Gym and fitness (84 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Why are those great examples? Because they agreed with you? Have you seen their legs personally? Describe my squat? What are you going to criticize my form? Okay my feet are a little wider than shoulder width apart, I stare up at a point on the ceiling so my back and core are tight and straight, and lower my hips so that they are lower than my knees or whatever and then I go back up. That is my squat. I usually am barefoot or have converses on so I can have a flat surface for my feet so that my form is better as well. How do YOU do your squats?
They are great examples because they are persons who have relatively, and very thin legs, yet put them trough some training, and got some nice progression going.

I asked because i wanted to make sure you arent one of those "20cm above parallell squatters". Considering your comments, i see you got a hip domminant squat, and i'm sure you do it well.

At 185 kg squat, you arent just "making some nice progress". Thats a pretty good weight, for your bodyweight. Obviously, your legs will have grown quite a bit to reach such weight.
What you did is what i described above. Someone with smaller legs can get massive or strong, but it will take a fuckload of work. Considering your 122point wilks score on your squat, thats exactly what you did.

I allways had big upper legs. I went in 2.5 years from 100 to 232.5 kg squat, with an average of 1 injury per year. And i if i can keep this up for 2/3 years, i could go for 300kg whilst remaining drug free. Because i got very good genetics for the quadriceps.

Then there are my forearms. They were very small. Craptons of training gave them some adequate size, and i can hold 280kg for ±20 seconds (with chalked hands), but there are many guys in my gym who are smaller and less strong, with 50% more size on their forearms. Thats genetics aswel.

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You can get massive legs. But it will take so, so much efford with food and specific hateful training.


That's the point of working out. You are wasting your time if you go half-assed at the gym. Working out or "training" doesn't have to be hateful. Learn to enjoy doing something and it won't be hateful. Its not that hard to build muscle, all you need is time and patience and the results will come.
yes yes yes, i agree with those.

Yes i know if he dedicates himself he can change that, but that wasent the point. The point was that someone who trains casually and has at most average genetics considering the legs, doesnt have to worry about his legs getting big.

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Oh man, brutal Zach. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Hope you bounce back as quickly as possible.
here is the dilemma. re-attaching hamstrings is 6 weeks out. allowing the other hamstrings to take its place means 2 months of less power and stability in the leg when deadlifting above 250kg.

The second isnt a big issue. But if i can get stronger in the long run with the first option, and i can do it, i will do it.

Buy on


Release clause?
May 22, 2009
Anyway, speaking of legs. I have thick legs and I want them to get smaller. I store a lot of my fat in my legs. Should I just skip leg day? Not squat?


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Anyway, speaking of legs. I have thick legs and I want them to get smaller. I store a lot of my fat in my legs. Should I just skip leg day? Not squat?
Fat cannot be removed locally, thats a common myth used by scumbag assfag big fitness chains, trying to lure people.
You need to simply burn the fat. Leg day is actually excellent for it. Followed by cardio, ideally, running.

For example, i lost 8.2kg in 10 weeks whilst preparing for contest. I followed the Smolov meso cycle, wich was 132 squatreps per week.

Currently doing a reactive training schedule with twoblock periodisation. Volume weeks have me do 6reps@8-9RPE with 90 sec intervals untill i reach RPE9+ on that weight.
Should work burning off about 20 more kilograms

I wait with cardio untill i lose less then 2kg/2weeks. Gonna do interval bicycle then.


Jun 17, 2011
A friend of mine (female) is trying to lose weight. To do this I'm having her do interval running primarily, but she's been having knee pains. Possibly from doing squats (I think it's her shoes without proper arch supports, but she's ridiculously stubborn sometimes). I see that you do interval biking, how exactly do you time the intervals? I figured that might be better for her because it's lower impact. And is there anything else aside from squats that she can do to work lower body?


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
A friend of mine (female) is trying to lose weight. To do this I'm having her do interval running primarily, but she's been having knee pains. Possibly from doing squats (I think it's her shoes without proper arch supports, but she's ridiculously stubborn sometimes). I see that you do interval biking, how exactly do you time the intervals? I figured that might be better for her because it's lower impact. And is there anything else aside from squats that she can do to work lower body?
Squats that hurt knees means shes crossing.
Its a women, make sure her knees dont come in front of her toes.
Make sure she squats pussy to grass, deep under parallell, so knees are attheir strongest when reversing the movement

Lower body work for females: leg curl superset w leg extention, calf raise superset with situps, bulgarian one legged squat superset w walking lunges, adductor, abductor, leg press and most of all, he glutes machine

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My biking intervals are on a stationary gym bike.

One minute max load it can offer at 90+ or 100+ rpm depending on the day
One minute no load

Repeat 10x. Works insanely good for me


Oct 28, 2010
What's up with that kind of pullup in the second gif though? I have a crossfit friend who was showing me that shit, and I was ashamed.
Lol they're way easier to do because you're building momentum but at the same time you're wayyy more likely to injure yourself and you won't be getting as much of an exercise.

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This, seriously. They got 5kg plates that look the same size as eleiko competition plates of 25 kg
It's bullshit, just to make them feel stronger. Wrong way to go about it.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
I dont get how they feel right. We got these bouncer 10kg plates for crossfit that are like 8cm thick. I never use them. Doesnt feel right
Using as much of the red eleiko plates (25kg) as possible, THAT is the way to do it. Hoping to get a new layer on, hell yeah.

On a sidenote, i went to radiologist this morning, after the dokter tought i had a torn off hamstring.

The fucker was wrong. According to the echo (with is conclusive), i got 5 tears in 2 diffrent hamstrings(semimembranosus and semitendonosus), a massive tear in a fat package that is still leaking blood, and an area of 10 by 12cm where the skin disconnected from the tissue that holds it.

But its NOT torn off. Wich means i'll have a full recovery in 6 weeks, and full strenght and stability in 5. I'm so fucking happy all day since.

TOmorrow, i will rape my dokters hot milf wife, for giving me all the fear in the world untill today


May 11, 2004
I took my monster run today, the longest I do before the half marathon which is in exactly 2 weeks. 17.5 km and I was a pace of 6 min/km which is 1 min/km slower than my race tempo. Why? Because I had a stroller with two kids in it and damn they weigh nowadays...

Anyway, I don't feel ready and that's the feeling I've had the past 4 years every year before the race and I still could improve my time. I am feeling though that now it's the fifth time and since I am on an improvement, I have to have a better time this year which now feels extremely hard to beat. Anyway, the coming runs next week will be only HIIT combined with some lifting.

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