How many languages? (1 Viewer)

How many languages do you speak?

  • barely one :D

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8 (in case Erik is still lurking)

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Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
Just two for me - should be three, but as Basti and Erik can attest, I've let what basic grasp I had of German slip away over the past few years. My incentive to re-learn it dried up too. :( (I didn't get the job)

I speak English and Irish. My Irish isn't fluent per se, but it's close enough to meet the criteria set down at the start of this thread.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Strictly English. I'm studying French and Spanish at school and though I understand a fair bit of both it would be unfair to count them as languages I speak. I do pretty well in our oral exams and excel in the writing, but I know for a fact that if I had to spend time in either France or Spain I'd struggle to communicate with the locals. If I had to write a letter to someone I could cope, but speaking is a completely different thing.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2003
++ [ originally posted by EMMY ] ++
IMO English is the most important for business, work and communication world wide. But don’t forget we have the “Body Language” or “Sign Language” more important too, don’t speak - no word but everyone understand. :thumb:
Oh actually I do deaf sign language too. I can communicate with the deaf population and I do occasional voluntary work with sign language interpretations.


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Meow ] ++

Oh actually I do deaf sign language too. I can communicate with the deaf population and I do occasional voluntary work with sign language interpretations.
Your name is meaning a "CAT". Yes or Not?

I pronounce your name “MEOW” like a cat sing and your avatar sign that :D


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

Cool :thumb: I know how to say hello, thank you, where is the toilet, how much etc. in Thai from my 3 weeks there on a mission trip :D
Hey..Hey.. You forgot 2 words "FOOD and WATER" :p


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Sarah ] ++
I've forgotten to mention, in school, I was thought Arabic and Japanese. But they must've been rusty by now, cos I never used them anymore.
Yea, in high school i was thought arabic too. But only in basic. :)


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2002
Yes, English is the main language in Singapore. But normally we speak our own dialects within our own community.

++ [ originally posted by Febrina ] ++
3 => (Bad English, Bahasa Indonesia, and Javanese) ;)
Woah, teach me some Javanese, please. Even though my grandparents were from Java, I know zilch on speaking their language :D Sometimes grandma says something in Javanese to her housemaid when she doesn't want the rest of us to know what she's talking about...

only know a few words like "wedok, lanang, gembok, celeng, gendeng, meneng-kelek (sp?), ..."



Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
I speak English, French and Swedish of course. I can understand Norwegian pretty good but I can't understand anything of what a dane says to me but they understand about everything I say.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2003
++ [ originally posted by EMMY ] ++

Your name is meaning a "CAT". Yes or Not?

I pronounce your name “MEOW” like a cat sing and your avatar sign that :D

Meow is just the way my cats talk...:D


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++

wo. you obssesed with cats? you know that a cat wont save you from drowning while a dog will.
I don't drown myself. :D

Back onto the topic:

I speak Cantonese, English and lousy Madarin.

Tried to learn French and Japanese before but had gone nowhere.


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
I speak 4 languages...
Thai, English, Indonesian and Chinese......fluently ;)
I can sort of understand Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, French and Italian too, because I used to learn those languages....

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