I, Chxta (3 Viewers)

Feb 26, 2005
Just to clear the air, I had to email Oria to ask for his password in order to post this. This may be my last ever post on this site.

For the sake of clarity, the rules of the forum are as follows:

Post in any language other than English.
Use foul and abusive language.
Use a signature larger than 4 lines of standard text.
Insult other members, Juventus players and staff
Post full nudity pictures/videos, or other pictures/videos that could offend
Advertise or spam.
Double post.
Ask to be a moderator.
Pretend to be a moderator, or act as though you are a moderator.
Revive dead topics, if a thread is several months old there is no good reason to drag it back up.
Say anything if you have nothing to say.
Open a new thread just to ask a question or just to post a new article, use the search function first, it might get your answer first and keep the forums tidier.
Derail threads where there is serious discussion going on.
Post live match updates in the match thread, there is a special thread for that.
Granted I am guilty of regularly opening new threads. But each of the 339 threads I have ever opened has generated at least one response in context with the topic of the thread, and on the two occasions where someone had posted it before, I quickly apologised, and as Jacques can confirm, asked that the thread be either locked or merged with the original. The implication of this is that for each of 339 threads I have opened in 30 months as a member here, there is at least one person who is interested in what I am saying.

Like almost every other member of this site who's first language isn't English, I have on occasion posted in some other language. I have never seen anyone warned for that much less banned.

I have never used foul or abusive language at any other person, even in the days of the fight with Zlatan. In the last few days I have had to endure a volley of abuse I have had to endure from 7 especially. I didn't notice a warning in his direction, much less a ban.

My signature is in line with the rules.

I have made exactly four posts with nudity in two and a half years, all four have been removed.

The definition of spam is blurred at best, and I have never in any forum other than The Hangout placed a random topic. By the very definition of The Hangout, random topics are actually the order of the day.

I don't write in capital letters.

I don't double post, although I have as yet failed to make use of the multiquote function.

I have never asked to be a moderator, neither have I pretended to be one.

I have on occasion revived 'dead' topics, but then again, which of the older members here hasn't done that for nostalgia's sake?

Everything I have said here needed saying, everything in over 10000 posts, and it would be totally subjective to say that because someone else felt that it didn't need to be said, then it didn't need to be said.

I have never derailed a thread.

For fuck's sake, I have opened 340 threads(including this) in 30 months, which translates to 1 every 3 days. If some people can't endure that, then they should put me on their ignore lists. It isn't like I open threads only in The Hangout. The official Del Piero thread was opened by none other than myself, so how can someone say my threads are pointless? I have opened threads that have generated long discussions, so what gives?

So Bozi, and all the other moderators, I have made my case. If there is a special need to ban me because I have opened a new thread in The Hangout, then go the whole hog and delete my account. I request that my ban be rescinded. I would check back in 24 hours. If the ban is still in place then, I would never come back here again.

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Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
Just to clear the air, I had to email Oria to ask for his password in order to post this. This may be my last ever post on this site.

For the sake of clarity, the rules of the forum are as follows:

Granted I am guilty of regularly opening new threads. But each of the 339 threads I have ever opened has generated at least one response in context with the topic of the thread, and on the two occasions where someone had posted it before, I quickly apologised, and as Jacques can confirm, asked that the thread be either locked or merged with the original. The implication of this is that for each of 339 threads I have opened in 30 months as a member here, there is at least one person who is interested in what I am saying.

Like almost every other member of this site who's first language isn't English, I have on occasion posted in some other language. I have never seen anyone warned for that much less banned.

I have never used foul or abusive language at any other person, even in the days of the fight with Zlatan. In the last few days I have had to endure a volley of abuse I have had to endure from 7 especially. I didn't notice a warning in his direction, much less a ban.

My signature is in line with the rules.

I have made exactly four posts with nudity in two and a half years, all four have been removed.

The definition of spam is blurred at best, and I have never in any forum other than The Hangout placed a random topic. By the very definition of The Hangout, random topics are actually the order of the day.

I don't write in capital letters.

I don't double post, although I have as yet failed to make use of the multiquote function.

I have never asked to be a moderator, neither have I pretended to be one.

I have on occasion revived 'dead' topics, but then again, which of the older members here hasn't done that for nostalgia's sake?

Everything I have said here needed saying, everything in over 10000 posts, and it would be totally subjective to say that because someone else felt that it didn't need to be said, then it didn't need to be said.

I have never derailed a thread.

For fuck's sake, I have opened 340 threads(including this) in 30 months, which translates to 1 every 3 days. If some people can't endure that, then they should put me on their ignore lists. It isn't like I open threads only in The Hangout. The official Del Piero thread was opened by none other than myself, so how can someone say my threads are pointless? I have opened threads that have generated long discussions, so what gives?

So Bozi, and all the other moderators, I have made my case. If there is a special need to ban me because I have opened a new thread in The Hangout, then go the whole hog and delete my account. I request that my ban be rescinded. I would check back in 24 hours. If the ban is still in place then, I would never come back here again.
He's dead right. Give him some fucking rope, he is entertainment afterall. I mean realistically his pointless threads are good read (sometimes) for quality value, and the detractors than get to moan so everybody wins.


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
plus shutdown day is an interesting phenomenon that could lead to good discussion. What? I dont want to talk about Del Piero's fucking shoes all day either.


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
If you want to ban people for pointless fucking threads anyway, take a look at " does chxta exist" by lou. Not only was it " pointless " it was completely lame aswell.


Jun 7, 2004
we cant just lose Chxta, he is a part of this place...
just forbid him the right to open new threads.
Shame though, because some of them were interesting...
if only the frequency they appeared were more...acceptable...


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
we cant just lose Chxta, he is a part of this place...
just forbid him the right to open new threads, shame though because some of them were interesting...
No, he had his own blog place to post them in. His poetry and shit can easily go in there, but if he has some interesting news articles (like the shutdown day idea, sounds perculiar and interesting to me) could of gone unclosed, even though with his track record its understandable why it wasnt given a chance.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


Though I do feel most of his threads were pointless and annoying, I don't think they are against the rules. If just ONE person read what he posted and responded then the thread was worth opening. It doesn't matter if the majority hates his articles and find them annoying, he should have the right to start discussions about anything he thinks is interesting and will interest at least someone. Who are we to say is something worth reading or not? Each individual is different, I find his articles dead boring so I just don't read them.

However, opening new threads with his poems and writings about how he feels that current day is unacceptable. He can post all of those things in his own thread, which he has, no one is ordered to open it, just ignore it folks.


Jun 7, 2004
interesting news articles, is smth relative, noone can really judge whats interesting and whats not,
we are a multi national/race community, we ought to make an extra effort to understand/tolerate our members, this is not the American lobby of Juve fans...
Chxta didnt open less irrelevant threads than the rest of the members in the hangout section.
But he did opened much much more of them, keeping them on a single thread would be a nice idea but it didnt worked out properly for a variety of reasons


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
However, opening new threads with his poems and writings about how he feels that current day is unacceptable. He can post all of those things in his own thread, which he has, no one is ordered to open it, just ignore it folks.
Thats what blogs are for :)


approaching curve
Oct 3, 2004
If you guys don't like his threads don't open them? I've found a couple of his stuff quite interesting, and I think he's a good guy. Def not ban material.

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