Group E (2 Viewers)

Group E

  • Netherlands

  • Denmark

  • Japan

  • Cameroon

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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2006
GREAT NEWS!!! about Robben gonna make it to the world cup:weee:
Nederland kan opgelucht ademhalen. De blessure van Arjen Robben lijkt mee te vallen. Vooralsnog heeft het er de schijn van dat de aanvaller het WK niet aan zich voorbij hoeft te laten gaan. De kans dat hij echter de start van het toernooi in Zuid-Afrika zal halen lijkt klein.

De KNVB meldt zondagavond dat de linkeraanvaller een scheurtje heeft opgelopen in zijn hamstring. Robben zal de komende dagen intensief worden behandeld. “Ik heb besloten voorlopig geen vervanger voor Arjen op te roepen en hem zodoende alle kans te geven nog tijdens het toernooi aan te sluiten”, aldus bondscoach Bert van Marwijk.

Robben raakte zaterdagmiddag in de uitzwaaiwedstrijd tegen Hongarije geblesseerd aan zijn hamstring en vloog daardoor niet mee met de selectie naar Zuid-Afrika. Zondagmiddag werd hij onderzocht in Nederland en per sms hield hij Giovanni van Bronckhorst op de hoogte. De KNVB heeft echter als eerste duidelijkheid verschaft.


The Dutch Touch
Aug 17, 2007
:weee: :weee: :weee: :weee:

I saw the TV show where they called him to check on him. It's minor damage to his hamstring, which would take about 4-5 weeks to heal by just resting. He's had these kind of issues before and will go to this doctor who's known for his revolutionary treatment, and believes he might be back in a week or so.

All of this obviously depends on how well the treatment works etc etc, but it looks like he's pretty sure to make the knockout stages at least. He himself is counting on just missing maybe the first game.

Speedy recovery Arjen, we need you. :heart: :xfinger:


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
The problem with hamstring injuries, and Robben in particular, is that if he is rushed back then he is likely to do it again. But it's the World Cup, I guess you have to take the gamble.


The Dutch Touch
Aug 17, 2007

That's basically what he said himself. The good thing here is that say it takes him bit over a week to get 'fit', he could take a little time before playing, as I think we'll do fine in the group anyway.

The games after that is where we need Robben, against top teams he can decide a game, like he's done for Bayern. We play, assuming we win our group :xfinger:, our first knock-out game on the 28th of June. That's 3 weeks time, starting tomorrow.

If it's a relatively small injury, he should be able to recover fully by then.


Yes, this is me talking to make myself feel better, but it also makes sense in a way. :D


The Dutch Touch
Aug 17, 2007
AMSTERDAM - 'Mogelijk is Arjen Robben al op tijd fit om het eerste duel van Oranje op het WK in Zuid-Afrika mee te kunnen spelen', dat liet Dick van Toorn doorschemeren in KRO's radioprogramma Tijd voor Twee.

Dick van Toorn Foto: ANP De fysiotherapeut uit Rotterdam voegde daar aan toe: „Met een slag om de arm, denk ik dat dat moet kunnen.”


The specialist who's working with Robben to get him fit, thinks he should be fit even before the first game, in exactly one week. I hope we rest him long as possible, to use him at a later stage.

Still, I hope he manages to fix Robben as quickly as he's hoping for / predicting.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2006
If i was vMarwijk i would not play him the first match, let him shine against Japan.

How about Elia for the rightside for some speed or Kuijt for the hard working? Till Robben is fit ofc


The Dutch Touch
Aug 17, 2007
Or even the last game in the group, if there's any risk involved. We shouldn't need Robben to get past Japan.


The Ocean Star
May 20, 2009
There is plenty of time for Arjen to heal and be ready for the latter stages of the tournament. Probably why Coach is not looking for a replacement.

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