Morientes? (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 9, 2004
What if Deschamps becomes the next Juve teach and brings Morientes with him?
Could the Moro be the solution for offense? He has had a great season and is a great with airballs, but can he be Del Piero's partner in the front?

Buy on


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I dont thik that deschamps will be the next coach to juve... not for now of course.

About Morientes... i really like teh guy and i think that he is an improvement over leats eh ahve more ball dominion and can dribble.

he would be a better partner to Dp


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Morientes would be a great buy to replace Trez, but I think Prandelli will be Lippi's successor, so that means no Mori, and in comes Gilardino.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Again, it's a matter of whether we think he'll adapt to Serie A. Too many times have we seen Spanish or Spanish-based players come to Italy and become huge disappointments. If we get someone like Vieri, barring a disaster we're pretty much guaranteed that he'll bang in the goals from day 1. I think Morientes is pure class, but any Calcio fan worth his salt should be very cautious about Spaniards

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Tico ] ++
What if Deschamps becomes the next Juve teach and brings Morientes with him?
Could the Moro be the solution for offense? He has had a great season and is a great with airballs, but can he be Del Piero's partner in the front?

even if deschamps becomes our next coach, he can't bring morientes with him, because he is on loan from real madrid, unless juve and real make any deal.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Del Piero and Morientes would form a brilliant partnership upfront imo, just like Raul and Morientes did at Real Madrid before Ronaldo came, but, there are a number of things to be taken into consideration:

1) Spaniards don't tend to adapt well to Serie A.
2) Deschamps can't bring Morientes to Juve because he's still a Real player.
3) I think Prandelli will get the job ahead of Deschamps anyways.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
i think its important to understand that morientes is against returning to real madrid. he has recently stated that he would like to follow his current coach , deschamps, wherever he goes. i dont blame him for having bad blood against real right now, and i dont see him wanting to play on bench at the expense of ronaldo. unless real are willing to sell ronaldo, then morientes will be sold. Thuram was rumoured to a swap deal with morientes a few weeks back. this deal would be excellent for the club.

i see morientes as being a player who could do well in all leagues. he has the qualities to suit all and with del piero and/or miccoli by his side, it could really be a formiddable forward unit.

Deschamps is the key to getting to him at the club, but we must remember that Moggi has been interested before Lippi decided he wasnt going to coach juve next season. so there is a possibility that he could join even if deschamps doesnt.

if prandelli joins, i think gilardino, ferrari and bonera will join for sure, but still, if deschamps joins, does that mean that these players will go elsewhere?? i doubt it very much.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
Well, Gilardino, Ferrari and Bonera are for sale by Parma. Whoever suggests the highest bid will get the deal.

I do not want to see Morientes at Juve for all the above-mentioned reasons.

Gilardino + Vieri would be my attack purchases for this summer.


New Member
May 9, 2004
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    I still think there's a pretty big chance that Didier will be the next Juve coach. Sure it depends on Moggi, but whatever Lippi's opinion on Deschamps over the years might still tip the decision to favor the French.
    Morientes is, still, a Real player, but if Fiorentino Pérez buys him back, he'll wind up in the bench of Real Madrid competing with Ronaldo and Raúl, and Totti, and whatnot. As metioned above, he insists on following Didier, and I think he could adapt to Serie A, he really is more versatile in that aspect.
    I personally wouldn't like Vieri in the team, I'd rather choose a younger striker to partner with Alex.


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    i like Morientes.. he proved that he has a good positioning and instinctive finishing skills.... but i like to have a striker who is more static and dont worry much about dropping down to help his team mates as that kind of striker usually score more goals...:undecide:


    Senior Member
    Jul 27, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++
    i think its important to understand that morientes is against returning to real madrid. he has recently stated that he would like to follow his current coach , deschamps, wherever he goes. i dont blame him for having bad blood against real right now
    I don't know where you got that from. In every single TV interview and
    in football magazines he expresses his love for REAL and that he is 100% sure that he will return to madrid after this season and he really hopes they are keen on having him back as real madrid is the team in his heart.
    May 4, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Pendir_E65 ] ++
    Well, Gilardino, Ferrari and Bonera are for sale by Parma. Whoever suggests the highest bid will get the deal.

    I do not want to see Morientes at Juve for all the above-mentioned reasons.

    Gilardino + Vieri would be my attack purchases for this summer .

    agree... i rather see gilardino then morientes....!!!

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