Incubo's "No Holds Barred" Poll (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Jul 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++
Whoa this thing is long

You mean your not? :D

And people hardly really think your a lesbian. Its just you and Jessica are the closest on the forum.

Btw before you run this of, i think you and jessica should atleast consider being lesbians :D

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
1. Potential for becoming the next Fred: Egyptian_Juventino

2. Clueless:

3. Magnetic on-line personality:

4. Poster who probably fantasized over Emma’s picture: Graham

5. Poster who probably fantasizes over Vilhelmas’s picture: Himself

6. Poster whose picture you are most curious to see? (Person with the most votes must post their picture) Nick because we all know that picture isnt his

7. What poster comes to mind when thinking of a (or of) …

a) Turtle Arturo (eres dem lento sorry!)

b) Lizard Vicky

c) Chipmunk

d) Blowfish Lilianna

e) Lion alex_samatar

f) Giraffe

g) Duck

h) Turd

i) Metrosexual Kaiser Franco because he likes Prada shoes, but thats still good

j) Vomit walu_ex how come no one has voted for him?!

k) Odd

l) Mental deficiency Whoever thinks that Appiah is better than Davids, I think it was azzurri7

m) psychopath Josh, but not in a bad way

8. Biggest Miss/Emma Mac ass kisser/suck up: Graham

9. Who do moderators fear the most? Vil because he defeated the sistem

10. Chances Fabiana and Jessica are actually lovers? (percentage wise) 101%

11. Two members you would most like to have dinner with? Arturo (Hydde), Andy (very interesting person) and Sergio obviously! we will have dinner when I move to Boston!! and obviously the WBTYA

12. Two members you would LEAST like to have dinner with?

13. Member you just “don’t get” half the time. Don Bes

14. Member who usually ‘speaks’ for everyone. Sergio

15. Member who usually has it all wrong but thinks they have it right. (whatever that means)

16. Most likely to be next moderator. Graham

17. Most deserving of being next moderator. Graham

18. LEAST likely to be next moderator. Zlatan!

19. Who would you BAN if you were moderator? Whoever doesnt like alex_samatar

20. Who does Erik really look like?
Dennis Berkamp or the 3rd De Boer Brother?

21. Member you would ‘bring’ home to your parents. Andy. AUDI A4

22. Most annoying avatar. Josh's

23. Most original avatar. Vicky's

24. Most tacky member. Tacky Mac (not really but you get this vote because of the nickname)

25. Member who just “doesn’t get it”

26. Member who TRIES TOO HARD Nick

27. Thread you avoid at all costs.

28. What two members you would like to see in an argument. Sergio and someone else

29. What two members would you like to see in a real fist fight. Nick and whoever, maybe IceBlu

30. What member would YOU like to be in a real fist fight with. Any Milan fan :)

31. The poster who thinks their "too cool for school" (see Zoolander)

32. Poster most likely to be a serial killer. That person who talked all gangsta... I think his name was MC PIERO

33. Male member who is most likely gay.

34. Odds that Mac nailed Emma Mac? (percentage wise) 3,141592654%

35. Odds that Vilhelmas and Lilianna would hit it off in person? (percentage wise) 6%

36. Most like a married couple? Sergio and Padovano

37. Most like a gay couple?

38. Most like a lesbian couple? Lilianna and gigi's twin . Im not voting for Jessica and me on this one

39. Probably a lesbian? NOT ME

40. Member who probably wouldn’t “hurt a fly” Lilianna

41. Poster who is probably not like anything he/she is on me

42. Poster who is probably secretly a Milan fan? Jessica (loves Kaka)

43. Member with NO PIC who you suspect is the most attractive. Mac (because of the secret source that told me he looks like Colin Farrell)

44. Member with no pic who you suspect “fell of the ugly tree and hit every branch” on the way down.

45. Male member who is still a virgin. Don Bes

46. Female member who gives out the easiest.

47. Member who could probably kick the shit out of everyone. Ian and Martin and Vinman obviously

48. Member who would probably cry at the sight of a confrontation.

49. Member who needs to get laid. you all do

50. Member who will never get laid.

51. Do think Martin looks like more like....Guily, Jon Dahl Tomasson or Bill Gates? Guily



Senior Member
Jul 11, 2002
And here is mine. And also, this is no holds barred, add some comments or something, boring reading nominations with no insulting remarks.
1. Potential for becoming the next Fred:
Not possible - One of a kind

2. Clueless:
dont know

3. Magnetic on-line personality:
Incubo - everyone else is boring

4. Poster who probably fantasized over Emma's picture:
Don Bes

5. Poster who probably fantasizes over Vilhelmas’s picture:
Vilhelmas - lets face it, he loves himself

6. Poster whose picture you are most curious to see? (Person with the most votes must post their picture)
Incubos - the fake sunglasses pic has went on long enough

7. What poster comes to mind when thinking of a (or of) … What? But when i think of people that annoy me i think of Incubo :D

a) Turtle: er?

b) Lizard: ...

c) Chipmunk: ...

d) Blowfish: ...

e) Lion: ...

f) Giraffe:

g) Duck: Ok really not getting the animal thing.

h) Turd: This is just getting sick, so nick since he thought of it :D

i) Metrosexual: /

j) Vomit: /

k) Odd: Ian - Coming in and out posting wisdom like hes ****ing gandalf

l) Mental deficiency: Emma Mac - the online version that is

m) psychopath: Josh

8. Biggest Miss/Emma Mac ass kisser/suck up:
Fliakis - but only because he is smart.

9. Who do moderators fear the most?
The Off topic rule breaking posters like Emma Mac or Lilliana for plaging the forum - Not that they actually fear anyone

10. Chances Fabiana and Jessica are actually lovers? (percentage wise)
100% - No one is that close, same avatars and fabiana seems to have somehow found a way to control jessicas brain

11. Two members you would most like to have dinner with?
Fliakis - because we wouldnt eat for long and start drinking like everyone always wants to

12. Two members you would LEAST like to have dinner with?
Incubo - All the coffee latte shit is the most gay thing ever. Image trying to have a chance with a women with that crap going on.

13. Member you just “don’t get” half the time.
Lilliana - all of the time

14. Member who usually ‘speaks’ for everyone.
Don Bes - because forums shouldnt be taken seriously

15. Member who usually has it all wrong but thinks they have it right. (whatever that means)
Incubo -Dosent always have it all wrong, but has it wrong to think that hes always right.

16. Most likely to be next moderator.
who cares? - really, can anyone even name all the moderators?

17. Most deserving of being next moderator.
see 16

18. LEAST likely to be next moderator.
see 17 - U kinda follow it up incase your not smart

19. Who would you BAN if you were moderator?
Myself - so i wouldnt waste so much time here

20. Who does Erik really look like?
Dennis Berkamp or the 3rd De Boer Brother?
Neither- all dutch look similar, but not alike.

21. Member you would ‘bring’ home to your parents.
Emma - not a good idea bringing home strangers

22. Most annoying avatar.
Nicks usually are quite sad, and everyone else who uses that avatar of that guy. Do i go around with a Tony Blair avatar? :howler:

23. Most original avatar.
Emma - definately, and she makes them herself which is even better.

24. Most tacky member.
Nick - Tacky Macky? gimme a break

25. Member who just “doesn’t get it”
Graham - This is a forum, not a job ;)

26. Member who TRIES TOO HARD
Nina - sorry but you do try to hard on things. Like avoiding the shit threads, not going with the flow and not playing along with my nina is hot thing :down::D

27. Thread you avoid at all costs.
Most juve related threads i dont really care what other members think, anything important can be found on football italia and your "opinions are yours and not mine" to quote G N' R.

28. What two members you would like to see in an argument.
Nick and Paul - Actually i wouldnt, that would be boring, they would sing to each other in Italian supporter group songs.

29. What two members would you like to see in a real fist fight.
Myself and Vin Man - If he give me a chance at the start :D

30. What member would YOU like to be in a real fist fight with.
Myself and Nick - that little punk needs to be hurt.

31. The poster who thinks their "too cool for school" (see Zoolander)
-Z- - Leaving Juventuz in a way that made he look like che g, then coming back and acting like a ****ing fool ranting on like an old women. Apart from that i like him tho.

32. Poster most likely to be a serial killer.

33. Male member who is most likely gay.
Padovano - Addicted to womens fashion makes me thing you like to dress up at the weekend

34. Odds that Mac nailed Emma Mac? (percentage wise)
No answer given ;)

35. Odds that Vilhelmas and Lilianna would hit it off in person? (percentage wise)
0% - Fliakis dosent go back on his decisions

36. Most like a married couple?
Erik and Nina - they would be great together

37. Most like a gay couple?
Serge and Padovano - the only man to stimulate pado the way a sheep does.

38. Most like a lesbian couple?
Fabiana and Jessica - lack of choice really.

39. Probably a lesbian?
Fabiana - who else is there?

40. Member who probably wouldn’t “hurt a fly”
Serge - Even when i pissed him off he didnt ignite

41. Poster who is probably not like anything he/she is on
Mac - Im more serious, and i dont follow around a weird italian-american looking for trouble.

42. Poster who is probably secretly a Milan fan?
Martin- seen his XT fav teams? Who the hell dosent he support?

43. Member with NO PIC who you suspect is the most attractive.
People without pics are ugly

44. Member with no pic who you suspect “fell of the ugly tree and hit every branch” on the way down.
see 43

45. Male member who is still a virgin.
Stuart - At least he should be.

46. Female member who gives out the easiest.
Lilliana - she loves the lights of juventuz directly shining at her. Cant we have a turn Lilli?

47. Member who could probably kick the shit out of everyone.
Vin Man - and i mean everyone at the one time

48. Member who would probably cry at the sight of a confrontation.
Graham? - yeah he would

49. Member who needs to get laid.
Incubo - kinda tense

50. Member who will never get laid.
silly question and who cares.

51. Do think Martin looks like more like....Guily, Jon Dahl Tomasson or Bill Gates?
He has a guilyness about him :D
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++

35. Odds that Vilhelmas and Lilianna would hit it off in person? (percentage wise) 6%
thank you fabi.

i said 0, but come to think of it i probably :)rolleyes: ) would be drunk. anything can happen. i give it 15 now :D

and i dont fantasize over my pic. i KNOW i am sexy as hell, but i dont find myself sexy. there are better things than that :cheesy:


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
@Mac: Che Guevara style :rofl:

About the Vinman comment... haha i just remembered the last scene of that movie "The One" with Jet Li ,or that one in "the Matrix 2" :LOL:


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #92
    Busy day in REAL LIFE

    Thus far: 14 votes in...COME ON PEOPLE

    You can post in suck up to Nina but so long as you send me your votes and not make life difficult..



    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++

    It changes colours, you have mood swings. What can I say :D

    Just a little joke there, trying to get you back into the more personal part of the forums ;)

    Isnt that a cameleon dumbass?


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
    Erik has attached this image:
    10/10 for effort, but you could've written my name on it to make me feel special :(
    ++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
    30. What member would YOU like to be in a real fist fight with. Graham
    :LOL: is that before or after I said u look like De Boer? I'm presuming the former :)
    ++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
    40. Member who probably wouldn’t “hurt a fly”
    Gray, unless he does tae kwon do.
    :devil: I do kendo and jujitsu too, but I've only ever used it in tournaments and demonstrations. Actually I've been in one fist fight in year 6, but I was a red belt then :embarass:
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
    Busy day in REAL LIFE
    What the hell is that?


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++

    thank you fabi.

    i said 0, but come to think of it i probably :)rolleyes: ) would be drunk. anything can happen. i give it 15 now :D

    and i dont fantasize over my pic. i KNOW i am sexy as hell, but i dont find myself sexy. there are better things than that :cheesy:
    Thank you for saying Im not a lesbian



    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    I sense all this lesbian-related questions were made so people could vote for Jessica and me. Nick seems to have a fetish with lesbians
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