Greek Election (1 Viewer)



Senior Member
Dec 6, 2012
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    just heard that guy alexis talk, sounds like a proper moron
    It's something new for Greece...and the difference with the second party(which was in charge before) indicates that Greek citizens couldn't stand it anymore.
    Anyway, i don't believe either in him but we'll see in the next few days.


    Oracle of Copenhagen
    Jul 10, 2009
    Juventino[RUS];4805806 said:
    I am not fan of what EU did to Greece when they forced them to take loan and then they were discussing for years what to do with Greece's debt
    Okay, Martin.
    Mar 9, 2006
    Who are Syriza and what do they stand for?

    Leader of Syriza party Alexis Tsipras (file pic)
    An acronym meaning the "Radical Coalition of the Left", Syriza was formed in 2004 as an umbrella group
    Led by 40-year-old Alexis Tsipras
    The party first came to prominence following the 2008 Greek riots
    It promises an end to Greece's painful austerity measures and wants to renegotiate its debt
    Markets worry about a Greek debt default and a possible exit from the eurozone, though Syriza says it wants to keep the euro


    Oracle of Copenhagen
    Jul 10, 2009

    This is a wakeup call for the establishment around Europe.

    Populism will victor if Austerity and the Neoliberal discourse continues. Luckily in Greece it was the lefties, but around most of Europe it's the right wing xenophobe, islamophobes and national populist that are eating up the marginalised voters.

    Equality, jobs and social conditions needs to be prioritised above balancing the budgets, pleasing the financial sector and the officials around EU.

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