My Juve formation (agree or disagree) (1 Viewer)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
With Rivaldo on the market, I had a brain wave and thought of how great it will be to buy him, and i also thought of a way to solve our left defensive problem and thats by playing Davids as a left wing back. Its not a totally absurd idea as he has loads of energy and he is not bad going forward and defending too



-------Camoneresi/Baiocco --------------------------------Davids





Buy on


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
I really disagree! you are playing with two real defenders there!! I mean that is an extreme offence line up, but for every goal that we score the other team would make us 3!
I really don't think that either Baiocco or Davids can play has wingers


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #5
    Yes exactly why Brazil did not win the wc and Italy did. Please do me a favour and be ambitious for once, Davids is not a winger he is a wing back, so is Baiocco, Brighi and Tudor are defensive midfielders in this line up and i dont see how Nedved can't play with Dp. trez and Rivaldo,but he can play alongside Veron, Vieri, conceicao and the rest Lazio have/had


    The Grimreaper
    Jul 12, 2002
    If Juventus were playing in Spain I would tell you that you line up MAY be a good one, but lets face it, this is Serie A, you cannot play that offensive in the most defensive league in the world!
    Oh and Davids, winger, wing back, the same, he is not for that role! he is a defensive midfielder and its the best in that! so why do you want to change that?
    Is the same case of Rivaldo in Barca, Van Gaal wants to play him on the left, but he isn't a left winger!!


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Firstly, I dont really see a need for rivaldo at juve....but thats neither here nor there...

    I agree with Spartacus... ale and riv are not compatible.

    riv and ale both play the left either starting left and cutting inside or starting central and cutting wide left.... they would clash
    If your gonna have a player like riv you need one that either stays central or uses the right field

    Just as ale and nedved, or davids and nedved in the early part of last season when nedved was on the wing clashed


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #8
    I was basing in it on the fact that we do not have a left back at the moment and Montero or Iuliano are not suitable at all in that position. Respaul ,Rivaldo can be told to play in the centre as he does for Brazil, amd espectro Roma won the league with more or less the same system as did Lazio so why not Juventus.

    Besides its time to ditch this defensive style of play, as it can't have slipped your notice that no Italian team has won any competition that does include only Italian teams and why do you think we stunk against Arsenal and Deportivo, we had nothing to worry them offensively or creatively.

    I personally don't like Rivaldo but our team is completely flairless that i am willing to grab at straws and Rivaldo aint a bad straw


    Junior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    i dont see how Nedved can't play with Dp. trez and Rivaldo,but he can play alongside Veron, Vieri, conceicao and the rest Lazio have/had


    Sorry man I don't grab your point here. What are you trying to say?


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #11
    The players i mentioned for Lazio were all offensive players and Nedved managed to play with them no problem so why should there be a prob with Juventus and actually now i wanna see your line up


    Junior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    The reason why I said that they cannot co-exist is because they would step on each others feet. We had to change Nedved behind the strikers because he was always gettin on DP way. What makes you think that with Rivaldo we would not have worse problems. Respaul pointed the problems that Juve would ecnounter having this players together.

    In Lazio Nedved could paly with all the others because nobody was playing on his side. In Juve is not possible having DP and even more impossible having Rivaldo.


    Junior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    Right wing? I dont' recall him playing as a right wing, but he if he did he must not did very well. Otherwise he would've play there. Hey but who knows that could be a solution. Also having Rivaldo means no Salas. I doubt that Juve will have the chilean player on the bench as I doubt Salas would stick as a bench player too.


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #18
    Okay no Rivaldo then, as this will upset Salas, are you forgetting that Salas was on the bench for Lazio most of his stay there, so why can't he sit on the bench in Juve.

    So are now saying Salas will be a starter for Juve then


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by Spartacus ] ++
    Btw why Juventuz forum doesn't have a chat. I feel that just me and Denco waste all the board space with our arguments. LOL!
    I see you have not been paying attention, my boy... :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    I don't like that formation. Davids as a left back? Nah! I would like to see Rivaldo at Juve though. Here's a formation that might work. And for all of you who think Nedved,DP and Rivaldo can't play together,we could play Nedved as a winger while DP and Rivaldo create for Treze. Another idea is playing Rivaldo,Treze and DP in a 3 man attack with Nedved behind them.

    Here are my ideas :

    Buffon - Iuliano,Thuram,Montero - Camoranesi,Tudor,Davids,Nedved - Rivaldo,Trezeguet,Del Piero


    Buffon - Thuram,Iuliano,Montero,Pessotto - Tacchinardi,Tudor,Davids - Rivaldo,Del Piero - Trezeguet


    Buffon - Iuliano,Thuram,Montero - Zambrotta,Tudor,Tacchinardi,Davids - Rivaldo/Nedved - Trezeguet,Del Piero

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