Gym and fitness (36 Viewers)


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
Allways interesting to hear whats the latest crap they tell to people to scare them away from leg exercise.
Dont worry, leg extentions good for the knees, especially when done right. They are an isolation excercise for the quadriceps, and a pretty good one. Key is to extend with force, and decent back in a slower fashion.
You have to do leg extentions, because you will need to increase size and strenght of your quads, the true powermuscle.

I've had problems on curls cause i have a metal plate in my bone just above the ankle in the right leg. However, positionning helps here. Make sure your kneediscs are about 2-3centimeters below the corner of the bench you are lying on. like this you rest on your quads, and the knee can move without interruption. Set the machine in such way that the cussion at your feet is slightly above the heel, around the ankle. grab the handles under the bench firmly and raise your chest slightly off.
Its adviced that you begin with lower weights, and work your way up. Tell me if you have problems positionning well, and what the exact issue is.

Hyperextentions are fine. You need to keep that lower back strong.

Leg press is good. Is it a horizontal , or decline press ? ?

At 80kg you got a lot of progression left in the tank. I would advice the regular leg day :

Full squat 4sets : 12-10-8-6 (reps)
Leg press 4sets 12reps
leg extention 3sets 15 reps
leg curl 3 sets 15 reps
calf raise 4 sets 20reps
(seated calf raise 4 sets 20 reps) (if present, else do 5 sets calf raise)

note, this is with ascending weights.

ABout the squat:

What dept are you reaching ? How far are you crossing ? Do you bend forward ? what is your feet position ? are your knees extending in the direction your feet are pointing ? are your knees "crashing in" on the way up ? High bar or low bar ? How tall are you ? How flexible are your hip muscles ?

Are you sure leg extensions are not dangerous? I've seen it from numerous sources and the last thing I want is a crocked knee.

What about lunges? It feels like a good exercise to me.

The leg press is decline.

I go lower than 90º. Don't cross far, probably a few cm over the knee at my lowest point. Sometimes I bend forward on the way up, but try not to. Feet are slightly wider than shoulder width, and knees stay in the same direction as the feet and don't budge. High bar meaning resting high up on the back, then yeah. Iim around 185cm. Not sure how to tell if my hip muscles are flexible...

- - - Updated - - -

Not sure why my post is embedded in to Zach's post and I can't fix it...


May 19, 2006
You are a girl and don't even lift. 'Tis gon' be fun, girl. :p
:lol: I was lifting niece. I was playing get away from the puppy. I was holding her just shy of ground and whisking her up quickly every time the puppy came to lick her feet. Now I am paying for it. :cry:


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
You misunderstood me.. You do use them..
Nah, what you do is mimmic the thermal shivvering of the muscle caused by the nodrenaline response of the adrenal gland by taking a significant dose of cafeine, or taking ephedrine.

Its just contracting quickly under heat. Meaning it has a very small fatburning effect.

However, doing a workout+cardio on cafeine or ephidrine, will have 100x higher effectivity.

Does anyone have any quick cures for a pulled muscle? I didn't get it exercising but it still hurts like a bitch.
1) relax the muscle, take a good seat, lay down, take a long bath, etc
2) whilst relaxed, put ice(wrapped in a towel) on the hurtfull spot. 15min on, 15min off.
3) wrap it in tightly, putting pressure on the area. This will compress the zone and speed up the recovery of the microtrauma significantly

Are you sure leg extensions are not dangerous? I've seen it from numerous sources and the last thing I want is a crocked knee.

What about lunges? It feels like a good exercise to me.

The leg press is decline.

I go lower than 90º. Don't cross far, probably a few cm over the knee at my lowest point. Sometimes I bend forward on the way up, but try not to. Feet are slightly wider than shoulder width, and knees stay in the same direction as the feet and don't budge. High bar meaning resting high up on the back, then yeah. Iim around 185cm. Not sure how to tell if my hip muscles are flexible...
Numerous sources claim squatting kills the knee's. And its all bullshit or incomplete. Leg extentions are totally fine as long as your meniscus and ligaments are fine (as in you didnt get a horrific tackle or accident). Allways warm up with 50% of the max weight, do 12rep sets, get full range of motion (ROM).
It is THE quad isolation excercise

Lunges is something you do if you do a superset. Like bulgarian split squat+lunges. Dont bother, build some baseline first.

Decline legpress is excellent :tup:

Your squat movement seems to be very good. Beeing 185cm, you could consider going low bar and on squatshoes or simply 3cm plates under the heel.
However, flat feet and high bar, is incredibly good to train those quadriceps, so stick to it if aestetics is your goal.

Its very important to be honest about yourself. If your prime target is aestethics, then after a while weights become irrelevant. High volumes become your thing, long sets,short breaks etc. More then your weight, you should measure the size of the quads, and take pictures every 2 weeks at the exact same moment. Measuring fat% also helps.
Keep away from deadlifts. Useless if you want aesthetics, and downright dangerous for injuries.

Fuck you all, I will be 40 years old in a couple of months. I have just completed my fifth half marathon with a personal best. Actually, I have improved my time each time I ran.

1.42.52 proud like a cloud.
Well done Jack, pround about you ! :tup:

For now, keep doing what you do, cause its actually pretty good. I'm gonna talk about it with my spotter who gained like 7cm on his quadriceps in 9 months by hard training, i'll ask what routines he did.

But what you do is excellent, the only thing i'd change is the reps.

everything except squat can be 12-15reps for 3-5 sets. But for squat, i'd do : 4 sets, 12-10-8-6 reps. If you can manage the 6reps with good form, next time, increase the weight by 5 kg. Based on your target final set weight, devide your weights like : 50%-70%-90%-100%. Thats how i trained for the period in wich i did bodybuilding schedules.

I'll requote when i had the talk


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
What Zach said. The rule is, no pain no gain. The thing may simulate the muscles but they're it being used per se.

@Lilith. Use the RICE method.

- - - Updated - - -

One thing @Orgut needs to realise, is how we grow muscle.

Your nitrogen retention and testosterone levels, determine how much muscle your body packs without working out.
When you work out, you'll create microtrauma, cause hormonal response to repair the tissue and create new, and increase nitrogen retention.

To create microtrauma, you need to train with significant enough weights relative to the muscle, for enough volume.

Definition excercises, require low weight, high reps, cause the target are ligaments and small muscles, wich grow slowly and injury quickly, for example front and side lateral raises for the small shoulder muscles.
Mass excercises require high weight, and good volume. These excercise the bigger muscles (a pec, a lat, a quad a bicep etc). for examle military press for the large shoulder muscle.

Contracting a muscle, requires energy. Getting rid of the heath created by the contraction (sweating), requires energy. recovering requires energy and if you do cardio afterwards, that also require energy. This is much more effective then some electrodes.


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
Numerous sources claim squatting kills the knee's. And its all bullshit or incomplete. Leg extentions are totally fine as long as your meniscus and ligaments are fine (as in you didnt get a horrific tackle or accident). Allways warm up with 50% of the max weight, do 12rep sets, get full range of motion (ROM).
It is THE quad isolation excercise

Lunges is something you do if you do a superset. Like bulgarian split squat+lunges. Dont bother, build some baseline first.

Decline legpress is excellent :tup:

Your squat movement seems to be very good. Beeing 185cm, you could consider going low bar and on squatshoes or simply 3cm plates under the heel.
However, flat feet and high bar, is incredibly good to train those quadriceps, so stick to it if aestetics is your goal.

Its very important to be honest about yourself. If your prime target is aestethics, then after a while weights become irrelevant. High volumes become your thing, long sets,short breaks etc. More then your weight, you should measure the size of the quads, and take pictures every 2 weeks at the exact same moment. Measuring fat% also helps.
Keep away from deadlifts. Useless if you want aesthetics, and downright dangerous for injuries.
Okay, I'll take your word for the leg extensions.

Why do you recommend low bar, and plates under the heels? Btw, my shoes are not flat sole like recommended but running shoes.

When I started out, it was all about aesthetics. It's still the main purpose, but now seeing progress in strength is very important too.

Deadlifts are dangerous? I actually tried it for the first time this week but felt like I was doing shit, so I was gonna let someone show me.


Oct 28, 2010
Wait, what do you mean by deadlifts are dangerous, Zach? That's like my favorite exercise. I do wanna look nice but deadlifts are a full body workout and in the end they'll make you stronger and able to gain more muscle. That's my theory.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Okay, I'll take your word for the leg extensions.

Why do you recommend low bar, and plates under the heels? Btw, my shoes are not flat sole like recommended but running shoes.
When I started out, it was all about aesthetics. It's still the main purpose, but now seeing progress in strength is very important too.
Deadlifts are dangerous? I actually tried it for the first time this week but felt like I was doing shit, so I was gonna let someone show me.
People who are tall (i'm 1m91) and squat with a regular pose, have a hard time getting proper dept without bending over or crossing to much on higher weights.
Lowering the bar on the back, and raising the heels, helps you get much deeper without this happening.

High bar is good to focus mostly on quadriceps. Low bar will also adress the glutes and hip, and is better for the lower back on high weights, hence why every powerlifter squats low bar, and bodybuilders go high bar.

Wait, what do you mean by deadlifts are dangerous, Zach? That's like my favorite exercise. I do wanna look nice but deadlifts are a full body workout and in the end they'll make you stronger and able to gain more muscle. That's my theory.
Deadlifts are a fantastic excercise to gain core strenght and become a powerhouse. Nothing feels as good as locking out a huge weight, in both conventional and sumo deadlift.

However, shrugs, wide lateral pulldowns, chest supported rows, upright rows, machine rows, low cable rows, face pulls, hyper extentions, close grip pulldown, barbell rows,.. are all excercises who in total give simular looking muscles. They will also stand out and look big. But you wont be nearly as strong.

But here is the deal. The ones i named, dont injure you easely. A deadlift with convex back, without significant core, leads to hernia's, fractures, slipped vertebral notches, and tears in the erector or lumbar muscle.

Bodybuilders want asthetics, not core strenght. SO with with isolation, not compounds.


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
People who are tall (i'm 1m91) and squat with a regular pose, have a hard time getting proper dept without bending over or crossing to much on higher weights.
Lowering the bar on the back, and raising the heels, helps you get much deeper without this happening.

High bar is good to focus mostly on quadriceps. Low bar will also adress the glutes and hip, and is better for the lower back on high weights, hence why every powerlifter squats low bar, and bodybuilders go high bar.
I'll try it.

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