Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (211 Viewers)


Dec 16, 2003
Greg trying to impress kate i assume :D

What's the big deal? A del piero thread on a football forum can't be this important to yous. He's a legend, his thread should be taditionally moved to the legends section, and he is not the captain anymore; our greatest captain of all time but now he's not even a player. i'm more than thankful that his successor is an awesome player/man.
What's the big deal in not keeping it? To me it's not about the armband anymore but about the designate-surname that he carries. I call him Capitano more than Del Piero, it's not about who's putting the armband anymore.

If there's anything that I check in this forum it's Del Piero's thread mostly, so I would like this thread to keep the name and style it had for years. It's childish to some but to me it's a big deal and I don't care how it sound.


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
What's the big deal in not keeping it? To me it's not about the armband anymore but about the designate-surname that he carries. I call him Capitano more than Del Piero, it's not about who's putting the armband anymore.

If there's anything that I check in this forum it's Del Piero's thread mostly, so I would like this thread to keep the name and style it had for years. It's childish to some but to me it's a big deal and I don't care how it sound.
You're the Man. Azzurri7 for presidente!!!

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
What's the big deal in not keeping it? To me it's not about the armband anymore but about the designate-surname that he carries. I call him Capitano more than Del Piero, it's not about who's putting the armband anymore.

If there's anything that I check in this forum it's Del Piero's thread mostly, so I would like this thread to keep the name and style it had for years. It's childish to some but to me it's a big deal and I don't care how it sound.
I know it was pointless and childish, knowing it had people reacting dramatically but mods are mostly trolls themselves these days :D Still, I wouldn't lose sleep over someone having removed something from Del Piero thread on a football forum. I mean, seriously?


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
wish he is picked up for the euro squad and replace cassano after 70 minutes or so, casillas would shit in his pants remembering all the goals alex scored against him and then on the 95th minutes, alex scored the winning goal from his trademark freekick... lol...


Dec 17, 2007
Finisce qui, il mio contratto con la Juventus scade oggi. Non è una notizia, ma sapere che è "ufficiale" fa comunque effetto. Per me non è un momento triste, non c'è rimpianto né nostalgia. Non più. Perché in questi giorni ho avuto modo di ripensare a tutto quello che è successo nella mia ultima stagione in bianconero, poi di lì tornare indietro, e rivivere il più bel sogno che avrei potuto sognare. Tutti i ricordi, tutte le gioie, tutti i trionfi e - per dirla tutta - anche qualche recente amarezza... oggi tutte queste immagini mi passano davanti e a un certo punto si appannano e si dissolvono in quell'abbraccio meraviglioso della mia ultima partita a Torino. Quella è la fotografia che racchiude tutto, l'istantanea che voglio portare sempre con me, quella che dal 13 maggio mi si è stampata nel cuore. Incancellabile. Qualche tempo fa, prima di partire per le vacanze, ho svuotato il mio armadietto a Vinovo e, uscendo dal campo d'allenamento, mi sono fermato là dove per molti mesi mi avete aspettato voi per un una foto, un autografo, un saluto... sotto la neve, il gelo, la pioggia, il sole che picchia. Ma questa volta sono io a salutarvi e a ringraziarvi, come voi avete fatto con me. I giocatori passano, la Juventus rimane. Rimangono i miei compagni, ai quali auguro il meglio: tiferò sempre per loro. Rimanete soprattutto voi tifosi, che siete la Juventus. Rimane quella maglia che ho amato e amerò sempre, che ho desiderato e rispettato, senza alcuna deroga, senza sconti. Sono felice che altri dopo di me possano indossarla, anche e soprattutto la "10" che da quando esistono i nomi sulle maglie bianconere, ha sempre portato il mio. Sono felice per chi la indosserà l'anno prossimo, sono felice che da qualche parte - in Italia e nel mondo - qualcuno sta sognando di indossarla. E sarei orgoglioso che volesse ripercorrere la mia storia, come io ho fatto con altri campioni, altri esempi, altre leggende. Da domani non sarò più un giocatore della Juventus, ma rimarrò per sempre uno di voi. Adesso comincia un'altra avventura. E io sono carico come 19 estati fa. Arrivederci, ragazzi. Grazie di tutto. Alessandro
His contract has officially expired...


Jul 11, 2011
'Da domani non sarò più un giocatore della Juventus, ma rimarrò per sempre uno di voi.'

:cry: grazie for everything ale. my favourite player forever, never forget you.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2011
Google transtale:

End here, my contract with Juventus expires today.

It is not news, but know that it's "official" makes no effect. For me it is a sad moment, there is no regret or nostalgia. No more. Because these days I got to rethink everything that has happened in my last season in black and white, and from thence to go back and relive the best dream I could dream of.

All memories, all the joys, triumphs and all - to be honest - even some of the recent bitterness now ... all these images pass before me and at one point and dissolve glaze over in that embrace wonderful time of my last game in Turin. That is the picture that has all the instant that I take with me, that from May 13 I was printed in the heart. Indelible.

Some time ago, before leaving for the holidays, I emptied my locker in Vinovo and, coming out of training camp, where I stopped for many months I've waited for you a photo, an autograph, a greeting ... under the snow, frost, rain, sun shining. But this time I have to say goodbye and thank you, as you have done with me.

The players pass, Juventus remains. They remain my friends, to whom I wish the best: tiferò always for them. Remain especially you fans who are Juventus. Remains that shirt that I loved and I always will, that I wanted and respected, no exceptions, no discounts. I am happy that others after me will wear it, even and especially the "10" since there are names on the shirts eagle, has always brought my own. I am happy for those who will wear next year, I'm happy that somewhere - in Italy and around the world - someone is dreaming of wearing it. And I would be proud that you would go through my story, as I have done with other samples, other examples, other legends.

From tomorrow I will not be a Juventus player, but will always remain one of you.

Now begins another adventure. And I'm loaded like 19 summers ago.

Goodbye, boys. Thanks for everything.



Sep 23, 2003
I'm with Rab. He'll always be our Capitano on and off the field. You just can't forget the biggest legend of your club, he's Il Capitano as long as Juve exists.
And yet here I was just watching a match from 2005 where Lilian Thuram was our captain. :snoop:

TBH, I think this debate of the past few pages is a bit on the melodramatic side. We can say there will never be a captain ever again like Del Piero before or since, but that doesn't change the fact that the team has the role of captain this year and Del Piero ain't it. And DP's legacy goes far deeper than some token title that, to be fair, wasn't something he always had on the club as it was.


Love juve because of sega
Nov 27, 2011
Google transtale:

End here, my contract with Juventus expires today.

It is not news, but know that it's "official" makes no effect. For me it is a sad moment, there is no regret or nostalgia. No more. Because these days I got to rethink everything that has happened in my last season in black and white, and from thence to go back and relive the best dream I could dream of.

All memories, all the joys, triumphs and all - to be honest - even some of the recent bitterness now ... all these images pass before me and at one point and dissolve glaze over in that embrace wonderful time of my last game in Turin. That is the picture that has all the instant that I take with me, that from May 13 I was printed in the heart. Indelible.

Some time ago, before leaving for the holidays, I emptied my locker in Vinovo and, coming out of training camp, where I stopped for many months I've waited for you a photo, an autograph, a greeting ... under the snow, frost, rain, sun shining. But this time I have to say goodbye and thank you, as you have done with me.

The players pass, Juventus remains. They remain my friends, to whom I wish the best: tiferò always for them. Remain especially you fans who are Juventus. Remains that shirt that I loved and I always will, that I wanted and respected, no exceptions, no discounts. I am happy that others after me will wear it, even and especially the "10" since there are names on the shirts eagle, has always brought my own. I am happy for those who will wear next year, I'm happy that somewhere - in Italy and around the world - someone is dreaming of wearing it. And I would be proud that you would go through my story, as I have done with other samples, other examples, other legends.

From tomorrow I will not be a Juventus player, but will always remain one of you.

Now begins another adventure. And I'm loaded like 19 summers ago.

Goodbye, boys. Thanks for everything.

Farewell alex. :sad::cry:

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