Gym and fitness (17 Viewers)


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
Yeah, but it's concentrate :D

I've found some good reviews about whole brand. They are cheap and they are making almost everything, but without fancy packages and "brand new formulas".

I've started working in a Protein shop, and now I have 30% discount on everything :D


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Lol we did. My problem is I can go like 5 days of counting calories and staying on the right track and thenI like snap, and that last day I'll manage to consume all the calories I cut. Regardless I'm looking more for an athletic build
I have that issue, try a higher-lower diet.

Basically make up a diet wich is 500 kcal under the amount you currently need to sustain. then, every third day, and 1 cheat in wich you increase it to just -200kcal instead of 500, and entire based on carbs.

this helps me not getting carb cravings.

I guess it could be seen as a lot but I still have more to drop. I do get my protein. but idk I feel as though I am getting no where.
My routine is a 5 day split with at least 30min cardio a day for those 5 days and on sunday I'll play soccer for 3 hours. Idk
Thats alot of burned calories. But how intense is that 5 day split ?

I'm sorry but I have some more questions about this, I'm just starting to learn this is the way it should be done (not maxing every time). U used to do that and made very little progress. But I would take a break for a week or two when midterms or something else important would come up and upon returning and lifting again my max would be like 20-30 pounds higher.

Volume = high reps low sets and Intense is the opposite? And when you say "4*8," you mean 4 sets of 8 reps at 70% of max, and lift to max every 9 weeks? Lack of knowledge here kills me :p.
Yeah, the deal is you need to take in accound the entire recovery of the muscle and the muscleglycogene. by training volume (at least 6 reps for strenght, much more for BB) and low pauzes between sets (90-150sec depending on endurance), for 70-80%max, you'll grow. Thing is recovering. With proper diet and sleep, you'll be at 90-95% every training. If you dont train a week you are at 100%. in strenght.
But when growing, this is irrelevant and you should keep on doing trainings, that "1 week off" is only good when preparing for a lifting meet, or when as you said, you cant train cause of commitments.

I was a bit unclear in terminology, sorry

Volume just means plenty of worksets with shorter pauzes, to get a high intensity in the workout. You can do lower sets with higher reps, or higher sets with lower reps. The smolov i liked is a crapton of reps. first day is 4sets8reps (=32 total), last day of the week is 3sets10reps (=30reps total), with max2minutes between sets.

Intense, as in the training schedule, for me just means i'm going on a very high %max. i should probably pick a better name for it. This is only relevant for strenght athletes, as there is no use for this if your only concern is aesthetics. Whats done here, is working up to a set of 3, 2 or 1 rep , and you feel that you cannot do an additional rep. (as in 3 reps but you feel you would fail the 4th), whilst maintaining "80%good form".

In my schedule, 3 volume weeks let me grow and improve the muscle, and the 3 "intense" weeks work on the neural and mechanical part.

The 9 weeks was just the duration of my contest preparation, used to give an idea of the strenght boost.

I'm not sure what you mean by this?
But there is label on package and I've seen their official web page, where you can also post and read reviews. I know that doesn't mean much, but then they are from GB and I believe they are much better than the likes of Scitec Nutrition from Hungary.

Also @Zach what do you think about that combo, plus creatine???
Try looking up what the labels stand for. Every region should have some label that confirms that its 95% of what they promise it is.

The combo is pretty cheap. You dont need glutamine but creatine before, and creatine+bcaa after training is nice. nothing special tho.

Imo, get protein, and Assault from Musclepharm, wich is just 23-30 doller depending on region


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
I'd like to point out the fallacy of BCAA.

You see, wether its creatine or bcaa, the brands will market it like you are taking a gram of dianabol or trenbolone. Its not. Lifting for aesthetics is all about recovery.

BCAA's are branch chain amino acids. These consist of 4 essential amino acids. When you have micro tears, the body will break down muscle tissue, to obtain these 4 amino acids. Its during the catabolic state of the body. If you eat a serious bulk, your system is flowing with carbs and protein, this happens to a much lesser degree.
If your body can cope with the recovery of the microtrauma, adding them is irrelevant.

Here is a checklist. Dont consider BCAA if its on the list

#1 You dont have a well balanced protein intake, relative to your BW, over the entire day yet
#2 You are still making lineair progress with beginner/intermediate schedules
#3 you are on a tight budget and need to decide on what to purchase (for the love of darwin, buy whey and vitamins)

The first point is simple. having a well spread and balanced protein intake, will make sure your synthesis is running at max speed. This is a gigantically larger factor then the bcaa's during catabolic phase
When making lineair progress, the catabolic effect is irrelevant
lastly, bcaa's are expensive, why use when not neccecary.

If you hit a plateau and your sleep, train and eat well, you come in the recovery zone. Its here that products like N-ox boosters, creatine, beta alanine, and bcaa's will have their little effect.
Preferably find a pre workout and postworkout with following dosage

pre workout1 scoop should contain :
5grams creatine monohydrate
5grams beta alanine
2+grams of citruline malate or arginine AKG (citruline is better)
1.2+ gram of taurine
and 4 grams of bcaa

post workout one scoop should contain

~25 grams of a recovery carb (maltodextrine, basically. it has hancy names like waxy maize etc, but its all maltodextrine)
5+grams of protein, of with 4grams of bcaa
optional : 5 grams creatine. like me, add it. 500g of creatine costs like 15 bucks, lasts very long

Post workouts are common. Its easy, you need the sugar component and the protein/bcaa.

Pre workouts is a mess. Get Assault from Musclepharm. Its the only good product i'll take. The rest is usually bullshit low dosage, with fuckloads of cafeine and dmaa


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Creatine requires one to be quite careful about keeping properly hydrated (and also should not be used by people with heavy caffeine intakes, or other diuretics)... It can cause quite severe dehydration, as previous levels of water intake are no longer enough.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
I use 10grams of creatine with 600mg of cafeine and 30mg of ephedrine, each training day. Kidneys are totally fine.

Creatine as "extra kidney work" and cafeine as a diuretic are very vastly overrated.

Basically, people act as if it was oral Winstrol. Its absolutely not.

Drink 2liters per day (water, milk from your shake, diet soda, ..) or more, and you are totally fine.

I drink 900ml milk, 2.5liter light soda(addicted to coke light), 1+liter water during training, every day. You should to.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
I use 10grams of creatine with 600mg of cafeine and 30mg of ephedrine, each training day. Kidneys are totally fine.

Creatine as "extra kidney work" and cafeine as a diuretic are very vastly overrated.

Basically, people act as if it was oral Winstrol. Its absolutely not.

Drink 2liters per day (water, milk from your shake, diet soda, ..) or more, and you are totally fine.

I drink 900ml milk, 2.5liter light soda(addicted to coke light), 1+liter water during training, every day. You should to.
Agreed. The problem is that one can never underestimate the stupidity of humans, and hence we have health problems from creatine usage when it really is such a simple thing to stay properly hydrated while using it.

I generally drink about 4 litres of water per day between work and training. And as I'm a rock climber, I take creatine in fairly short cycles to minimize the water retention as any sort of significant weight gain would be rather detrimental to my success.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Agreed. The problem is that one can never underestimate the stupidity of humans, and hence we have health problems from creatine usage when it really is such a simple thing to stay properly hydrated while using it.

I generally drink about 4 litres of water per day between work and training. And as I'm a rock climber, I take creatine in fairly short cycles to minimize the water retention as any sort of significant weight gain would be rather detrimental to my success.


great for your teeth too I guess
Uhm, i said Coke Light, not regular. Coke light only contains phosphoric acid, in a pretty small dosage.
Because regular coke contains a load of sugar and CO2, it forms an immense amount of carbonic acid

Because of this, the pH of regular coke is under 2.5, wich is why it dissolves rust overnight.
Regular diet soda is close to pH 4, Cola light (in europe) is 5. Less harmfull as orange juice

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