++ [ originally posted by magosantana81
] ++
Hey guys! This just in from OLÉ, the most popular sports journal here...
13:45 Fútbol / Italia
La Juventus vuelve a la carga por Gonzalo Rodríguez
La Vecchia Signora decidió reanudar las negociaciones por el pase de defensor de San Lorenzo, que se habían interrumpido por problemas de documentación del jugador.
La Juventus había quedado deslumbrada por la actuación de Gonzalo Rodríguez en el Mundial Sub 20 que se disputó en Emiratos Arabes, e intentó contar con el defensor a principios de año. Sin embargo, la elevada cotización del futbolista (4 millones de euros) y problemas con el trámite de su pasaporte comunitario trabaron la negociación
Sin embargo, según la agencia ANSA, dirigentes de la Juve viajarán la semana próxima a Buenos Aires para reabrir las conversaciones con San Lorenzo por el pase de Rodríguez. El director general del club italiano, Luciano Moggi, confía en conseguir al jugador por una cifra menor, ya que en los últimos seis meses no han aparecido otros clubes interesados en su incorporación.
Juventus estaría interesada en que Rodríguez ya forme parte del plantel durante la pretemporada, en el verano europeo, para luego decidir si retenerlo en sus filas o cederlo a préstamo a otro equipo para que adquiera experiencia.
It basically says that Juve is aiming again at Gonzalo and will be resuming negotiations after they were put on hold due to problems with Gonzalo's passport.
It also recalls that Juventus had been amazed at Gonzalo's performances in the last U-20 World Cup but his high price (4 million euros) and the passport thing were the main obstacles for the club to get the player.
According to ANSA agency, representatives of Juventus will be coming to Buenos Aires next week to re-start negotiations. However, Moggi thinks he will manage to get Rodríguez for less money because in the last six months there haven't been any other official offers for Gonzalo.
Juve would like to get Gonzalo right now so that he can take part in the pre-season in the European summer, and then they will decide if he stays in the team or they loan him out for him to acquire some experience.
Moggi, you better pay us what Gonzalo is worth! And now that he's in the Senior National Team, his price should increase even more! If only our stupid board would realise!
By the way
mark77, this Sunday afternoon we're playing River Plate. I'm sure it's the Sunday derby you get on your TV! So expect to see both Gonzalo Rodríguez (jersey number 2) and Leandro Romagnoli (jersey number 10) in the lineup. Also, do expect to see an interesting matchup between Gonzalo and Cavenaghi, teammates in the last U-20 team.
Tell me what you think about them next week, OK?