Movies you've seen recently... (65 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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I've seen it, bro :D
Wow, that's a shocker. You didn't fall asleep? :p
Oh come on, some moments of the movie are really brilliant where only music tells the story. True, it gets incredibly boring at times(most of the times) but some scenes are really incredible. Especially when you consider the fact it was made in the late 60's.

is it really that bad? I was thinking of watching it.
Depends, I really can't classify the movie. Psychodelic-artistic-sci-fi would be the most accurate. Be prepaired for extremely long scenes where there's absolutely no monologue or dialogue. But it's really classic so you should watch it. Just in case you if end up at some sci-fi convention, at some point in your life, so you don't get beat up.
Not really, but it's insanely long for the amount of content it has. It also has some "artistic" sections where you see a lot of abstract art-y color transitions and stuff. The score doesn't help either, it's the slowest, most sleep inducing music ever in a movie.
The score is probably one of the best ever, perhaps even the best part of the movie for me.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
I actually agree.It was so hyped up and all.But i was extremley dissapointed with the movie.Then again,give or take a few movies,im not really into Science Fiction which probably makes me dislike War Of The Worlds more.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
im not mr current affairs but is sin city really worth downloading and watching????

i ve seen bits of it on tv never caught it from the begining so i thought i might give it a try im just too hesitant about it for some reason i think its how its filmed.
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