Genres YOU LISTEN TO (Majed had a serious comprehension problem here) (7 Viewers)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I listen t all kinds of musik!! evryone must listan to all.
Well there is only one kind that i hate, is rap. They could have great messages in his lyrics, but the musik is senseless,, meaningless, musicless.
I like a little of pop
-rock pop,
- latin music (salsa, tipika, merengue, pop latino, rok latino)
-I like Japanese j-pop and J-rock.
-I like brazilian music.
-Sometimes classical music
-My fav genre, melodic metal.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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    Oh I forgot one... what would you call metal played with classical instruments? It makes the sound tolerable cause the instruments make emit music and not noise, hence you hear the actual melody, also without the dreadful vocal interruptions.

    Anyway, that genre I also listened to a while ago.. :D


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    Oh I forgot one... what would you call metal played with classical instruments? It makes the sound tolerable cause the instruments make emit music and not noise, hence you hear the actual melody, also without the dreadful vocal interruptions.

    Anyway, that genre I also listened to a while ago.. :D
    well i have to admit that some voices of metal bands totally the song, but in general, when is well played, it sounds extreme beatifull.

    U want a prove? Download this song!.:
    Royal Hunt -"Tearing Down the World"
    This song have good classical arrangements combined with good quality metal, and talks about what is happening right now in the world.

    Or Angra-"Nothing to say". This song is a mix of brazilialn folk music, with heavy classical influence, and melodic metal. Just too impressive.
    If you are beggining to listen this genre, this band is a must for you!!.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++
    a friend of mine said he know of a band that was basically an orchestra of guitars.....sounds very very cool :cool:
    Tell me the name!!. Im sure that i have hear about it.

    In this genre of music, almost all the bands have Very good guitar players.


    Senior Member
    Sep 2, 2002
    i went and saw jon lord's concerto for group and orchestra a few weeks ago... if that isn't the ultimate blend of rock and classical then i just don't know what is
    it was incredible :)


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by hoshi ] ++
    i went and saw jon lord's concerto for group and orchestra a few weeks ago... if that isn't the ultimate blend of rock and classical then i just don't know what is
    it was incredible :)
    i dont know that jon lord guy, ill download some songs of him right now, to listen =).


    Senior Member
    Sep 2, 2002
    he was the keyboard player in deep purple, but he composed this amazing piece for a rock/metal group and a symphony orchestra. deep purple played it on one tour and then the score was lost, and a dutch music student wrote it all out by listening to a recording of the concert over and over and over...
    then this little aussie band, george, got picked as the new torch bearers for the piece, and it was phenomenal.

    but anyways, to my point - you might get a lot of deep purple stuff if you search for him, which isn't a bad thing, but won't be quite the experience i had :)


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by hoshi ] ++
    he was the keyboard player in deep purple, but he composed this amazing piece for a rock/metal group and a symphony orchestra. deep purple played it on one tour and then the score was lost, and a dutch music student wrote it all out by listening to a recording of the concert over and over and over...
    then this little aussie band, george, got picked as the new torch bearers for the piece, and it was phenomenal.

    but anyways, to my point - you might get a lot of deep purple stuff if you search for him, which isn't a bad thing, but won't be quite the experience i had :)
    oh my god im understanding now, he was the keyboard player of DEEP PURPLE?
    That band is a legend!! every good jedbanger must have listened at least one son gof deep purple, they were one of the first who played the new wave of metal in the 80´s. The bands of our days have been influenced by bands like deep.

    i love Deep Purple´s "Burrrnn!!"

    just to cool!.

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