Mirko Vučinić (118 Viewers)

Mar 9, 2006
Time to make some overview for Vucinic lovers
Serie A
Apps 29 (3 as sub)
Goals 9
Assists 8
Shots per Game 3.2
Pass success 76.3%
Key passes 1.6
Avg. passes 31.6
Accurate long balls 1.5
Accurate through balls 0.8
Succ. dribbles 1.5
Turnovers 2.4

Serie A
Apps 23 (6)
Goals 9
Assists 6

Shots per Game 2.9

Pass success 71.2%

Key passes 1.8

Avg. passes 25.7

Accurate long balls 1.3

Accurate through balls 0.7

Succ. dribbles 1.3

Turnovers 1.9
(rarely loses the ball) (worst index in the team)


Nov 26, 2006
But he didn't. He said Juve's attack is great already, which is a ridiculous thing to say, but he didn't say we "don't need Sanchez".
It's just a nothing comment that isn't worth analysing.

Do you expect Vucinic to say Juve have shit forwards that should all be replaced?

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
It's just a nothing comment that isn't worth analysing.

Do you expect Vucinic to say Juve have shit forwards that should all be replaced?
Agreed about the first part. But saying that Juve have shit forwards is not the only alternative to what Vucinic said. Here's what I'd suggest: "We have a good attack already but Sanchez is an excellent player who could improve the team even more" :klin:

What I find quite funny is that piece of journalism. Vuci never said "we don't need Sanchez", he merely complimented the team's attack but of course something else, which the player never even said, made the headline.


Footballing Hipster celebrating 4th place with Tuz
Sep 21, 2008
People put way too much stock in turnovers for creative players. It's like they equate a turnover to a great pass. They are not the same. A turnover means nothing to me unless the player is turning it over every time he touches (which yes, Mirko CAN do but it is in no way a frequent occurrence).

A forward's job is to create. If he creates a goal, it's worth 10 turnovers to me. And this fact is especially relevant on this current squad where he is the only creative force up front.

We face a ton of parked buses now. There will always be a high amount of turnovers because it will always require much more creativity and risk to break through these tight teams in Italy. But most of the time when he gives the ball away we recover it immediately anyways and try again. It's better to keep pushing the limits of the defense and risking turnovers than to simply get on the ball and pass backwards incessantly.

If we can destroy Serie A two years in a row with him as our best attacker then he is doing something at least half right.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
People put way too much stock in turnovers for creative players. It's like they equate a turnover to a great pass. They are not the same. A turnover means nothing to me unless the player is turning it over every time he touches (which yes, Mirko CAN do but it is in no way a frequent occurrence).

A forward's job is to create. If he creates a goal, it's worth 10 turnovers to me. And this fact is especially relevant on this current squad where he is the only creative force up front.

We face a ton of parked buses now. There will always be a high amount of turnovers because it will always require much more creativity and risk to break through these tight teams in Italy. But most of the time when he gives the ball away we recover it immediately anyways and try again. It's better to keep pushing the limits of the defense and risking turnovers than to simply get on the ball and pass backwards incessantly.

If we can destroy Serie A two years in a row with him as our best attacker then he is doing something at least half right.

Case in point Ronaldinho used to have one of the higher turnover ratio's.

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