Incubo's "No Holds Barred" Poll (3 Viewers)

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Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
The following poll was created by me regarding members in this forum and was inspired by ERIK and EMMA’s polls.
Some of these questions require more than just a recollection of “who is funny” or “who is boring” but more thinking to make your selection….it begins in a tacky fashion and gains speed. ENJOY. Don't be shy....don't be polite AND above all DON'T HOLD BACK....even if it means putting me in categories...I am expecting the worse....
PM me your selections. Ends in about 48 hours.


1. Potential for becoming the next Fred:

2. Clueless:

3. Magnetic on-line personality:

4. Poster who probably fantasized over Emma’s picture:

5. Poster who probably fantasizes over Vilhelmas’s picture:

6. Poster whose picture you are most curious to see? (Person with the most votes must post their picture)

7. What poster comes to mind when thinking of a (or of) …

a) Turtle

b) Lizard

c) Chipmunk

d) Blowfish

e) Lion

f) Giraffe

g) Duck

h) Turd

i) Metrosexual

j) Vomit

k) Odd

l) Mental deficiency

m) psychopath

8. Biggest Miss/Emma Mac ass kisser/suck up:

9. Who do moderators fear the most?

10. Chances Fabiana and Jessica are actually lovers? (percentage wise)

11. Two members you would most like to have dinner with?

12. Two members you would LEAST like to have dinner with?

13. Member you just “don’t get” half the time.

14. Member who usually ‘speaks’ for everyone.

15. Member who usually has it all wrong but thinks they have it right. (whatever that means)

16. Most likely to be next moderator.

17. Most deserving of being next moderator.

18. LEAST likely to be next moderator.

19. Who would you BAN if you were moderator?

20. Who does Erik really look like?
Dennis Berkamp or the 3rd De Boer Brother?

21. Member you would ‘bring’ home to your parents.

22. Most annoying avatar.

23. Most original avatar.

24. Most tacky member.

25. Member who just “doesn’t get it”

26. Member who TRIES TOO HARD

27. Thread you avoid at all costs.

28. What two members you would like to see in an argument.

29. What two members would you like to see in a real fist fight.

30. What member would YOU like to be in a real fist fight with.

31. The poster who thinks their "too cool for school" (see Zoolander)

32. Poster most likely to be a serial killer.

33. Male member who is most likely gay.

34. Odds that Mac nailed Emma Mac? (percentage wise)

35. Odds that Vilhelmas and Lilianna would hit it off in person? (percentage wise)

36. Most like a married couple?

37. Most like a gay couple?

38. Most like a lesbian couple?

39. Probably a lesbian?

40. Member who probably wouldn’t “hurt a fly”

41. Poster who is probably not like anything he/she is on

42. Poster who is probably secretly a Milan fan?

43. Member with NO PIC who you suspect is the most attractive.

44. Member with no pic who you suspect “fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch” on the way down.

45. Male member who is still a virgin.

46. Female member who gives out the easiest.

47. Member who could probably kick the shit out of everyone.

48. Member who would probably cry at the sight of a confrontation.

49. Member who needs to get laid.

50. Member who will never get laid.

51. Do you think Martin looks like....Guily, Jon Dahl Tomasson or Bill Gates?

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
6. Poster whose picture you are most curious to see? (Person with the most votes must post their picture) EDITED

28. What two members you would like to see in an argument. Martin and Erik
29. What two members would you like to see in a real fist fight. Martin and Erik


Sorry, I know this should be private, but I couldn't resist


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #7
    ++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
    damn. that is long. can we trust you with this Incubo.

    i think we all know who #48 was made for
    This has already come up.. I thought of passing the responses to someone neutral but given the sheer number of questions ... I decided not to .. too much work for the poor sap.

    That can quote me...

    I IncuboRossonero (Nick) promise not to reveal ANY individual answers given by any poster (whom I like or loathe) on the Incubo's "No Holds Barred" Poll. Should I write about an individual's answers on the forum I urge moderators to ban me immediately no questions ask. More over, if this is not done I promise to ban myself....not come back.

    You have my word....don't be shy...don't be polite...feel free to skip over questions you don't feel like answering or you feel are irrelevant.


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

    28. What two members you would like to see in an argument. Martin and Erik
    29. What two members would you like to see in a real fist fight. Martin and Erik


    Sorry, I know this should be private, but I couldn't resist
    edited..for the sly
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    This has already come up.. I thought of passing the responses to someone neutral but given the sheer number of questions ... I decided not to .. too much work for the poor sap.

    That can quote me...

    I IncuboRossonero (Nick) promise not to reveal ANY individual answers given by any poster (whom I like or loathe) on the Incubo's "No Holds Barred" Poll. Should I write about an individual's answers on the forum I urge moderators to ban me immediately no questions ask. More over, if this is not done I promise to ban myself....not come back.

    You have my word....don't be shy...don't be polite...feel free to skip over questions you don't feel like answering or you feel are irrelevant.

    well Nicola u know my magic words."i dont care". i ll be honest with you and u can do whatever you think it is resonable with the posts.

    once i get my hands to my own awards then we will see :D


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    Good stuff Nick, but can someone tell me about this Fred guy?

    Bahahahaha, I love your Avatar Gray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Simply Brilliant Gray.

    Gray for number 23.


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #14
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
    Good stuff Nick, but can someone tell me about this Fred guy?

    Bahahahaha, I love your Avatar Gray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Simply Brilliant Gray.

    Gray for number 23.
    Fred Was 'baptized' as the suck up of by Vilhelmas ... since then when a poster sucks up to many posters they are refered to as "pulling a Fred" or that their "breath smells like shit"..from licking arse.

    I also realize some are pretty damn close in questioning...WHATEVER...see it as a second choice.
    I also realize in retrospect its not that harsh...over-all.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    Fred Was 'baptized' as the suck up of by Vilhelmas ... since then when a poster sucks up to many posters they are refered to as "pulling a Fred" or that their "breath smells like shit"..from licking arse.

    I also realize some are pretty damn close in questioning...WHATEVER...see it as a second choice.
    I also realize in retrospect its not that harsh...over-all.
    Grazie Nicola.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    Fred Was 'baptized' as the suck up of by Vilhelmas ...
    not that i'm proud of it, but It wasn't Vil. It was me. I didn't expect it to catch on this much.
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