'Murica! (52 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003
As much of Afghanistan is a clusterf**k, I wouldn't be tossing bricks in glass houses given Trump's fingerprints all over it.

I know that the politicos want Afghanistan to be another Bengazhi, but I'm not so sure that's good enough if you're looking for Biden dirt. Bengazhi was little more than slight of hand misdirection. Hilary sunk herself -- it wasn't Benghazi by any stretch of the imagination.
Jun 8, 2021
It was not just a release of 5000 talibans. That was exchange for 1000 Afghan security forces held by the Taliban which lead to comprehensive peace negotiations between the Taliban and the Western-backed Afghan government. At the time Trump left office there were only 2500 U.S. troops there and there were no combat casulties for 18 months. The Afghan government and the Taliban each controlled their respective territories, neither was mounting major offensives.
And after 20 years, more than 2,400 American deaths, 20,000 Americans wounded, and over $2 trillion spent, it was the right desicion to end that nightmare in Afganistan and signed agreement of withdrawal from there. But unlike now, it would be organized withdrawal of civilians, units and military equipment in agreement with the Taliban. Biden trampled on the deal after taking office, the Taliban did not forgive it and chaos ensued.
So again, how was that Trump's fault?

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I hope it's clear to you that anyone can write whatever they want in wikipedia?

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