Juve still after Barzagli! (10 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Aug 9, 2006
hmmm probably the Inter Board read our Forum more then the Juve Board:

L'Inter pensa a Metzelder
05.01.2007 15.11 di Christian Seu articolo letto 1 volte
Con Samuel che potrebbe lasciare in estate Milano, l'Inter si guarda intorno per individuare un difensore che possa completare il reparto a disposizione di Roberto Mancini. Tra i nomi, spicca quello di Cristoph Metzelder, 26enne difensore tedesco attualmente in forza al Borussia Dortmund. Il contratto dell'eclettico giocatore, che può essere schierato sia da esterno che da centrale, scadrà il prossimo 30 giugno, permettendo a Metzelder di lasciare la Vestfalia a parametro zero.

They think about to sign Metzelder for free to replace Samuel...C'Mon Metzelder as a free transfer and Grygera would be so nice !


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Metzelder, Saviola, Grygera free trio - WOW. That would be awesome list.

Who needs Klose, Samuel, Barzagli et al - for 15m Euro + Camo?

Get those three on a free deals, and let go Tudor, Gianni, Zalayeta, Zebina, Bojinov, that would free up somewhere between 6-7m Euros in terms of salaries. Add 5m or so to that, and considering transfer sum these deals will bring, we should more or less cover the signing bonus and wages for next year. And we should use our prestigious youth academy as a back-up to the first-eleven.

Cristico, Marchisio, Palladino, Marchionni, De Ceglie, Balzaretti, Kovac, Saviola, Boumsong, Zanetti et al are pretty good good rotational squad for Serie A IMO.

First Eleven

Buffon; Grygera, Metzelder, Kovac, Chiellini; Paro, Mascherano/Mavuba; Nedved, Camo; Del Piero, Trezeguet

Bench: Van der Vaart, Saviola, Palladino, Marchioni, Cristico, Boumsong/Legro, Balzaretti, Marchisio, Zanetti, De Ceglie, Cannini, Birindelli, + Youth Academy should be good enough for CL squad with ease.


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2006
Bojinov is really good!!and we should talk here about Barzagli....i think juve whould bring 3 big names in the summer...


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
If we could get metzelder, Grygera and Heinze our defence will be shaky at first, but in time they will mould. Unfortunately we would have only one Italian first choice.

Btw Vdv should start whenever he is fit, let camo/neddy rotate.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Personally I don't pay too much attention on whose starting or not. It all depends on the kind of form the player is in. One way or the other, I see Van der Vaart being a very valuable member to this team: but I don't see why he can't start over Neddy as #10 suggests, or even Del Piero for that matter if our captain goes to usual his mid-season doldrum after terrific start.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2004
Zampa sets Barzagli price Sunday 7 January, 2007


Palermo are ready to sell Andrea Barzagli, but the buyers will have to pay dearly, announced President Maurizio Zamparini.

The World Cup winning defender is a prime target for several Serie A sides in January or for a bid at the end of the season.

“If a big club wants him, then we will listen to any offers,” admitted the fiery Rosanero patron on AGR.

“However, it’s clear that for Barzagli – who in my view is the best libero in Italy – the reimbursement must be world class. The issue is not so much economic as it is technical.”

Among the contenders are Milan, Juventus, Fiorentina and Inter, but this latest comment suggests the Viola are leading the race.

It’s reported Palermo requested Fiorentina striker Giampaolo Pazzini as part of an exchange deal with Barzagli.

Nonetheless, Zamparini insists there is no desperate scrum to find a new striker this month after Amauri’s knee surgery for a snapped cruciate ligament will keep him out for the rest of the campaign.

“We already have Amauri’s ideal substitute in the form of Andrea Caracciolo. This is the perfect opportunity for him to prove his worth and we are counting on him.”

Channel 4


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Marchionni On Way To Palermo

The Juventus winger could be heading to Sicily in the upcoming days as the Bianconeri are considering the offer of Palermo for the Italian player.
Marco Marchionni has been unlucky this season at Juve, with injuries limiting his presence in the first team and not being able to show all of his worth.

Palermo are looking for a right winger to help them in the second part of the season and keep up their top three position in Serie A, and Marchionni could be exactly what the Rosanero need.

For this reason, the Juventus Director of Sports, Alessio Secco, and his colleague Rino Foschi met on Saturday in occasion of the "Trofeo Berlusconi" to discuss this matter.

This transfer could lead to a more complex operation at the end of the season, with central defender Andrea Barzagli being signed by the Bianconeri on their return to Serie A.

i hope this is true, although i think we need Marchionni he is good player who just did'nt have his chance yet due to injuries.


Too busy to bother
May 20, 2006
This transfer could lead to a more complex operation at the end of the season, with central defender Andrea Barzagli being signed by the Bianconeri on their return to Serie A.

i hope this is true, although i think we need Marchionni he is good player who just did'nt have his chance yet due to injuries.
If we can get Barzagli due to this, then I don't really mind since next summer, Olivera, Gasbaronni (I think) and Kapo might return, surely one of them is capable of replacing Marchionni.


Junior Member
Dec 26, 2005
If we can get Barzagli due to this, then I don't really mind since next summer, Olivera, Gasbaronni (I think) and Kapo might return, surely one of them is capable of replacing Marchionni.
I hate to see Marchionni leave but we have to improve our defense greatly. And if that means losing Marchionni to get Barzagli so be it.


Junior Member
Oct 30, 2006
donnow if you pasted this but

Barzagli-Juve, l'agente 'Vicini alla fumata bianca'
arzagli-Juve: ci sono buone possibilità di arrivare a una fumata bianca? "Sì, lo confermo".
Claudio Orlandini, procuratore del difensore rosanero molto richiesto sul mercato, ad Affaritaliani.it ha spiegato la situazione del suo assitito. In che termini si può trattare questo passaggio alla Vecchia Signora? Si parla di una richiesta da 15 milioni di euro.. "E' chiaro che la società di Corso Galielo Ferraris ha delle contropartite tecniche molto gradite al Palermo. E' chiaro che si parlerà di soldi e giocatori".

practicly the agent of barzagli said that juventus and palermo might be close to reaching a deal for barzagli.. and he mainly says that they are negioationg on the basiss of around 15 million euros, but palermo are clearly also intreted in other youngsters Criscito, Marchisio, Palladino. Forse anche De Ceglie". it it those players he mentions.. he than also says that other italian clubs, fiorentina roma milan and inter are interested and they have the means to take barzagli, however there is alaready a verbal agreement between barza and juventus.. finaly he also exludes that barzagli will leave palermo in january


Jinx Minx
Aug 25, 2006
I hate to see Marchionni leave but we have to improve our defense greatly. And if that means losing Marchionni to get Barzagli so be it.
:thumbs: I'd rather lose one player than 2/3 youngsters. We need Palla, & Marchiso & De Ceglie could prove useful to Juve too! I know! Why don't we give them Boum. :tongue: ;)
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