)

Who would you want as Juve's new coach?

  • Fabio Capello

  • Marcello Lippi

  • Walter Novellino

  • Giovanni Trapattoni

  • Delio Rossi

  • Gérard Houllier

  • José Mourinho

  • Arsène Wenger

  • Gianluca Vialli

  • Antonio Conte

  • Luciano Spalletti

  • Walter Mazzarri

  • Claudio Gentile

  • Cesare Prandelli

  • Alena Seredova's cleavage

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Mar 24, 2006
What would the great Zizou say on this matter?

Zizou: Juventus must go forward with Deschamps - May 25, 2007

Former Juventus star Zinedine Zidane has urged the Bianconeri to maintain Didier Deschamps as coach next season.

Deschamps is struggling to find common ground with some of Juve's management team, but Zizou says: "Didi must continue the job he has undertaken last summer. And there is no reason in the world for him to leave.

"The promotion is only the first step, he is in charge of the rebirth of Juventus.

"If the leadership are willing to work together, we won't need much patience to again see Juve at the top. Also in Europe - because the Champions League loses something without the Bianconeri."


well said Zidane :tup: :touched:


New Member
Aug 16, 2006
Would love to see Juande Ramos or Roma`s coach - Spalletti taking over the job. The two most attractive teams to watch according to me. Certainly no Walter Novellino. He is a bit of a retarded monkey.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
if it isnt Lippi, then we gotta get Prandelli
personally i thought we should have went for Prandelli last summer and should do so this sumemr

I am so pissed, I am gonna go with Capello.

Fuck you Secco and all DD haters.
dude don't do anything you cant undo

for me it has gotta be Prandelli, we need a young coach with the hunger to prove himself at the top level.oh wait...we ahd that

at least prandelli has a proven track record of integrating youngsters with a good clutch of senior pro's. lippi would be a short-term stop-gap and we need to bring in a coach with a long term plan, thanks for everything marcello but you had your time here, let someone else have a shot.


Sep 3, 2006
i would like Mourinho...he is brash, arrogant and extremely confident in his abilites...and he also manages a team in the Juve way - not too attacking or too defensive, always with an extremely tight defense and good wingers


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
I just don't understand some of our supporters. Yes, we owe Lippi so much, but I suppose people aren't bright enough to realize that Marcelo would only be a stop-gap measure for Juventus right now. The man is going on 60 and everybody knew during the 2004 season that his tricks at Juventus had run out and we needed a change. Looking back I wish we had stuck with Lippi instead of employing that douchebag Capello, but history cannot be erased and now we want to somehow revive history in a quest to solve our problems. History should be used as catalyst for learning. However, it should not be used as some sort of Boeing 747 Manual/Bible for fixing all problems that occur.

I love Marcelo Lippi, but bringing him back for a third stint is just hopelessly turning the clock backwards. It's a gaurantee that he won't stay aboard for more than two seasons as he said it himself that his career will come to an end sometime soon. But apparently some people here don't understand the concept of stability and haven't learned anything (talk about history) from Moratti and Inter.
hmm, never thought of it that way. You speak the truth.

Gimme my vote back....:faq1:


Sep 23, 2003
How quickly we forget the massive disappointment of his last season with us... all the losses in big finals that we should have won, etc. How the fans just shrugged it off, figuring he was leaving anyway.

He has nothing left to prove at Juve. He's won all the trophies there are with the club. The club isn't even going to play in European play next season -- Intertoto rumors aside.

Screw romance with the past. We have to look towards the future.


The Eccentric
Jul 16, 2006
How quickly we forget the massive disappointment of his last season with us... all the losses in big finals that we should have won, etc. How the fans just shrugged it off, figuring he was leaving anyway.

He has nothing left to prove at Juve. He's won all the trophies there are with the club. The club isn't even going to play in European play next season -- Intertoto rumors aside.

Screw romance with the past. We have to look towards the future.
:pint: Word !

If Lippi is coming back next year I will be so happy I will cry all day...!!!
Cry all week if you want


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
How quickly we forget the massive disappointment of his last season with us... all the losses in big finals that we should have won, etc. How the fans just shrugged it off, figuring he was leaving anyway.

He has nothing left to prove at Juve. He's won all the trophies there are with the club. The club isn't even going to play in European play next season -- Intertoto rumors aside.

Screw romance with the past. We have to look towards the future.
Greg, I have to say that I agree with all your posts regarding Lippi.

Guys love to live in the past, it seems.

Life goes on, everybody. Just forget Lippi.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2005
Mourinho means defence defence defence. Have you not seen chealsy last season???. They play boring as hell!!!!!!!. And Jose doesen't know how to behave. He is a bastard. If Lippi says yes its the best that can happen. He is a true gentleman. That's what Juve need. And everyone will respect us. Lippi has repect all over the world!!! End of story


Apr 19, 2006
Very hard because I'm all for new faces and I don't like reheated soup but getting Lippi would increase the chance of keeping Buffon and just the fact of having him as coach would attract better players.(not like Iaquinta though) :)
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