Mascherano: Summer dream for Juve (3 Viewers)

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
Jun-hide said:
Momo Sissoko has unbelievable potential based on his agility and physique. However, he better learn some ball skills pretty past becuase his lack of vision when in possession is definetely a drawback.

Patrick Viera not only had outstanding defensive qualities as young lanky kid, but his ability with distribution was already evident. I highly doubt Momo Sissoko will ever develop into all-round Viera type, despite the similarities in physique, and I think he will probably end up in the Rino type of player.

With regards to best CM in the world ATM, I think it is a shootout between Gerrard, Pirlo and Makelele. They all have their own attributes, but in a right system, I feel three players are the ones that will express themselves best.

And Lampard is by far the most overrated player in the world. I always admired his dedication, workrate on and off the pitch, and personal qualities, but he simply doesnt have that "thing" which players like Kaka, Gerrard, Pirlo, Ballack et al possess. As for the most underrated, I say Owen Hargreaves and Senna. Iniesta is up there as well.
hargreaves shud just f*ck off bk to his roots and fry bacon at a canadian breakfast house

ever since the wc there has been more hype about him than the stock market, he'll return from his broken bone injury bk to normal, cuz the god of football smiles on me

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
Badass Devil said:
hargreaves shud just f*ck off bk to his roots and fry bacon at a canadian breakfast house

ever since the wc there has been more hype about him than the stock market, he'll return from his broken bone injury bk to normal, cuz the god of football smiles on me
Owen did a much better job than lampard at the heart of englands midfield. He has been doing he same thing everytime he came on,but this time he is not comin on in the left wing/right back position.

Hargreaves is a quality player who shows more desire than the majority of midfielder. It shouldnt be a problem that he is part canadian. It shocking that the player with the most grit and determination isnt a good old english bloke, but a guy from canada. That highlights the current trend in fancy dan players as apposed to the old school enforcer which there seems to be a lack of today.


Senior Member
Sep 1, 2006
West Ham boss: No Juventus move for Mascherano - September 23, 2006

West Ham boss Alan Pardew has denied reports that Javier Mascherano is on his way to Juventus in January.
Pardew insisted: "These two guys are part of my squad for four years - these are the contracts they have signed."

Hammers are ready to pile on the misery on City boss Stuart Pearce.

Pardew said: "Once you get a few results that don't go your way the pressure starts to mount and it's Stuart's turn at the moment.

"His team are desperate for a home win just as we are desperate for three points."


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
Mascherano and West Ham dont mix..same goes for Tevez. I believe these players will move on...Mascherano at juve would be nice for the future.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
It´s all Chelsea... sateeh knows it, I know it, and everybody should know it. They´re running the game in England nowadays, and the Mascherano/Tevez transfer is no exception.


Il terzo uomo
Dec 1, 2005
I don't know about Mascherano, but Tevez looks likely to be re-trafficked to Valencia in January 2007.

Clearly these 2 unhappy South Americans are not best pleased about their unplanned arrival in east London by their 'slave owner'.

In a few weeks time when we have won several more Derie B matches ( and, hopefully have got a further point reduction on Oct 11th) we can start looking a Italian players.


The Guv'nor
Jun 12, 2005
I dont like Rochemback. Maybe cause hes playing at Boro. I want Van Der Vaart seeing that Zlatan is now gone.


Juve Star
Dec 30, 2004
i like mascherano, and i hope he joins juve next summer...tevez..ha! he is good but i think palacio is much i said before....


Sep 27, 2006
how about Wesley Sneijder ... or even sebastian Shwentsenteiger (( how the hell do they spell it )) ... both impressed me in the WC ...

Mascherano is very good but i would like to see paro as a world class player he's a keeper definetly ...


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I'd like to agree with Jun0hide here that Sissoko is one hell of a player with loads of potential, he's gifted with a great physique and already looks like a taller Makelele. Mascherano would be too high profile for my tastes and he's not showing enough with West Ham, sure he was great in the summer but we all know about players who do far better for country than club.


Sep 3, 2006
Desmond said:
I'd like to agree with Jun0hide here that Sissoko is one hell of a player with loads of potential, he's gifted with a great physique and already looks like a taller Makelele. Mascherano would be too high profile for my tastes and he's not showing enough with West Ham, sure he was great in the summer but we all know about players who do far better for country than club.
sneijder is the best option...he is creative as well as a ball-winner...would be perfect for juve


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Juve, Mascherano il regista del futuro
Inseguito ad agosto, ora gioca nel West Ham
Alla Juve ha giŕ detto che accetterebbe la B
di Fabio Vergnano

Javier Mascherano
TORINO. E’ l’argentino Xavier Mascherano, 22 anni, il centrocampista con passaporto italiano che la Juventus spera di ingaggiare alla riapertura del mercato nel gennaio 2007. Il giocatore, che ha partecipato al Mondiale, a giugno č passato in prestito dal Corinthians agli inglesi del West Ham. La Juventus č stata a un passo dall’acquisto del talento sudamericano, una possibilitŕ inseguita fino al 31 agosto scorso, ultimo giorno di mercato. «Cercavamo un centrocampista, purtroppo non ci siamo riusciti perchč la situazione era delicata» ha spiegato nei giorni scorsi Deschamps. Nessun altro dettaglio, se non che il giocatore in questione gioca in Inghilterra.

Sarebbe stato un colpo eccezionale e non č detto che non possa esserlo fra qualche mese anche se la trattativa č complicata e sicuramente occorrerŕ uno sforzo economico per mettere a segno un colpo di mercato di altissimo livello. Mascherano avrebbe accettato con piacere la Juve anche in B. Ma il cartellino allora come oggi č in mano alla societŕ Msi di Kia Joorabchian, uomo d’affari di origine iraniana, che č diventato padrone del Corinthians e che ha mire sul club londinese, come ha fattod Abramovich con il Chelsea. Il magnate iraniano, fra l’altro, ha centrato un doppio colpo, portando al West Ham anche l’altro argentino Tevez, strappando entrambe i fuoriclasse al Chelsea che pensava giŕ di aver fatto il colpo dell’anno.

Mascherano, che gioca la Coppa Uefa con gli Hammers, č il giocatore che manca alla Juve per dare consistenza a un settore ben fornito di recuperatori di palloni, ma privo di un vero regista. L’unico in grado di far ripartire la squadra č Paro, bravo, ma ancora alla ricerca di una definitiva conferma. Mascherano, invece, per quanto ancora molto giovane, ha tutto per essere il direttore d’orchestra della squadra bianconera. Grande senso della posizione, durezza nei contrasti, ripartenze rapide e facilitŕ nel distribuire il pallone. Queste le caratteristiche che fanno dell’argentino un eccletico, molto apprezzato dal Ct biancoceleste, Bielsa. Infatti all’ultimo Mondiale Mascherano ha giocato tutti i 510 minuti dalla prima fase ai quarti di finale e con la rappresentattiva sudamericana si č aggiudicata la medaglia d’oro all’Olimpiade 2004.

Per lui i complimenti di Maradona: «Fra tutti i giovani che ho osservato negli ultimi anni, Mascherano č quello che mi ha impressionato di piů. Un vero mostro destinato a lasciare il segno».

Intanto, dopo aver ottenuto di rinviare al 1° novembre la partita di sabato con il Brescia per i troppi giocatori impegnati in Nazionale, la Juve avrŕ la possibilitŕ di giocare in posticipo la partita con il Treviso, che non si disputerŕ nello stadio veneto sabato 14 ottobre, ma lunedě 16 alle 20,45.

Translation nedded, please!


Junior Member
May 29, 2006
Juventus to pounce for West Ham's Mascherano - October 04, 2006

Juventus intend to make an approach for West Ham United midfielder Javier Mascherano in January.

Well aware of the Argentine's problems in adapting to Premiership life, Juve coach Didier Deschamps will push his board to test West Ham's resolve by making an offer for the midfielder.

Juve tried for Mascherano over the summer before his move to West Ham and Deschamps is desperate to bring him to Turin, where he has only youngster Matteo Paro as a holding midfielder.

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