Juve confirm Vieira sale (8 Viewers)


Till death do us part!
Jul 25, 2006
It was thought he might have joined Internazionale on Monday but that did not materialise, and while it still might go ahead, Juve's ex-Arsenal captain Patrick Vieira has now hinted that he could join former Premiership rivals Manchester United.

Vieira is anxiously looking for a new club, being determined to leave Juventus following their demotion to Italy's Serie B.

And the 30-year-old France midfielder has now said: "Every player wants to play for a club like Manchester United at the highest level.

"After nine years at Arsenal it might be difficult. But anything can happen in football.

"Now I'm not sure where I'm playing next season, I'm still looking for a new club.

"There might be some sort of conclusion in the next 48 hours and it's a very important decision for me.

"I will not be playing for Juventus since they are going to Serie B."

Vieira's former team-mates, Emerson and Fabio Cannavaro, have already left Juve and teamed up again with coach Fabio Capello at Real Madrid, while Gianluca Zambrotta and Lilian Thuram have left the Old Lady for Barcelona.

Inter were understood to be preparing a package that matches what Vieira is on with Juve, but the deal appears to have stalled.


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Senior Member
Sep 16, 2005
We can buy better players than Vieira. I agree with what is said in this thread -

Let's sell Vieira, cut our wages so we'll have enough cash to rebuild the team once we're back in Serie A!!


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2004
FIFAWM06 said:
Vieira, inter are buying for 7.8 i feel it's too less compared to the 13 odd million we payed.....
Its not really an offer that demands accepting, but vieira has expressed his desire to join our feirce rivals and scumbags inter so he needs to go, i hope they destroy his career as they have done to so many players, please do a davids


Too busy to bother
May 20, 2006
I read somewere that they would pay us around 9MEuro for him, isn't exactly what we got for him, but if you take his contract in account, I think it is better to sell him, after an impressive start last season, he really ended the season on a low for us.
I am curious to see if we will buy a new decent (A)MC.


Junior Member
Jan 2, 2006
De Fransman Patrick Vieira verhuist van Juventus Turijn naar Inter Milaan. Zijn landgenoot David Trezeguet krijgt geen transfer.

Patrick Vieira.
"Vieira is de laatste speler die deze zomer wordt verkocht", meldt Juventus, dat door het omkoopschandaal volgend seizoen in de Serie B moet spelen. Een andere Fransman, David Trezeguet, mag niet weg. Zijn naam werd gelinkt aan Lyon en AS Roma.

Inter zou voor Vieira 9,5 miljoen euro betalen, zo weet de Franse sportkrant l'Equipe. Dat is minder dan de helft (20 miljoen) van wat Juventus vorige zomer ophoestte om de middenvelder los te weken bij Arsenal.

Translation: Vieira moves from Juventus to Inter Milan, Trezeguet won't get a transfer.

Vieira will be the last player that Juventus will sell this summer, says Juventus. Trezeguet hasn't been allowed to leave Turin.

Inter will pay 9.5 million €, according l'Equipe,less than half the amount Juventus paid to Arsenal (20million€)


Too busy to bother
May 20, 2006
JuvePower said:
De Fransman Patrick Vieira verhuist van Juventus Turijn naar Inter Milaan. Zijn landgenoot David Trezeguet krijgt geen transfer.

Patrick Vieira.
"Vieira is de laatste speler die deze zomer wordt verkocht", meldt Juventus, dat door het omkoopschandaal volgend seizoen in de Serie B moet spelen. Een andere Fransman, David Trezeguet, mag niet weg. Zijn naam werd gelinkt aan Lyon en AS Roma.

Inter zou voor Vieira 9,5 miljoen euro betalen, zo weet de Franse sportkrant l'Equipe. Dat is minder dan de helft (20 miljoen) van wat Juventus vorige zomer ophoestte om de middenvelder los te weken bij Arsenal.

Translation: Vieira moves from Juventus to Inter Milan, Trezeguet won't get a transfer.

Vieira will be the last player that Juventus will sell this summer, says Juventus. Trezeguet hasn't been allowed to leave Turin.

Inter will pay 9.5 million €, according l'Equipe,less than half the amount Juventus paid to Arsenal (20million€)


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
we bought him with 18m euros and then we sell him with half the price and to Inter and there was interest from Man U,RM,Barca. I say well done Secco u have outdone urself again.:tup:


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Moratti: "Today is Vieira's last day as a Juve player, tomorrow he'll be an Interista".

He loves to rub it in hey? The thing is most of us don't give a sh*t Mr. Perdente. Take Vieira and his groin with him.


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2005
Juve: Blanc 'Ibra e Trezeguet restano'

17:14 del 01 agosto

"La cessione di Patrick Vieira sarà l'ultima nostra operazione in uscita di questo mercato estivo. Sia David Trezeguet che Zlatan Ibrahimovic non andranno via e resteranno alla Juventus anche nella prossima stagione". Parole di Jean-Claude Blanc, amministratore delegato della Juventus, nel corso di un'intervista al quotidiano francese L'Equipe, secondo cui Vieira passerà all'Inter per una cifra vicina ai 9,5 milioni di euro. Giovedì è prevista la firma sul contratto quadriennale fino al 2010 da 5 milioni di euro netti a stagione.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
mark77 said:
Moratti: "Today is Vieira's last day as a Juve player, tomorrow he'll be an Interista".

He loves to rub it in hey? The thing is most of us don't give a sh*t Mr. Perdente. Take Vieira and his groin with him.
yeah thats why i was so happy if he was going to go to england or spain just to stick it up to freaking moratti.

When they lost to spurs the other day, it made my day

They r changing veron with paddy, who r two very different players and i dont why mancini asked for him. I reckon this would be just another season where their stupidity in the transfer season will doom them.

Secco should've got more for him imo, but the problem was that none of the other clubs would want to offer more than inter.

screw inter
and grazie patrick viera u did well overall


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2005
to little, especially considering how he played in the WC, and what Juve paid for him. W/e, Vieria is a prick. He was never Juve material.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
The thing is we have Mr. Secco as GM.

rule #1: don't give any info on transfers to the media
#2: say your not selling, if they want the player/s, only at my conditions.
#3: talk to the players and agents privately and tell them you'll sell them but they should keep their mouth shut and make me do my work.
#4: say that 3-4 teams are interested in our player/s to make a fake bidding war.
#5 if I'm f*cked then sell at a low price August 30th just like we did so far(Canna, Zambrotta...). If the teams really wanted our players they would have waited.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
mark77 said:
The thing is we have Mr. Secco as GM.

rule #1: don't give any info on transfers to the media
#2: say your not selling, if they want the player/s, only at my conditions.
#3: talk to the players and agents privately and tell them you'll sell them but they should keep their mouth shut and make me do my work.
#4: say that 3-4 teams are interested in our player/s to make a fake bidding war.
#5 if I'm f*cked then sell at a low price August 30th just like we did so far(Canna, Zambrotta...). If the teams really wanted our players they would have waited.
U should get Secco's job :pint:

guy doesnt have any reason for selling a wold class player like viera for a pity 9.5 euros.:disagree:

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