Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (91 Viewers)

Jul 5, 2006
25.05.2010 America? For now just on holidays…

Just a few hours before the last game of this season, friendly against Fiorentina in Toronto (at 2 am Italian time), here’s for you a bit of “press release”, some notions on the North American off season tour, taken from the press conference, that has been held in these days.

As for my future.

“Surely I’ll be wearing Juventus jersey next season. Then, who knows, everything is possible. Do I consider moving to New York? Maybe, I’ll come here first on holidays, as it has already happened in the past, then, I just don’t know. For now I have no slightest idea, my only nagging thought is about the next season and the will to get redressed for the disappointments of this year”.

The end and the beginning.

“This season has been disastrous, there are no excuses and it is useless to hide behind the words. We are well aware of what has happened and above all, we are determined to leave it all behind and willing to work in order to reverse everything, starting already from the beginning of July. Now we just want to have some rest to start all over again later and to win back the leading position”.

Our supporters.

“We have to say ‘thank you’ to all our fans for the support they are showing us during this tour and it is always wonderful to see, that despite all the troubles, Juventus remains the role model for soccer fans in different parts of the world, and it just great to feel the glow, that surrounds us even far from Italy. We’ll try to reward this deep affection with a nice performance against Fiorentina, and above all in the future we hope to come back here to celebrate a season that would be completely different from this one”.

Woorld Championship.

“I was lucky to win it four years ago in a great way, having scored in semifinal and in final and I experienced unique and unforgettable sensations. In my whole career I have played three world Championships, so, trust me, I know what does it mean. This time I won’t be there, but I’ll be supporting and encouraging my friends that will defend the Champions of the world title in South Africa”.

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