How many languages? (1 Viewer)

How many languages do you speak?

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Jan 24, 2004
only 2 here...German and English. I also have some basic knowledge in French. Moreover there are rudiments of Spanish in my mind. The last two languages I don't consider as my skills because I won't speak fluently with native speakers. But they would be enough to get some food and water - after being marooned in France or Spain :)

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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    Food and water, that's a good one, I'll have to remember that! :howler::D

    Certainly cuts down on the effort of learning a language when two words are enough. :D:cool:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    I know a little bit of English, and I speak Korean at home. At school I learned Latin, French and Japanese, but it wouldn't be fair to say that I know any of them to a sufficient extent


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Does Australian count as a different language? I think it should :D If not, it's just the 2 for me


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    2 only.. Arabic & English.. we had to take English lessons at school from grade 6 and above.. or was it grade 3..!!?? anyway.. I can say "Hi, thanks, see you...etc" in italian, spanich and frensh.. :extatic:


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
    Had English and Arabic in elementary school, English, German and Latin in high school.
    why do they teach you Arabic in Europe?:wth:

    anyway i only speak English and Arabic,i used to speak a bit of melayu,but being away from Malaysian people for 5 years i defenitly forgot the whole damn thing:D


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Gandalf ] ++
    2 only.. Arabic & English.. we had to take English lessons at school from grade 6 and above.. or was it grade 3..!!?? anyway.. I can say "Hi, thanks, see you...etc" in italian, spanich and frensh.. :extatic:
    if only you could spell SpaniSH and FrenCH too! ;)


    What's up Moh.. long time no see :)


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by fred weasley ] ++
    why do they teach you Arabic in Europe?:wth:

    anyway i only speak English and Arabic,i used to speak a bit of melayu,but being away from Malaysian people for 5 years i defenitly forgot the whole damn thing:D
    It was a private school sponsored by a Kuwait organisation.


    Senior Member
    Mar 26, 2003
    Persian and English for me and thats it.

    6 years of Afrikaans and another 6 years of French just barred me away from those two languages ;) Oh yeah, I had to take 3 years of Zulu too, but that was ridiculous. All they taught me was 'hello' 'thankyou' 'bye' and I still cant remember that stuff.....


    Junior Member
    Jul 2, 2004
    Only 2 = Thai and English
    Thai is the official (in Thailand)
    English is the international. I studied from school-university and then learn from TV, newspaper, radio and internet.

    And not enough to count in French, Dutch and Germany its necessary for my work. When we design the product’s label for export to EU market, we will ask our customers translate and support. So, I can spell and understand in the word about product name, ingredients, serving suggestion and etc.(need for label) but I can’t read its!! :D

    IMO English is the most important for business, work and communication world wide. But don’t forget we have the “Body Language” or “Sign Language” more important too, don’t speak - no word but everyone understand. :thumb:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by EMMY ] ++
    Only 2 = Thai and English
    Thai is the official (in Thailand)
    Cool :thumb: I know how to say hello, thank you, where is the toilet, how much etc. in Thai from my 3 weeks there on a mission trip :D

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