Movies you've seen recently... (11 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
maybe most people dont like michael douglas because hes married to a much more attractive younger person than he is.. that why i dont like him anyways :D
People thought he was an asshole before Zeta-Jones was born.


I don't care how well Ledger did or how good the new Batman will be, there can be only one Joker.
That may be, but it's not Jack Nickolson. I have fond memories of that film, but real Batman fans hate his performance for how far he took it from the established charactor. Ledger's performance seems to be much more true to that.

dodgeball- crazy asses shit, ben stiller is truly hilarious in this simply because he plays it so straight
Fucking Chuck Norris.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
People thought he was an asshole before Zeta-Jones was born.
:agree: yup he was born with a silver spoon up his ass

That may be, but it's not Jack Nickolson. I have fond memories of that film, but real Batman fans hate his performance for how far he took it from the established charactor. Ledger's performance seems to be much more true to that
:tup: i like the way ledger is portraying the joker as a sociopath,lets hope it lives up to the hype because if he pulled it of the joker should be THe great movie villain of modern times

Fucking Chuck Norris.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


That may be, but it's not Jack Nickolson. I have fond memories of that film, but real Batman fans hate his performance for how far he took it from the established charactor. Ledger's performance seems to be much more true to that.
Yes but I'm not a fan of the comics so far me there's really no comparison.

As for the real hardcore fans, they can never be satisfied. Those same fans thought Keaton was a poor choice whereas for me he's the best Batman by far. What Nicholson did, in my eyes, was just right and I doubt Ledger can top it.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
It depends on what fans you're talking about.Through Batman's comic history,The Joker has seen both the goofish side that Nicholson potrayed,and the psychotic side that Ledger has played.By and large,The Joker is a pyschotic maniac.Maybe Burton wanted to be on the safe side with Nicholson's potrayal of The was the first Batman movie in over 20 years..modern technology n shit.Maybe he didnt want to take the risk of making the movie a bit too dark.Keaton plays a dark Bruce Wayne.You add up a darker Joker to the same movie,and it would have been a risk from a marketing point of view..Another thing that needs to be kept in consideration is the fact that Nolan has already set Batman's tone with Batman Begins.Burton didnt have that luxury.It was his first attempt at Batman,which explains why even he went for a darker tone in his 2nd Batman movie.Nolan has done same thing.Though when it comes to the villains they've chosen,in Burton's case it was going from Funny(Nicholson) to Dark(De Vito and Co) Nolan's case its going from Dark(Nesson) to Darker(Ledger).

Having said all of this,ive come across some hardcore Batman fans,and they seem to be extremley excited about Ledger's potryal of The Joker.I dont expect a lot of people who are fans of Nicholson's Joker to rate Ledger's performance above him,but its probably a different story when it comes to people who are big fans of Batman comics.If you go by the comics,i dont think there's any question about which is the more appropriate Joker - Its Heath Ledger's version.Wether he's acted better than Nicholson is another question.

Hardcore fans are divided when it comes to the better Batman(Bale or Keaton),but in terms of The Joker..there isnt any such division amongst fans of the comics.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
top post salman,as a kid TBh i loved the movie but its was later that i started to read the comics (actually about the only comics i ever read,was not that big on them) but i loved the darker edge to the batman series. while i take nothing away from nicholson and his portrayal of the Joker i cant help but get excited about this new film and ledgers take on him


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
Thats where we totally agree..but Whats your take on Bale and Keaton?Who do you think is the better Bruce Wayne?I found Keaton to be dry TBH.He was dark,yet dry.Bale did it brillianty IMO.He had the dark side,had the insecurity and the the tinge of arrogance that Bruce Wayne should have.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
And i just got done with House Of Sand And Fog.

We had to watch this movie as a college assignment and then write a 2 page report on it..and fuck,i could write a book.What a brilliant movie. Jennifer Connellywas absoloutley spectacular.She's taken some time in developing,but she's become incredible.She's right up there with the best actresses IMO,yet she's pretty underrated.Ben Kingsley was great too.I loved his potryal of an authorotative,yet insecure man.The movie overall was pretty touching.Had a lot of substance.The end was slightly predictable,but that doesnt take any thing away from the movie.Id recommend this movie to everyone who hasnt seen it already.Dont watch it with your friends or if you're in a hyper mood.Sit back,relax..and then watch it.Its a gem.


Sep 3, 2006
And i just got done with House Of Sand And Fog.

We had to watch this movie as a college assignment and then write a 2 page report on it..and fuck,i could write a book.What a brilliant movie. Jennifer Connellywas absoloutley spectacular.She's taken some time in developing,but she's become incredible.She's right up there with the best actresses IMO,yet she's pretty underrated.Ben Kingsley was great too.I loved his potryal of an authorotative,yet insecure man.The movie overall was pretty touching.Had a lot of substance.The end was slightly predictable,but that doesnt take any thing away from the movie.Id recommend this movie to everyone who hasnt seen it already.Dont watch it with your friends or if you're in a hyper mood.Sit back,relax..and then watch it.Its a gem.
yea good movie...Kingsley was really brilliant


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
God I love this movie :D

Deputy: Lab report from Moston, on that boy by the highway
Tommy Lee Jones (sheriff): What was the bullet?
Deputy: 'e wan't no bullet
Tommy Lee: wan't no bullet?
Deputy: yes sir, wadn't none
Waitress: Can I freshen that there for your sheriff? (coffee)
Tommy Lee: yeahm, Laureen, you better had

Gives a whole new flavor to the English language :touched:


★ ★ ★
Aug 8, 2006
God I love this movie :D

Deputy: Lab report from Moston, on that boy by the highway
Tommy Lee Jones (sheriff): What was the bullet?
Deputy: 'e wan't no bullet
Tommy Lee: wan't no bullet?
Deputy: yes sir, wadn't none
Waitress: Can I freshen that there for your sheriff? (coffee)
Tommy Lee: yeahm, Laureen, you better had

Gives a whole new flavor to the English language :touched:
Which movie is this?
No Country For Old Men

great film

great dialogue

comedic pleasure brought to you by javier bardem
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