Israeli-Palestinian conflict (31 Viewers)

Is Hamas a Terrorist Organization?

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  • Should there be a Jewish nation SOMEWHERE in the world?

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  • Should Israel be a country located in the region it is right now?

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Fab Fragment

Senior Member
Dec 22, 2018
I’m beyond being sad or angry. I’m just amazed at the brutality of the IDF. One would think that after what happened during the 2nd world war, the IDF would be a humane force. Unfortunately, they are doing everything what the Nazi’s did to them.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Most disgusting nation on Earth, by far.
You have to wonder about the implications for Israel in the long term.

It's one thing for Russia to alienate a large part of the international community. And even Russia has support from other parts of the world. As I've said before: Israel is tiny. Tiny. In terms of population it's the same size as Belgium. Lobbying can get you far, but at some point all sympathy will be gone.


Senior Member
Oct 7, 2023
I think it's obvious this was an intentional attempt by IDF to deter aid workers from continuing to help and provide aid. More facts are coming to light and apparently there was three strikes. Not only that but the personnel actually coordinated with Israel... imagine if Russia did that in Ukraine. I bet it wouldn't be an "incident" or the western "leaders" wouldn't use the word "deeply shocked". Also, there has been a lot of internal investigations that Israel is "conducting", I wonder what happened to those unbiased investigations?

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You have to wonder about the implications for Israel in the long term.

It's one thing for Russia to alienate a large part of the international community. And even Russia has support from other parts of the world. As I've said before: Israel is tiny. Tiny. In terms of population it's the same size as Belgium. Lobbying can get you far, but at some point all sympathy will be gone.
Despite them losing the sympathy of the people, the governments are still standing with this genocidal tiny country. I watched the press conferences of some of the world leaders and the words they use are carefully selected and just air. They still tip-toe. So, lobbying is still strong and will only get stronger if governments are acting as the enablers.
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