Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (205 Viewers)


Beppe Marotta Is My God
May 26, 2009

IT'S September 9, 2006. Exactly two months after the proudest moment of his extraordinary career, Alessandro Del Piero is in the Italian coastal resort town of Rimini.

Ordinarily, Del Piero would only ever be here for a holiday, enjoying the 15 kilometre stretch of beach by the Adriatic Sea with his family.

Barely a long ball from the white sand, however, directly down the Viale Giovanni Pascoli, a street named after the great Italian poet, sits the tiny Stadio Romeo Neri.

Having a ball … Alessandro Del Piero is enjoying life, and his football, in Sydney and doesn't plan on leaving any time soon. Photo: Marco Del Grande
"I could smell the sausages, and the chips, and popcorn," Del Piero recalls of his arrival that day. "I can hear the children playing outside. I couldn't quite believe it. It's not real."

From the heights of lifting the World Cup in Berlin, Del Piero is now leading his club side, Juventus, through their darkest chapter. It's beginning in a place where the ''Stadio'' prefix is generous at best; this is an ignominious patch of grass with some small, concrete slabs.

Relegation to second division, a consequence of the Calciopoli scandal, has shredded any vestige of integrity from Italian football, let alone Juventus, the club hit the hardest by authorities.

"I can remember that first game of Serie B because Rimini is a famous place for lifestyle, holidays and parties. Big, big parties," he tells the Herald through an interpreter. "So we're walking into the dressing room with [Gianluigi] Buffon and [Pavel] Nedved and then we all stop. One of the players says: 'Are you sure we're in the right place?'"

For a world-class squad that has stayed improbably loyal to Juve's tarnished cause, it's a question with deeper meaning.

"Then they all turn to me. So I tell them: 'Yes. We are in the right place, for sure,'" he announces. "'And this will be a great year for Juventus.'"

Despite suffering a 10-point deduction to start the year - and drawing that opening game 0-0 - it is a great year for the bianconeri. They win the league by six points ahead of Napoli and finish the year with a positive goal difference of 53. Del Piero is the division's top scorer.

"All of us remember that year as one of the best of our careers," he says. "One of the worst, yes, in the first months, but by the end, one of the best. It was 10 steps back for Juventus, but five steps forward for us to understand what is real football.

"When you're involved in the Champions League, the national team, sometimes you get lost. It was good for us. After that, I couldn't leave Juventus until the job was complete, until we were champions again."

More than six years on from that day (and nine months after Juventus finally became Serie A champions), Del Piero is giving this interview in equally inauspicious surroundings, on a plastic chair in a tin-roofed room at Sydney FC's training ground.

It's fitting, in a sense. The glitz and glamour of months past is giving way to a roll-up-the-sleeves ethos as the Sky Blues search, frantically, to save a ghastly season.

"A friend called me [early in the season] and asked me the same question the players asked me in Rimini - 'Are you sure you're in the right place?'" he laughs. "And I gave the same answer. I can't change what happened now."

As the losses tallied up for Sydney earlier in the season, however, Del Piero admits there was little humour to be found.

"When you approach a new challenge, there are many difficulties along the way," he says. "When problems come up, you need an additional focus to overcome them. But that doesn't scare me. I've engaged 100 per cent for this purpose. I really want to commit until the end on the choice that I made."

The 38-year-old thinks deeply before he answers any question. He crafts his responses deftly, not always producing the reply an inquisitor might desire, or expect.

As a football nation with an embedded inferiority complex, we pine for his honest perception of the A-League, which is perhaps why he is so reluctant.

"There are a lot of ups and downs in a year, and that's why I don't like to talk about this until the end of the season," he offers. "But there are substantial differences like the longer travel and playing in summer. The physicality is strong but in Europe it's more on tactics. It's where the very high-quality players play.

"There are good-quality players here but, unfortunately, too often they leave too early like [Tom] Rogic did. In Europe, everybody tries to keep good players and build something."

Sydney had their own moment of darkness - or downright disarray - this very campaign. Ian Crook quit as manager after six games before his assistant, Steve Corica, took charge for four more. They won just two times in 10 games.

A rumour surfaced that Del Piero asked to take over as manager, one whispered so often it almost evolved into truth.

"No, I did not ask that," he is emphatic, initially. "But I did offer to help. I said to them, 'I'm here, I'm available and I want to help. I don't want to leave.' Then the club appointed Frank [Farina]."

During the games, however, the Conegliano-born trequartista was something of an on-field assistant manager, especially during the transitional time between managers.

"I did it because I could feel a lot of trust from my teammates," he says. "That's why I was happy to help the club in any way I could."

While the season has been a personal success for Del Piero - he has scored 10 goals in 16 games - close observers of the Azzurri legend noted his early season frustration, especially with teammates. In his first match, against the Phoenix in Wellington, it was obvious.

"One of the biggest challenges for me is to understand and adapt to whatever the conditions are," he says. "But I'm the guest here and I am the one that has to adapt. If I can help somehow though, like giving a different opinion on a matter [teammate Joel Chianese received plenty that particular night], I will do it. I love winning as much as I hate losing. That's why in Wellington I was a little bit pissed."

Away from the field, Del Piero is relishing Australian life - especially seeing his children grasping English "even better than me" - but has a surprising revelation on whether he can slink into the centre of Turin for a quiet coffee.

"It's not a lot of difference here, to be honest," he says. "People in Torino know me after 19 years, of course, though a lot of people here know me. I can go for coffee, yes, but not always when I want. I have to know the right time and place."

Loved by fans of all teams for his gentlemanly conduct - for which he has even won several awards - that adoration means Del Piero hasn't known a normal existence for a long time. Does he ever just want to be a normal guy?

"That's why I love my home. I love to stay at home," he grins. "But this is part of the sport I have chosen. I have a lot of love from the people, and I am really happy when people ask me for something - you have to be. It's sport, not work, and I can't complain when people chase me."

When he made the decision to come to Australia, club chief executive, Tony Pignata, labelled it ''Project Sydney'', a plan devised to not only give Del Piero a new experience but to bring a new audience to football, much like David Beckham in the US.

"First, we wanted to bring people to the stadium and put the light on Australian football. These parts have been successful so far," Del Piero says. "We've won a lot challenges with the crowds, the eyes [on football] and visibility. Everyone knows about Australia now, not just in Italy, but from everywhere. The world knows of Sydney FC. Today, I met a girl who arrived from Sicily, for one month, just for my games.

"So the first part of the project has gone well. You can feel it changing now, but we still have to wait. It will take many years, and needs a few people pulling in the same direction."

The interview can't close without a word on his future. The club has already given their indication, publicly, that they want Del Piero to stay. As it turns out, the player himself is thinking exactly the same way.

"If I stay next year, I'll be happy. I'm very happy to be here," he says. "At the moment, we are discussing for the next year. When you discuss about the next year, for sure, the answer is yes. But for sure we have to fix a couple of things first. If we do that, I'm sure it will be fine."


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2009
Del Piero in Brazil is not special. Brazil is known worldwide for Football. People worldwide still think Australia has Kangaroos jumping down the streets. Del Piero is more than an ambassador for Australian Football but for Australia itself. I recently flew to sydney to watch Sydney FC train and get the opportunity to meet the man. There I met people from Turin, Milan, Rome and Calabria that came just to see Del Piero. They all made comment about the city itself and spoke about seeing other cities in the Country.

What Del Piero is doing in Australia is bigger than what Beckham did in the US. He is an "Australian Icon" now and already someone for all Australian children who love football, to look up to, someone they have not had before. Brazilian kids already have plenty of idols. If Del Piero leaves Australia for Brazil, it will be nothing more than a terrible shame...

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