giuly (2 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jan 8, 2006

In Spagna giurano che la Juve aveva osservatori al Camp Nou, ma non per Saviola...

L'interesse della "Signora" sarebbe tutto per Ludovic Giuly.

zoom - galleria Osservatori della Juventus al Camp Nou. Direte: grazie, si sa da mesi che i bianconeri vogliono prendere Saviola a parametro zero, sarebbe ovvio andare ad analizzarne le gesta. Discorso logico che però viene corroborato nell'edizione di "Sport" di oggi da una nuova clamorosa indiscrezione.

Pare che la tattica bianconera sia quella di mandare in avanscoperta i propri 007 per far sembrare altissima l'attenzione sul "Pibito" per poi prendere serie informazioni su di un altro tassello a disposizione di Frankie Rijkaard.

Chi? A "Sport" (che nel clan barcellonista ha fonti ed è sempre molto bene informato) sono convinti che Didì Deschamps abbia già telefonato a Ludovic Giuly per proporgli di vestire la casacca juventina. Vuoi vedere che si ricostituisce la coppia che portò il Monaco in finale di Champions?


In Spain swear that the Juve had observatories to the Camp Nou, but not for Saviola... The interest of the "Lady" has been all for Ludovic Giuly.

Zoom lens - arcade Observatories of the Juventus to the Camp Nou. You will say: thanks, it is known from months that the bianconeri want to take Saviola to parameter zero, has been obvious to go to analyze it the deeds. Logical speech that however comes corroborated in the edition of "Sport" of today from a sensational news indiscretion. It seems that the tactical bianconera is that of to send in avanscoperta the actual 007 to make to seem high the caution on the "Pibito" for then to take serious information over another one I plug available of Frankie Rijkaard. Who? To "Sport" (that in the clan barcellonista has sources and is always a lot well informed) that Didì are convinced Deschamps have already telephoned to Ludovic Giuly for them of clothes the cloak juventina. You want to see that itself ricostituisce the couple that carried the Monk in final version of Champions?

what you think

please discuss

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Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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For a modest sum, even better for free, I'd be all over him. Great player that's rotting away on the barcelona bench.


Jun 7, 2004
Monaco is translated as Monk?

Giuly is a brilliant player, one of the best IMO and he could work wonders to solve our creativity problems. I dont think we can sign such a good player now...


Too busy to bother
May 20, 2006
Giuly is a brilliant player, one of the best IMO and he could work wonders to solve our creativity problems. I dont think we can sign such a good player now...
Why not, he isn't playing at Barca and he is French, with DD, Trez, Boum and Blanc, we have plenty of French influence towards him so I think he could be interested in signing for us.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Monaco is translated as Monk?

Giuly is a brilliant player, one of the best IMO and he could work wonders to solve our creativity problems. I dont think we can sign such a good player now...
Why not? He's barely ever playing in Barca and he's already 30, he isn't got much time to be just sitting around on the bench. Most of all he is too good for that.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
i wouldn't call him a solution for our creativity problems , as hes not very skillful but more of the explosive winger type.

wouldn't mind him here but not my preference if camo was to leave


Too busy to bother
May 20, 2006
Sep 28, 2002
yesterday i also thought it would be nice to get rothen as well. was great under dd in monaco, then went to french inter and we know all too well what happens when people do that.
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