Juve 2008-09 kits (speculation, pics...) (3 Viewers)

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The Conformer
May 12, 2006
yeh i had to use a template otherwise i'd have probably made the stripes a bit narrower and put a black stripe somewhere on the sleeves.

However if thats all it would take for you to put a bullet in yourself then you need some help :p
Apr 12, 2004
THIS JUST IN, Juve will be sponsored next year by none other than the "King of Pop". Yes, Michael Jackson is going to sponsor Juve. He figured they were perfect because they had both black and white stripes on their shirt, something Michael is in-tune with since he is both black and white while at the same time being neither black or white!


Thanks, Mike!


Dec 17, 2007
ßöмßäяðîëя;1641499 said:
THIS JUST IN, Juve will be sponsored next year by none other than the "King of Pop". Yes, Michael Jackson is going to sponsor Juve. He figured they were perfect because they had both black and white stripes on their shirt, something Michael is in-tune with since he is both black and white while at the same time being neither black or white!


Thanks, Mike!


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
ßöмßäяðîëя;1641499 said:
THIS JUST IN, Juve will be sponsored next year by none other than the "King of Pop". Yes, Michael Jackson is going to sponsor Juve. He figured they were perfect because they had both black and white stripes on their shirt, something Michael is in-tune with since he is both black and white while at the same time being neither black or white!


Thanks, Mike!
Heard he wants Giovinco and Pasquato in exchange.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
Design: La nuova maglia per la stagione 2008/2009 abbandonerà il caratteristico colore rosso di questa stagione, rispolverando il giallo tanto caro nelle due stagioni vincenti di Capello. Il giallo sostituità il rosso anche nelle divise di allenamento.

Prima Maglia: Le bande verticali di colore bianconero saranno sette, con quella nera, e non bianca, posizionata al centro. Lo stemma sarà posizionato a sinistra. Il simbolo dello sponsor tecnico, anch'esso giallo, sarà invece collocato a sinistra. Non è presente il colletto, che avrà una mini banda elastica, sempre gialla, come congiunzione alla banda verticale nera. Nel retro del colletto sarà impressa la scritta semplificativa "Juve", e non la dicitura integrale "Juventus". L'orlo alla base della maglia sarà giallo, come quello presente al termine delle maniche. Le due stelle saranno posizionate rigorosamente sulla manica sinistra.

Casacca portiere: La casacca non sarà appariscente, come da tradizione. Concessa la possibilità di adottare un'eventuale colorazione particolare, che rispecchi i gusti di Buffon. In passato indossatore di una casacca bianconera e di una interamente rosa.

Seconda Maglia: E' la grande novità dello sponsor tecnico. Sarà interamente gialla. Di colore acceso e non sbiadito, definibile come canarino. I numeri, il logo e le stellette saranno nere. Abbandonato il blu a scapito del giallo, con pantaloncini e calzettoni del medesimo colore.

Numeri: Saranno gialli, senza scudo o quadrato nero come sfondo. Che sarà invece necessario sin dai primi appuntamenti nei preliminari di Champions League.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
The new kits for the season 2008-2009 will drop the red character of this season, reviving the beloved yellow of the two winning seasons under Capello. The yellow will also substitute for red in the training uniforms.

First jersey: The vertical black-and-white stripes will be 7, with the black one, not white, positioned in the center. The club badge will be positioned on the left, the kit sponsors symbol (nike), also yellow, will instead be on the left. There will be no collar present, it will have a mini elastic band, all yellow, to connect to the vertical black bands. On the back of the collar will be simply written “Juve” and not the full “Juventus”. The edge of the bottom of the jersey will be yellow, like the current ending of the sleeves. The two stars will be positioned specifically on the left sleeve.

Keepers kit: the keepers kit will not be glaring, like usual. there is the possibility of eventually adopting a specific coloring, with respect to Buffon's preferences. In the past the wearing of a keeper’s bianconero keepers kit is one completely pink.

Second jersey: it's the big change of the kit sponsor (nike, not fiat) it will be entirely yellow. A lit up color and not faded, much like a canary. The numbers, the logo, and the stars will be black. They will drop the blue for the yellow, with shorts and socks of the same color.

Numbers- they will be yellow, without a border or square block like a background. Which will be fundamental from the first games in the champions league preliminaries.


★ ★ ★
Aug 8, 2006
The new kits for the season 2008-2009 will drop the red character of this season, reviving the beloved yellow of the two winning seasons under Capello. The yellow will also substitute for red in the training uniforms.

First jersey: The vertical black-and-white stripes will be 7, with the black one, not white, positioned in the center. The club badge will be positioned on the left, the kit sponsors symbol (nike), also yellow, will instead be on the left. There will be no collar present, it will have a mini elastic band, all yellow, to connect to the vertical black bands. On the back of the collar will be simply written “Juve” and not the full “Juventus”. The edge of the bottom of the jersey will be yellow, like the current ending of the sleeves. The two stars will be positioned specifically on the left sleeve.

Keepers kit: the keepers kit will not be glaring, like usual. there is the possibility of eventually adopting a specific coloring, with respect to Buffon's preferences. In the past the wearing of a keeper’s bianconero keepers kit is one completely pink.

Second jersey: it's the big change of the kit sponsor (nike, not fiat) it will be entirely yellow. A lit up color and not faded, much like a canary. The numbers, the logo, and the stars will be black. They will drop the blue for the yellow, with shorts and socks of the same color.

Numbers- they will be yellow, without a border or square block like a background. Which will be fundamental from the first games in the champions league preliminaries.
just out of curiosity is this official? how did you learn of this information? source?
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