Giampalo Pazzini (2 Viewers)

Il Messiah

Junior Member
Aug 21, 2004
it"s real moggi think pazzini next DP
Come previsto, l'arrivo di Capello ha dato un forte impulso alla campagna acquisti bianconeri estiva. Questo impulso, però, non si ferma davanti alla riconquista di Trezeguet, all'ingaggio di Fabio Cannavaro e del bomber Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Oltre alla politica degli acquisti "pochi ma pesanti" la dirigenza bianconera intende anche a comprare 뱕erde?

La Juventus, nel corso della scorsa estate, avrebbe già strappato un accordo di massima con l묨talanta per la cessione di Giampaolo Pazzini, 19 anni, giovane gioiello di Pistoia in forza alla formazione orobica.

Pazzini è frutto della Primavera nerazzurra ed è considerato dagli osservatori, ma soprattutto da Luciano Moggi, come il futuro Alex Del Piero. Assieme a lui, dovrebbe arrivare, in accoppiata, Riccardo Montolivo, classe 1985, fantasista alla "Totti", stella della nuova Under di Gentile seguita con molta attenzione anche dal Milan.

La Juve, con Pazzini, ha intenzione di fare un investimento a lungo termine: acquistarlo in inverno e poi decidere se farlo allevare direttamente da Capello, bravissimo con i giovani, o lasciarlo con l'Atalanta per un anno a farsi le ossa in A.


Buy on


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++

In CM Bonera is one of the best defenders in the world yet in real life he's average at best. Scouts can't be right all the time.
Bonera was never good in my squads.U used him as RB or CD? but alot of teams r interested in him in CM.he is good for business ;)


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Pazzini is a really good player in CM, and you can always get him for free in the second season so he is no brainer in the game.:D.
And I do agree that SI tends to have a good scouts and often finds talent before they get famous. However, they often tend to overrated European talents and often neglect and underrate players from Asia and Africa. I mean is James Mc Fadden really better than Ono? And given the ratings on players from some minor European nations i.e Wales, they should walk-over Japan and Korea, which we know isnt true in real life.
Hence, until I see Pazzini play I will reserve my judgement. However, one thing certain is that we should be looking for Del Piero's future replacement from now on. We don't necessarily replace Alex next season, but all young talents should be given consideration, and better snatch promising player on a low value than spending millions.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by snoop ] ++

Bonera was never good in my squads.U used him as RB or CD? but alot of teams r interested in him in CM.he is good for business ;)
I usually play him as a RB but he's excellent in the centre as well :)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i have never seen pazzini paly,but if he's a shadow of the player in CM then i'd be very happy indeed if he does sign for juve:D


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++

I usually play him as a RB but he's excellent in the centre as well :)
I know he is one of the best in CM and everybody praises him. but i used him in both position but didn't work for me.:undecide:


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Bonera is better than Mexes in CM. Hmmm, I wonder how they came up with that? ;). Anyway, Bonera is a must buy given that he is FA in the first season.:D


Pazzini is better as a SC than shadow striker in CM, while he is often described as a segunda punta in these boards. I am at loss in what to believe in.:D


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Statistically Bonera is better as CB than RB given that his marking, and tackling is outstanding, and while his crossing is decent, dribbling and some other apsects means that he limited in terms of attacking wise. However, I do generally prefer him as RB because he tends to have that horrendous games where he literally gives away goals, and far from being consistent.

Cordova, and Lucio are too of my favorites CBs in the game, though I pepped up rating big time on Miyamoto Tsuneyoshi and Nakazawa Yui:ji.:D.
Thomas Ujufalusi isnt too shabby either.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Jun-hide ] ++
Statistically Bonera is better as CB than RB given that his marking, and tackling is outstanding, and while his crossing is decent, dribbling and some other apsects means that he limited in terms of attacking wise. However, I do generally prefer him as RB because he tends to have that horrendous games where he literally gives away goals, and far from being consistent.

Cordova, and Lucio are too of my favorites CBs in the game, though I pepped up rating big time on Miyamoto Tsuneyoshi and Nakazawa Yui:ji.:D.
Thomas Ujufalusi isnt too shabby either.
Lucio is GOD in CM :thumb:

btw are those numbers in player's profile true (in CM ofcourse)? i don't think they are. i.e. they put x player's panealty taking 20.and he always misses :dontcare:


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Jun-hide ] ++
Statistically Bonera is better as CB than RB given that his marking, and tackling is outstanding, and while his crossing is decent, dribbling and some other apsects means that he limited in terms of attacking wise. However, I do generally prefer him as RB because he tends to have that horrendous <a target="_blank" href="">games</a> where he literally gives away goals, and far from being consistent.

Cordova, and Lucio are too of my favorites CBs in the game, though I pepped up rating big time on Miyamoto Tsuneyoshi and Nakazawa Yui:ji.:D.
Thomas Ujufalusi isnt too shabby either.
de la cuesta is the best:stuckup:


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002

I do think rating does work most of times - Once I played Super Coppa with Lazio against Inter, and most of my player's penalty rating was 12 and unsurprisingly we lost. If the players with penalty rating is 20, and yet constantly misses then you are simply unlucky.:p:D.

The best player in the game is Jun. His passing, flair, technique, creativeness, et al are all 20.;):D


Jul 15, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
True, and we can't completely blame SI for making Bonera as good as they did because he was excellent before last season and still has potential.
Bonera wasnt great, he was just expensive.:D


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
As NEDVED said, Pazzini's a hell of a player in Championship Manager, but I'll reserve my judgement about him until I see him in real life.
so nedved play hell lots of cm?


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
btw, I've heard that we gave up some guy called Paparesta when we bought Canna, so the deal was Canna for Carini+Paparesta?!

Who the hell is Paparesta, I've never heard of him before... :confused:

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